Monday, January 31, 2011

Remember the 2008 cable cuts ? They were preparatory NSA splices and manipulations

In 2008, the USA began its preparation for the Jasmine and Rose Revolts by pretending not to know why cables had been "severed" on the floor of the Med. Then they pretended a series of boats simultaneously cut them day after day.

This is of course a joke when the USS Jimmy Carter was itself spliced with a room designed to allow fiber optic and other cables to be brought up into it for tapping / splicing purposes.

The submarine Jimmy Carter, which joined the Navy's fleet on Saturday, has a special capability, intelligence experts say: it is able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on the communications passing through them.

The Navy does not acknowledge that the submarine has this capability. "That's going to be classified in nature," said Kevin Sykes, a Navy spokesman. "You're not going to get anybody to talk to you about that."

But intelligence community watchdogs have little doubt. The previous spy submarine, the Parche, was retired last fall. That would only happen if a new one was on the way, they say.

The $3.2 billion Carter was extensively modified from its basic design, given a hull extension that allows it to house technicians and gear to perform the cable-tapping and other secret missions, experts say. The Carter's hull, at 453 feet, is 100 feet longer than the other two submarines in the Seawolf class.

The majority of Internet and international telephone traffic travels goes under the sea. When two submarine cables in the Mediterranean Sea were cut (most likely by ship anchors) on Wednesday, Internet connectivity in the Middle East and in parts of Asia cratered.

According to reports, as much as 70 percent of Egypt’s Internet connectivity was down...

What an odd coincidence for the last week in January 2008 to match the last week in January 2010.

Yes, I know, it was the DNS servers.

Not only could one posit that the cables were tapped in 2008, one could posit they were manipulated to see the effect on the Egyptian population, and the effect in the world media. It was, of course, a top story as boat after boat happened to snag and slice these cables as if by magic over several days.

It's long been known in the world of history, political science, international relations and their allied intelligence fields that if you're in the Middle East, you're going to act up in the winter, not the summer. For starters, the military has air conditioning to wait you out now, and you don't. Even in January water was an issue for the masses of people on the street. It's the reason Israel attacks when it's hot.

If only Rome had these Globalist serpentine methods, they might have been able to fend off the unlawful Germanic coup d'etat holding power today at the tip of a gun.

Legiones redde !

Remember the 2008 cable cuts ? They were preparatory NSA splices and manipulations

In 2008, the USA began its preparation for the Jasmine and Rose Revolts by pretending not to know why cables had been "severed" on the floor of the Med. Then they pretended a series of boats simultaneously cut them day after day.

This is of course a joke when the USS Jimmy Carter was itself spliced with a room designed to allow fiber optic and other cables to be brought up into it for tapping / splicing purposes.

The submarine Jimmy Carter, which joined the Navy's fleet on Saturday, has a special capability, intelligence experts say: it is able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on the communications passing through them.

The Navy does not acknowledge that the submarine has this capability. "That's going to be classified in nature," said Kevin Sykes, a Navy spokesman. "You're not going to get anybody to talk to you about that."

But intelligence community watchdogs have little doubt. The previous spy submarine, the Parche, was retired last fall. That would only happen if a new one was on the way, they say.

The $3.2 billion Carter was extensively modified from its basic design, given a hull extension that allows it to house technicians and gear to perform the cable-tapping and other secret missions, experts say. The Carter's hull, at 453 feet, is 100 feet longer than the other two submarines in the Seawolf class.

The majority of Internet and international telephone traffic travels goes under the sea. When two submarine cables in the Mediterranean Sea were cut (most likely by ship anchors) on Wednesday, Internet connectivity in the Middle East and in parts of Asia cratered.

According to reports, as much as 70 percent of Egypt’s Internet connectivity was down...

What an odd coincidence for the last week in January 2008 to match the last week in January 2010.

Yes, I know, it was the DNS servers.

Not only could one posit that the cables were tapped in 2008, one could posit they were manipulated to see the effect on the Egyptian population, and the effect in the world media. It was, of course, a top story as boat after boat happened to snag and slice these cables as if by magic over several days.

