Sunday, March 13, 2011

I said Beware the Ides of March

Topple these lying Globalist, Bilderberg conspirators. They started this in 476. End it. Do to them what they do to us. Start by ignoring their lies and proceed by not patronizing them. Follow it up when you stop paying their salaries and self approved raises and vanishing bailouts as you suffer.

This is an example of truth from an independent expert.

This is an example of corporatist, Globalist lies to make you feel nice from the people who haven't issued a warrant for Osama bin Laden for 9/11 because they can't.

Crick said a partial meltdown of the Three Mile Island plant in the United States in 1979 -- rated more serious than Japan's accident on an international scale -- released low amounts of radiation.

"Many people thought they'd been exposed after Three Mile Island," he said. "The radiation levels were detectible but in terms of human health it was nothing." Radiation can cause cancers.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also said the public health risk from Japan's atomic plants remained "quite low." The quake and devastating tsunami may have killed 10,000 people.

Is that what this looks like ? Lies. Lies like saying there was no meltdown. Now they might have six.

Tokyo battled to avert a meltdown at three stricken reactors at the Fukushima plant in the worst nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, triggered by Friday's tsunami. Radiation levels were also up at the Onagawa atomic plant.

"This is not a serious public health issue at the moment," Malcolm Crick, Secretary of the U.N. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, told Reuters.

No, Mr. Crick, bought and paid for Globalist controlled liar, it's good for you.

"It won't be anything like Chernobyl. There the reactor was operating at full power when it exploded and it had no containment," he said. As a precaution, around 140,000 people have been evacuated from the area around Fukushima.

That's right.

Soviet hero Anatoly Grishchenko died last night at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, where he had undergone a bone-marrow transplant April 27 for treatment of acute leukemia.

Grishchenko, 52, was a pilot on five flights over the damaged and radiation-leaking Chernobyl nuclear power plant for three days and was in the area for two months in 1986. He grew up in a nearby village.

The West is too cowardly and self-centered to do that. They want to know how much you'll pay them in a bonus.

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