Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Deceive. Inveigle. Obfuscate.

Fair and balanced ? The media should really stop trying.

They're shills for Bilderberg et al., they're traitors to humanity, and they should stop pretending they're on your side. Many are CIA-run and the others are servants of the other agencies. Even when they aren't, they publish what they're told. They're incapable of critical analysis because when it's the government, it's the government. When it's FOX, they're not going to go against GE, Toshiba and Hitachi and the government agencies telling them what to say.

Compare these statements and contradictions in the same article as they lie for their Bilderberg corporate members.

Tokyo Electric Power says it may use helicopters because of the risk of radiation contamination from approaching the pool directly. Air drops may also be more effective.

Well, no. They're going to use the US military that signed up to defend the US and US hardware bought to defend the US, not to salvage corporatist profiteer induced artificial disasters. You just don't approve medicines that cause deadly cardiomyopathy and vasculitis in trials under George HW Bush then keep it a secret and get it approved under Clinton, Bilderberg Merck Schutzstaffel Nazis.

You just don't build nuclear reactors where there have ever been tsunamis, GE.


The Bilderberg members' ancestors overthrew Rome. Overthrow Bilderberg. They're easy to find.

Compare this:

The International Atomic Energy Agency says a 19-mile no-fly zone has been placed around the troubled plant.

and this:

"While there was no danger to the public, Commander, Naval Forces Japan recommended limited precautionary measures for personnel and their families on Fleet Activities Yokosuka and Naval Air Facility Atsugi, including limiting outdoor activities and securing external ventilation systems as much as practical," a U.S. Navy statement said.

Ponder tacit statements like this:

"We cannot deny the possibility of water boiling" in the pool, said Hidehiko Nishiyama, an official with the economy ministry, which oversees nuclear safety.

Observe bureaucratic nonsense like this :

"Right now it's worse than Three Mile Island," said Donald Olander, professor emeritus of nuclear engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. But it's nowhere near the levels released during Chernobyl.

The 1986 Chernobyl incident in the Ukraine was a level seven, while the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant was a level five.

This is as reliable a rating as the Windows 7 Experience Index. They can't even get Windows 7 to display UTC time properly as a second clock. Bill's another Bilderberg snot, by the way, charging you $200 for an OS disc and then redistributing the money where he thinks it should go, besides himself.

And how can one reactor be more deadly than six ?

Observe more contradictions:

The U.N. weather agency said Tuesday that winds are currently blowing radioactive material toward the ocean, and that there were "no implications" for Japan or countries nearby.

That's not what that one widely circulated (thanks to Drudge) chart that appeared from the US NRC showed.

"All the meteorological conditions are offshore, there are no implications inshore for Japan or other countries near Japan," said Maryam Golnaraghi, who heads the weather agency's disaster risk reduction program.

A World Meteorological Organization spokeswoman warned, however, that the conditions "will fluctuate as the weather systems progress."

"We can't say over the next two to three days what is going to happen," she added.

Besides trying to confuse you, every article is "slight", "moderate" and "possibly."


"After explosions at both units No. 1 and No. 3, the primary containment vessels of both units are reported to be intact. However, the explosion that occurred ... at the Fukushima unit No. 2 may have affected the integrity of its primary containment vessel. All three explosions were due to an accumulation of hydrogen gas," the IAEA said in a statement.

If the water boils, it could evaporate, exposing the rods. The fuel rods are encased in safety containers meant to prevent them from resuming nuclear reactions, officials said, downplaying the risk of that happening.


Tokyo reported slightly elevated radiation levels, but officials said the increase was too small to threaten the 39 million people in and around the capital, about 170 miles away. Closer to the stricken nuclear complex, the streets in the coastal city of Soma were empty as the few residents who remained there heeded the government's warning to stay indoors.

Kan and other officials warned there is danger of more leaks and told people living within 19 miles of the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex to stay indoors to avoid exposure that could make people sick.

What leaks ? They just said the containment was intact.

"Please do not go outside. Please stay indoors. Please close windows and make your homes airtight," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told residents in the danger zone.

That doesn't sound so safe, after the shills just spent a page telling the world how nice it is in northeast Japan right now.

Don't ever trust any event that USAID has been sent to. It's the civilian name for the CIA.

Deceive. Inveigle. Obfuscate.


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