It's long been known in the world of history, political science, international relations and their allied intelligence fields that if you're in the Middle East, you're going to act up in the winter, not the summer. For starters, the military has air conditioning to wait you out now, and you don't. Even in January water was an issue for the masses of people on the street. It's the reason Israel attacks when it's hot.

If only Rome had these Globalist serpentine methods, they might have been able to fend off the unlawful Germanic coup d'etat holding power today at the tip of a gun.

Legiones redde !

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egypt must be free from Globalist usurpers or Egypt must be Roman

Who died and decided the Nobel laureate and Globalist puppet Mohamed ElBaradei would replace the puppet Mubarak ?

Why, 1550 years of Weishauputian conspirators, of course.

The wife of Hosni Mubarak is half-Welsh. Wales was Roman until the eve of the Visigoth revolt in 410. Revolts, revolts, revolts. All conducted at the "same time" in the longue duree, establishing a pattern of conspiracy. Wales today is still held by a German.

There are more Germanic Visigoth connections to more usurpers in more countries that legally are still Roman. To say otherwise is for the Germanic usurpers to admit that they are in unlawful revolt for 1550 years even though they're all you ever knew from the day you were born. No one told them that they could take over Roman territory. They seized control under force of arms by abducting and murdering two Roman Emperors as they took the seat for themselves in 476.

That's an unlawful coup d'etat. Why are they still in power, killing your children in fake wars, destroying your wealth and taking it for themselves through accounting tricks and theft ?

It's akin to the Chinese bonds sold by some that were never forgiven by the banks that issued them. The Chinese Communists just stopped paying them after the Revolution that now brings you your plastic and makes American business people millionaires and billionaires. When they are sold as more than "history," the sellers get arrested and jailed. Do it when Bush was President and the Chinese knocked a spy plane out of the sky to prove the point that they weren't going to pay their lawful debts.

The Foreign Office would not confirm last night whether Mrs Mubarak and her sons Gamal and Alaa had British passports.

The family, who have relatives in Britain, are regular visitors and Gamal, 47, once lived and worked in London, initially for Bank of America before, in 1996, he set up his own investment vehicle, Medinvest Associates.

That's rather interesting because it's been in all the media that Gamal was being groomed to run Egypt in an inherited scheme.

Bank of America executives actually think that power should be inherited ? Obviously time working in an international corporation in 150 countries didn't temper his elite attitude.

I have a superior attitude, too. Get your sorry asses out of Roman territory and let them rule themselves without your corporatist globalist handlers interfering by sending any more pleasant old men like Mohamed ElBaradei.

It's interesting that the USA gives "Native Americans" casinos on 2000 year old verbal traditions because they then take a cut to fund their pork and graft. Mohegans and Pequots don't have their last name carved into stone all over Europe including on the obelisk Augustus erected to Rome from which Egyptian hieroglyphics speak back to the Hitler Youth Pope every time he speaks.

Imp. Caesar divi fil. / Augustus / pontifex maximus / imp. XII cos XI trib pot XIV / Aegypto in potestatem / populi romani redacta / soli donum dedit.

The emperor, Caesar, son of the deified Julius Caesar, August, pontifex maximus, proclaimed imperator for the twelfth time, consul for the eleventh time, holding tribunician power for the fourteenth time, having subdued Egypt to the power of the Roman people, gave this gift to the sun.

Egypt is legally Rome. The Germanic conspirators murdered Julius Caesar expecting a puppet in Mark Anthony or Octavian and they got a nasty delay in their plan for world domination instead when Cassius and Brutus took headers into the ditch of history.

So back in 2011, tell me, "government officials" and "world leaders" that overthew lawful Roman authority, where does the statute of limitations start and end based on the Native American that your syndicate issues casino rights to based on the 2000 year old spoken word ?

The statute is unlimited on murder in all countries.

Answer for the XVII, XVIII and XIX Legions and the Emperors you assassinated, oh Bilderberg, CFR, Davos, Trilateral and Club of Rome outlaws. And don't pretend you didn't. You enjoy the trillions of dollars in wealth every day from what your ancestors did to Rome.

