Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How is a Hurricane Hunter related to bin Laden ?

It's not enough when the government maims you and kills you along with Merck. Then they cut your access by concocting a false war to steal and loot and tell you that you can't get an ambulatory distance from a antiquated hurricane plane.

That's OK, because in the last paragraphs of this, you'll see how serious the war on terror is, after all, by the lack of security of the same people telling you where to walk.

Security on the base was noticeably heightened in the wake of the killing of terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden. Members of the public were escorted from the parking area by base personnel.

The US government is run by a bunch of bastards engaged in self promotion at all three levels. As any Political Science professor tells any class, the people in government are not the smartest ones to leave college with a BA in Political Science even though they think so.
If they were they'd be in private industry or academia thinking high thoughts.

Their ideology that if you were so smart you'd be them, is balanced by the corruption of handing jobs and offices off to each other, which compensates for their lack of intellect.

They kill by negligence, they maim by negligence, they maim in wet works, and they murder. They don't care afterwards. They stick their fingers in their taxpayer funded ears and walk away.

This government created Osama bin Laden but then tried to wiggle out of the truth in recent years; they can't because the people aren't going to let them.

There are no coincidences, right President Bush ? And John Ashcroft, you reject the notion that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter ? Did your staff write it or did you personally know what you were doing when you echoed it ?

Now, it's a minor event when a Hurricane Hunter aircraft comes to the area on tour, but I predicted before bin Laden was even supposedly killed that they'd have the aircraft set off like it was some hot ticket national security tool that mattered.

As for bin Laden, I don't doubt he's dead. I doubt he was freshly dead two days ago when I said it, and then it "happened". Did someone get nervous and know the ruse was over ?

It wasn't enough that my prediction of total aircraft inaccessibility to disabled and injured people to a antiquated prop plane used to hunt hurricanes because they think everyone disabled is in a wheelchair anyway, and would make you park hundreds of feet back.

If the officers at Otis AFB and every other base are so sure they're fighting a real war and not a sham, why are they all listed in the assessor databases in every town they live in ?

That's right folks. As they tell you that you can't park near a plane used to look at hurricanes, and as they tell you to be felt up at airports, and as they tell you about this security and that security, they're so worried that they have their addresses listed in plain view.

You're being scammed by a Globalist coup d'etat that started by toppling Rome because they wanted control and wealth.


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