Monday, May 2, 2011

11 September and 1 May

September 11 is a pivotal date in Germanic history, and was to Adolf Hitler who worshiped Arminius.

Hitler's entire nationalist existence centered on the success of Germanic tribes on 11 September, and Hitler's death was declared on 1 May.

Arminius was the traitor to Rome known by his German name, Hermann. He caused the decimation of three lawful Roman Legions, Leg. XVII, XVIII and XIX, totaling between 20,000 and 30,000 soldiers and support staff.

He was also who Adolf Hitler turned to for a symbol for Nazi Germany. He was who Hermann, Missouri, erected a statue to on the 2000 year anniversary of his unlawful attack on Rome, as I said in the hours before this "news" of bin Laden broke. Are there any other usurpers of law and government they'd like to salute ?

Bin Laden "attacked" on 11 September and his death was declared on 1 May.

Really ?

Let the thousands of articles speak for themselves. The dates, then the hours, have changed repeatedly in the bin Laden narrative.

The "coincidences" for fools go beyond that. In Pentagon: Osama bin Laden Wife Identified Him by Name, we are treated to the lame evidence that if someone yells a name, that it's the person in question and not a double, or that the whole story isn't a fake to conceal that this man was killed 8 years ago, and brought out to raise political capital and more distractions.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the Pentagon, said a woman believed to be bin Laden's wife identified him by name during the U.S. raid that killed him in Pakistan.

If she had identified him as "Adolf", would that make the body Hitler, and her Eva Braun ?

Is there any question that after killing three children and Gaddafi's son, that this story emerged ? Or that after the multi-layer "birth certificate" Adobe file on a fake background that this story emerged ?

The story of Osama bin Laden's death was released on 1 May, the same day that Adolf Hitler's death was revealed. And that was how this story started. The reports all said 30 April... and the announcement date became the night of 1 May, like Hitler.

The story of bin Laden's death was released hours after I said he was dead on here, on 30 April, after a months long lecture to identify the roots of this sham dating back 2000 years.

In April 2002, over nine years ago, Council on Foreign Relations member Steve R. Pieczenik, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and James Baker, told the Alex Jones Show that Bin Laden had already been “dead for months”.

The death of a sister of Osama bin Laden at Massachusetts General Hospital allowed the United States to confirm bin Laden's death, ABC News reported.

When his sister died in Boston, tissue from her body was taken by government officials for DNA testing, ABC News correspondent Brian Ross reported.

A source told NewsCenter 5 that bin Laden's sister died in Boston about a year ago.

The tissue sample was used to match the DNA found on the man killed by special forces troops who conducted the raid on bin Laden's Pakistani compound.

Government officials claimed the DNA evidence provides a match with 99.9 percent confidence.

The officials did not immediately say where or how the testing was done but the test explains why President Barack Obama was confident to announce the death to the world Sunday night. Obama provided no details on the identification process.

DNA testing using a brain ? DNA testing can be done with blood or hair. They didn't need a brain.

Here's an odd twist in the Osama kill story: According to various reports, when bin Laden was shot dead by Navy SEALs, US operatives had DNA samples from his family members ready with which to ID the corpse. ABC News reported that the DNA came from the brain of bin Laden's sister, who was said to have died of cancer at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. But that hospital denies that his sister was there, or that the FBI requested any remains.

Then, just for fun, it was then promptly compounded when it was shot down by a spokeswoman who gave her name.

Sue McGreevey, Mass Gen spokeswoman, says she's received a lot of inquiries and hasn't been able to "turn up any evidence" within the hospital that a bin Laden sister was ever there, or that the FBI ever requested access to any human remains.

The fight began in the Teutoburg Forest on 11 September 9. It was given the illusion of closure on 1 May 1945.

The fight continued in Manhattan on 11 September 2001. It was the given the illusion of closure on 1 May 2011.


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