It's obviously the belief of the usurpers that history and legal claim starts where the "Bilderberg" power starts in 476. The mere use of the brainwashing rendered unto students for 1550 years that the Roman government is "ancient" is a sham. Who defines ancient but themselves ?

Have you ever heard of an "Ancient Native American" ? Don't be fooled by "ancient artifacts" or "mounds" or "cities." The use of the term as relates to Native Americans are their artifacts. When they speak of Rome, they speak of people as if we disappeared. The "Dark" or "Middle" Ages are an artificial construct that furthers that purpose. It provides a nice break with their coup d'etat where the present crop of "aristocrats" collecting European government pensions originated.

They broke the law in 476. They are usurpers. As this is written they selectively enforce Roman law that suits their purposes of enslaving mankind, continuously from that year, while ignoring the political processes they have seized through unlawful force using Germanic armies.

Egypt can't seriously be auguring to get rid of the Mubaraks for a UN IAEA official, educated at NYU Law School.

She'd be exchanging one worn out Globalist puppet for a fresh one.

Egypt must be free from Globalist usurpers or Egypt must be Roman

Who died and decided the Nobel laureate and Globalist puppet Mohamed ElBaradei would replace the puppet Mubarak ?

Why, 1550 years of Weishauputian conspirators, of course.

The wife of Hosni Mubarak is half-Welsh. Wales was Roman until the eve of the Visigoth revolt in 410. Revolts, revolts, revolts. All conducted at the "same time" in the longue duree, establishing a pattern of conspiracy. Wales today is still held by a German.

There are more Germanic Visigoth connections to more usurpers in more countries that legally are still Roman. To say otherwise is for the Germanic usurpers to admit that they are in unlawful revolt for 1550 years even though they're all you ever knew from the day you were born. No one told them that they could take over Roman territory. They seized control under force of arms by abducting and murdering two Roman Emperors as they took the seat for themselves in 476.

That's an unlawful coup d'etat. Why are they still in power, killing your children in fake wars, destroying your wealth and taking it for themselves through accounting tricks and theft ?

It's akin to the Chinese bonds sold by some that were never forgiven by the banks that issued them. The Chinese Communists just stopped paying them after the Revolution that now brings you your plastic and makes American business people millionaires and billionaires. When they are sold as more than "history," the sellers get arrested and jailed. Do it when Bush was President and the Chinese knocked a spy plane out of the sky to prove the point that they weren't going to pay their lawful debts.

The Foreign Office would not confirm last night whether Mrs Mubarak and her sons Gamal and Alaa had British passports.

The family, who have relatives in Britain, are regular visitors and Gamal, 47, once lived and worked in London, initially for Bank of America before, in 1996, he set up his own investment vehicle, Medinvest Associates.

That's rather interesting because it's been in all the media that Gamal was being groomed to run Egypt in an inherited scheme.

Bank of America executives actually think that power should be inherited ? Obviously time working in an international corporation in 150 countries didn't temper his elite attitude.

I have a superior attitude, too. Get your sorry asses out of Roman territory and let them rule themselves without your corporatist globalist handlers interfering by sending any more pleasant old men like Mohamed ElBaradei.

It's interesting that the USA gives "Native Americans" casinos on 2000 year old verbal traditions because they then take a cut to fund their pork and graft. Mohegans and Pequots don't have their last name carved into stone all over Europe including on the obelisk Augustus erected to Rome from which Egyptian hieroglyphics speak back to the Hitler Youth Pope every time he speaks.

Imp. Caesar divi fil. / Augustus / pontifex maximus / imp. XII cos XI trib pot XIV / Aegypto in potestatem / populi romani redacta / soli donum dedit.

The emperor, Caesar, son of the deified Julius Caesar, August, pontifex maximus, proclaimed imperator for the twelfth time, consul for the eleventh time, holding tribunician power for the fourteenth time, having subdued Egypt to the power of the Roman people, gave this gift to the sun.

Egypt is legally Rome. The Germanic conspirators murdered Julius Caesar expecting a puppet in Mark Anthony or Octavian and they got a nasty delay in their plan for world domination instead when Cassius and Brutus took headers into the ditch of history.

