Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why would they support al Qaida in Libya ?

There are many reasons the USA would freely engage in a de facto Civil War by backing al Qaida in Libya and attacking it in Iraq and Afghanistan, besides American factions literally fighting reach other.

There's the old sham of WHAM from Vietnam.

In attempting to Win Hearts and Minds there are the clueless that think that they can show al Qaida in Libya what nice guys they are and reform them by helping them.

The rest know that even if they fail to reform any al Qaida by aiding it, once saved by US strikes, fighters will then be safe to return to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan where they perpetuate those wars and profits. Why wouldn't the US try to save fighters in Libya that are worth money to them ?

They're only worth money if the USA kills them or converts them, not if Gaddafi does.

If fighters in Libya are exterminated by Gaddafi's hand, Globalists can't sell weapons in Libya that will then be turned on Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq. They also can't perpetuate arms sales and perpetuate the adventures fighting al Qaida in the other two countries.

If Globalists don't allow al Qaida to establish itself in Libya, and Gaddafi were to exterminate them, then corporations wouldn't have another ongoing money pit war opportunity opening.

Puppets won't sell as many goods as religious regimes in the future.

And of course there's the plan to take the Libyan oil, and extend credit slavery to the Libyans. Indeed, why not include al Qaida members in this ? They'll show the fighters all the nice toys they can buy on credit and pay by the month if they fight Gaddafi and not America.

The government wants the American public to believe that fighters magically become the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan, and turn into friends to aid and profit from in Libya.

And all this assumes that the USA isn't just fighting itself. In that case, all these profiteering methods hold true as well.


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