Wednesday, March 16, 2011

US operated UAVs near Pilgrim plant for years after 9/11, takes days to fly over actual disaster

In the years after the Battle of the Manhattan Forest, the USA routinely flew hovering UAVs in shifts over the waters off the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, every night.

These UAVs appeared as hovering lights low on the horizon with a shimmering multicolor FLIR on them that responded to lights on shore etc, as cars pulled in and out or lights were shown on them.

As they swung the UAV around to put cameras on cars, etc., the floodlight would go out of sight as it rotated out of view and then returned when the observer was satisfied that it wasn't Osama bin Laden arriving on Cape Cod to turn himself in for crimes no warrant was issued for yet.

When their "shift" ended, they'd turn on a full complement of strobe lights, fly back in, and be replaced by a fully lit replacement. The replacement would then shut its lights off except for a single flood.

The USA was so fast to engage in these violations of posse comitatus. They knew which direction the parking lots and shoreline were and what they were assigned to look at, but they just couldn't seem to stay focused.

When it was Japan and an actual disaster and not a phantom menace of their own creation, it took until a week later for them to take this course:

Why is that ? Does the idea of a million fresh cancer cases in Japan titillate the Globalist drug pushers at Bilderberg controlled Merck and the rest ?

Alex Jones said that days ago and he was right.


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