So back in 2011, tell me, "government officials" and "world leaders" that overthew lawful Roman authority, where does the statute of limitations start and end based on the Native American that your syndicate issues casino rights to based on the 2000 year old spoken word ?

The statute is unlimited on murder in all countries.

Answer for the XVII, XVIII and XIX Legions and the Emperors you assassinated, oh Bilderberg, CFR, Davos, Trilateral and Club of Rome outlaws. And don't pretend you didn't. You enjoy the trillions of dollars in wealth every day from what your ancestors did to Rome.

It's obviously the belief of the usurpers that history and legal claim starts where the "Bilderberg" power starts in 476. The mere use of the brainwashing rendered unto students for 1550 years that the Roman government is "ancient" is a sham. Who defines ancient but themselves ?

Have you ever heard of an "Ancient Native American" ? Don't be fooled by "ancient artifacts" or "mounds" or "cities." The use of the term as relates to Native Americans are their artifacts. When they speak of Rome, they speak of people as if we disappeared. The "Dark" or "Middle" Ages are an artificial construct that furthers that purpose. It provides a nice break with their coup d'etat where the present crop of "aristocrats" collecting European government pensions originated.

They broke the law in 476. They are usurpers. As this is written they selectively enforce Roman law that suits their purposes of enslaving mankind, continuously from that year, while ignoring the political processes they have seized through unlawful force using Germanic armies.

Egypt can't seriously be auguring to get rid of the Mubaraks for a UN IAEA official, educated at NYU Law School.

She'd be exchanging one worn out Globalist puppet for a fresh one.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Let them throw rocks."

Etienne Davignon, head of the Bilderberg Group that is the (public) successor of all others that unlawfully usurped Roman power might have well conned the people with that statement as the implied Marie Antoinette's "let them eat cake" in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions.

Tonight there is still more evidence the Rose Revolt is a staged sham to release pressure in Egypt and to actually maintain the familiar puppet regime by wearing out the protesters. Some might say police withdrawal is the police refusing to serve. I would say it might remove the target of the protesters who will grow bored, and return home after making a mess in Cairo.

There are now multiple articles circulating on the internet such as the Huffington Post's Anonymous Internet Users Team Up To Provide Communication Tools For Egyptian People.

The Huffington Post ? Run by the former wife of Bush family friend Michael Huffington ? I hear hissing and see steam rising from the pressure safety valve already.

That's not the point of this post, though.

The article says:

"Internet not working, police cars burning," sent out one Egyptian. "Today marks a great day for Egypt," sent out another.

These messages weren't coming from mobile phones or computers, but from an amateur radio sending out Morse Code somewhere amidst the chaos in Egypt.

The Egyptian government's efforts to limit communications within the country has triggered a wave of activism from an international group of free speech activists on the Internet called Telecomix.

Organizing using chat rooms, wikis, and collaborative writing tools, this largely anonymous group has worked to inform Egyptians about their communications options while receiving incoming messages from them. Telecomix has previously worked on free speech efforts in Tunisia, Iran, China and other countries who have tried to censor or block parts of the Internet.

Well now. Apparently no one at the Huffington Post has heard of Radio Direction Finding, and if they have they know you haven't.

If the continued transmissions on CW (Morse Code) coming out of Egypt aren't a sign that they are coming from a staged, planted source or that they are being ignored by the government and are staged in that way by being ignored, there never was one.

Egypt's recognized government can no doubt find the source within its own borders, let alone every other government in the world. They aren't looking. They don't care because they are fully in control of the "Rose Revolt" for their globalist handlers.

At first, they sent out Wikileaks cables to these numbers, but then they determined the Egyptians didn't need additional motivation. Instead, they were interested in information on how to communicate with each other and the outside world. The activists thus began providing instructions for using dial-up modems and amateur radios, known as Ham radios, which the Egyptian people could use to communicate.

The group says it's also worked on receiving and decoding amateur radio messages, sent on frequencies recommended by the group of activists. While these groups have only been able to receive a small amount of messages of a short length with an unknown source, the Egyptian people's use of amateur radio to transmit messages represents an interesting utilization of old-fashioned technology to circumvent government restrictions.

That's because most of the members are really hams and other radio operators employed by the US State Department, CIA and NSA. After 11 September 2001, these same people profited handsomely from the deaths of people I knew as evidenced by their sudden transitions from small homes to Mount Vernon style palaces using government graft in the form of grants and cash payola as friends and family handed them contract work.

Indeed, where we read Wikileaks, we read Amazon. Where we read Amazon, we read In Q Tel. Where we read In Q Tel we read CIA. Where we read CIA we read the holders of the Visigothic conspiracy of 1550 years that destroyed our lawful Empire starting on 11 September 9 in the Teutoburg Forest when the ancestors of Weishaupt et al unlawfully ambushed and destroyed 18,000 of of our Legionaries. They now scheme not to be destroyed by the forces they unleash.

"Let them throw rocks."

Etienne Davignon, head of the Bilderberg Group that is the (public) successor of all others that unlawfully usurped Roman power might have well conned the people with that statement as the implied Marie Antoinette's "let them eat cake" in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions.

Tonight there is still more evidence the Rose Revolt is a staged sham to release pressure in Egypt and to actually maintain the familiar puppet regime by wearing out the protesters. Some might say police withdrawal is the police refusing to serve. I would say it might remove the target of the protesters who will grow bored, and return home after making a mess in Cairo.

There are now multiple articles circulating on the internet such as the Huffington Post's Anonymous Internet Users Team Up To Provide Communication Tools For Egyptian People.

The Huffington Post ? Run by the former wife of Bush family friend Michael Huffington ? I hear hissing and see steam rising from the pressure safety valve already.

That's not the point of this post, though.

The article says:

"Internet not working, police cars burning," sent out one Egyptian. "Today marks a great day for Egypt," sent out another.

These messages weren't coming from mobile phones or computers, but from an amateur radio sending out Morse Code somewhere amidst the chaos in Egypt.

The Egyptian government's efforts to limit communications within the country has triggered a wave of activism from an international group of free speech activists on the Internet called Telecomix.

Organizing using chat rooms, wikis, and collaborative writing tools, this largely anonymous group has worked to inform Egyptians about their communications options while receiving incoming messages from them. Telecomix has previously worked on free speech efforts in Tunisia, Iran, China and other countries who have tried to censor or block parts of the Internet.

Well now. Apparently no one at the Huffington Post has heard of Radio Direction Finding, and if they have they know you haven't.

If the continued transmissions on CW (Morse Code) coming out of Egypt aren't a sign that they are coming from a staged, planted source or that they are being ignored by the government and are staged in that way by being ignored, there never was one.

Egypt's recognized government can no doubt find the source within its own borders, let alone every other government in the world. They aren't looking. They don't care because they are fully in control of the "Rose Revolt" for their globalist handlers.

At first, they sent out Wikileaks cables to these numbers, but then they determined the Egyptians didn't need additional motivation. Instead, they were interested in information on how to communicate with each other and the outside world. The activists thus began providing instructions for using dial-up modems and amateur radios, known as Ham radios, which the Egyptian people could use to communicate.

The group says it's also worked on receiving and decoding amateur radio messages, sent on frequencies recommended by the group of activists. While these groups have only been able to receive a small amount of messages of a short length with an unknown source, the Egyptian people's use of amateur radio to transmit messages represents an interesting utilization of old-fashioned technology to circumvent government restrictions.

That's because most of the members are really hams and other radio operators employed by the US State Department, CIA and NSA. After 11 September 2001, these same people profited handsomely from the deaths of people I knew as evidenced by their sudden transitions from small homes to Mount Vernon style palaces using government graft in the form of grants and cash payola as friends and family handed them contract work.

Indeed, where we read Wikileaks, we read Amazon. Where we read Amazon, we read In Q Tel. Where we read In Q Tel we read CIA. Where we read CIA we read the holders of the Visigothic conspiracy of 1550 years that destroyed our lawful Empire starting on 11 September 9 in the Teutoburg Forest when the ancestors of Weishaupt et al unlawfully ambushed and destroyed 18,000 of of our Legionaries. They now scheme not to be destroyed by the forces they unleash.

Douglas Wambaugh for the smoke house, your honor

Douglas Wambaugh for the smoke house, your honor

Bilderberg puppet speaks out of turn

The unidentified usurper of the Constitutional office he occupies has chastened the President of Egypt that:

All governments must maintain power through consent, not coercion.

That's a strange view from a man with no full identification because in the fall of 2008, let alone other times, Congress members were ordered into government meetings where they were threatened.

Rep. Brad Sherman of California said to Congress live on C-Span:

The only way they can pass this bill is by creating and sustaining a panic atmosphere. Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day and a couple of thousand on the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no.

Once again, it's only coercion if someone else is doing it and not the Walt Disney World United States. It's also strange because the current regime in Egypt is a US puppet. It's strange because it was the Amazon hosted and In Q Tel (and therefore CIA) funded Wikileaks that triggered the revolts that are now using the Muslim Brotherhood, a group allied with Adolf Hitler as said earlier here.

Bilderberg puppet speaks out of turn

The unidentified usurper of the Constitutional office he occupies has chastened the President of Egypt that:

All governments must maintain power through consent, not coercion.

That's a strange view from a man with no full identification because in the fall of 2008, let alone other times, Congress members were ordered into government meetings where they were threatened.

Rep. Brad Sherman of California said to Congress live on C-Span:

The only way they can pass this bill is by creating and sustaining a panic atmosphere. Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day and a couple of thousand on the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no.

Once again, it's only coercion if someone else is doing it and not the Walt Disney World United States. It's also strange because the current regime in Egypt is a US puppet. It's strange because it was the Amazon hosted and In Q Tel (and therefore CIA) funded Wikileaks that triggered the revolts that are now using the Muslim Brotherhood, a group allied with Adolf Hitler as said earlier here.

The Outlaw State of Massachusetts, testbed for tyranny

Writing on the WXTK site that provides a safety valve for the murdering and maiming usurpers in power, another government employed parasite ham radio operator turned reporter (and or his staff since they write without attribution like cowards) authored this drivel for his corporate handlers:

TRURO - Acting on information gathered by officers of the Truro Police Department over the past several months, a search warrant was executed Friday evening at 2 Lambrou Lane, North Truro. The basis of the issuance of the search warrant involved Gil Potts (51) of 2 Lambrou Lane. Mr. Potts had in his possession numerous firearms without being properly licensed. As a result of the warrant, 5 shotguns, 3 rifles, and 2 handguns were confiscated along with ammunition. Mr. Potts has been cooperative with the investigation. Mr. Potts moved to the area within the past year and confusion over licensing requirements may be the cause of his licensing problems. Officers from the Provincetown and Wellfleet Police Departments assisted in the warrant execution.

"Properly licensed ?" Says who ? The Visigoths that slaughtered three Roman Legions to establish a 1550 year conspiracy of war, murder and pillage currently headed by Etienne Davignon under the name of law and government ?

I don't care who that man that was searched is, what his background is or anything else. He could be a upstanding citizen who is under the mistaken notion we have a Constitution that supersedes all laws despite what the conspirators are telling you.

The Constitution of the United States that gave these parasites their banana republic jobs after their Germanic usurper ancestors unlawfully overthrew my family in Rome for their own power and larceny states:

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It is not up for debate. We are not in your New World Order. We have a written Constitution and nowhere in it does it say "maybe" or "224 years hence".

Ronald Reagan said:

We are especially not going to tolerate these attacks from outlaw states run by the strangest collection of misfits, Looney Tunes and squalid criminals since the advent of the Third Reich

The government is run by self serving career, murdering, maiming traitors who kill people like me with impunity as they turn public attention to staged events like Egypt so that you don't do it to them.

And anyone who doubts me can have my file and an obituary to prove it.

Legiones redde !

The Outlaw State of Massachusetts, testbed for tyranny

Writing on the WXTK site that provides a safety valve for the murdering and maiming usurpers in power, another government employed parasite ham radio operator turned reporter (and or his staff since they write without attribution like cowards) authored this drivel for his corporate handlers:

TRURO - Acting on information gathered by officers of the Truro Police Department over the past several months, a search warrant was executed Friday evening at 2 Lambrou Lane, North Truro. The basis of the issuance of the search warrant involved Gil Potts (51) of 2 Lambrou Lane. Mr. Potts had in his possession numerous firearms without being properly licensed. As a result of the warrant, 5 shotguns, 3 rifles, and 2 handguns were confiscated along with ammunition. Mr. Potts has been cooperative with the investigation. Mr. Potts moved to the area within the past year and confusion over licensing requirements may be the cause of his licensing problems. Officers from the Provincetown and Wellfleet Police Departments assisted in the warrant execution.

"Properly licensed ?" Says who ? The Visigoths that slaughtered three Roman Legions to establish a 1550 year conspiracy of war, murder and pillage currently headed by Etienne Davignon under the name of law and government ?

I don't care who that man that was searched is, what his background is or anything else. He could be a upstanding citizen who is under the mistaken notion we have a Constitution that supersedes all laws despite what the conspirators are telling you.

The Constitution of the United States that gave these parasites their banana republic jobs after their Germanic usurper ancestors unlawfully overthrew my family in Rome for their own power and larceny states:

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It is not up for debate. We are not in your New World Order. We have a written Constitution and nowhere in it does it say "maybe" or "224 years hence".

Ronald Reagan said:

We are especially not going to tolerate these attacks from outlaw states run by the strangest collection of misfits, Looney Tunes and squalid criminals since the advent of the Third Reich

The government is run by self serving career, murdering, maiming traitors who kill people like me with impunity as they turn public attention to staged events like Egypt so that you don't do it to them.

And anyone who doubts me can have my file and an obituary to prove it.

Legiones redde !

Friday, January 28, 2011

Making revolution a spectator sport for safety valve purposes

Imp. Caesar divi fil. / Augustus / pontifex maximus / imp. XII cos XI trib pot XIV / Aegypto in potestatem / populi romani redacta / soli donum dedit.

The gripes expressed by the Egyptians are the same ones expressed in the United States under the reign of the unidentified man that helped trigger the revolutions, the Bilderberg puppet Barack Hussein Soetoro who uses the stage name of Obama.

They are the usual protests, high food prices, unemployment, poor services. Do they sound familiar ?

Did you like it when Congress asked Ben Bernanke where the money went in the bailout and his answer was "uh, no" ?

"Uh, no" ?

Turn to 1865. After the War between the States, the North returned once again to the expertise that we pioneered, that is, Bread and Circus.

Panem et Circenses was used to keep the people distracted under the Roman Empire that inspired Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other Great Men. However, in the days of the Great Men, these were not necessary as the country was fairly united against the British and then embroiled in the debates of the day ranging from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution.

Seeing their error after the Civil War, the North concocted a two part process of restraint to channel energies into la la land and dumb the people down vis a vis governing. That is, a permanent quasi military force in the form of permanent professional police to replace the Army after Reconstruction was created.

And, professional sports were created to provide not only gladiatorial style competition for those most athletic men who might present a problem in the future, but that anyone else would be fixated on interstate competitions rather than fomenting rebellion... it was a unifying force of distraction that included baseball and then basketball.

Now we see the protests in Egypt two years into the staged Global Depression planned at Bilderberg 2008, and after Bush and Obama warned Congressmen in the fall of 2008 of impending anarchy here if they didn't simply accept the go-nowhere unproductive bailouts.

As was presented yesterday before it was stated widely, if at all, and confirmed today by the current Drudge headline, the US meddled in knocking over the same puppets it propped up for the last three decades and Wikileaks was the "fuze".

The American Embassy in Cairo helped a young dissident attend a US-sponsored summit for activists in New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police.

On his return to Cairo in December 2008, the activist told US diplomats that an alliance of opposition groups had drawn up a plan to overthrow President Hosni Mubarak and install a democratic government in 2011.

Now based solely on the Twitter activity just shown by Brian Williams on NBC, we can see that Egypt is the top topic and a very busy one at that.

You've been distracted by being handed Panem et Circenses to watch, read and comment about.

You're being taken from news bite to news bite to distract you (when you're not watching TMZ or Extra) from near-zero percent interest rates, absurd security theater, skyrocketing food prices and smaller packages and the destruction of your home's value. While this is going on, the rich keep stealing.

You've been shown what unarmed revolution looks like and it isn't much more pleasant to watch than a hot war civil war.

During the early days of the Civil War, the wealthy went and watched the Battle of Bull Run in their coaches as if it was a theater show.

What did the government just do to you to distract you from your problems ?

Legiones redde.

Making revolution a spectator sport for safety valve purposes

Imp. Caesar divi fil. / Augustus / pontifex maximus / imp. XII cos XI trib pot XIV / Aegypto in potestatem / populi romani redacta / soli donum dedit.

The gripes expressed by the Egyptians are the same ones expressed in the United States under the reign of the unidentified man that helped trigger the revolutions, the Bilderberg puppet Barack Hussein Soetoro who uses the stage name of Obama.

They are the usual protests, high food prices, unemployment, poor services. Do they sound familiar ?

Did you like it when Congress asked Ben Bernanke where the money went in the bailout and his answer was "uh, no" ?

"Uh, no" ?

Turn to 1865. After the War between the States, the North returned once again to the expertise that we pioneered, that is, Bread and Circus.

Panem et Circenses was used to keep the people distracted under the Roman Empire that inspired Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other Great Men. However, in the days of the Great Men, these were not necessary as the country was fairly united against the British and then embroiled in the debates of the day ranging from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution.

Seeing their error after the Civil War, the North concocted a two part process of restraint to channel energies into la la land and dumb the people down vis a vis governing. That is, a permanent quasi military force in the form of permanent professional police to replace the Army after Reconstruction was created.

And, professional sports were created to provide not only gladiatorial style competition for those most athletic men who might present a problem in the future, but that anyone else would be fixated on interstate competitions rather than fomenting rebellion... it was a unifying force of distraction that included baseball and then basketball.

Now we see the protests in Egypt two years into the staged Global Depression planned at Bilderberg 2008, and after Bush and Obama warned Congressmen in the fall of 2008 of impending anarchy here if they didn't simply accept the go-nowhere unproductive bailouts.

As was presented yesterday before it was stated widely, if at all, and confirmed today by the current Drudge headline, the US meddled in knocking over the same puppets it propped up for the last three decades and Wikileaks was the "fuze".

The American Embassy in Cairo helped a young dissident attend a US-sponsored summit for activists in New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police.

On his return to Cairo in December 2008, the activist told US diplomats that an alliance of opposition groups had drawn up a plan to overthrow President Hosni Mubarak and install a democratic government in 2011.

Now based solely on the Twitter activity just shown by Brian Williams on NBC, we can see that Egypt is the top topic and a very busy one at that.

You've been distracted by being handed Panem et Circenses to watch, read and comment about.

You're being taken from news bite to news bite to distract you (when you're not watching TMZ or Extra) from near-zero percent interest rates, absurd security theater, skyrocketing food prices and smaller packages and the destruction of your home's value. While this is going on, the rich keep stealing.

You've been shown what unarmed revolution looks like and it isn't much more pleasant to watch than a hot war civil war.

During the early days of the Civil War, the wealthy went and watched the Battle of Bull Run in their coaches as if it was a theater show.

What did the government just do to you to distract you from your problems ?

Legiones redde.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Romans, Nazis are among you now

Did you ever hear of the Muslim Brotherhood ? Your grandparents did in WWII. You will, soon.

Merck nearly murdered me in 1998. No, I didn't start writing stuff like this until a year ago after I had seen enough and my father "dropped dead" after two mystery fighters flew over our house. I decided I didn't give a damn about these fools that ruined me. So here we go again with our lessons in owls and carols from roosters.

After World War II, the Schutzstaffel (SS) deposited its money in the bank known as Merck. If you were a Goebbels relative your money was hidden in BMW, etc:

In addition to allegedly exploiting Nazi prisoners, the Quandts also had personal ties to the Nazi regime. Günther Quandts first wife, Magda Ritschel, remarried Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's future propaganda minister, in 1931, two years after her divorce from the business giant. Magda brought her son, Harald Quandt, into the marriage and he lived together with her and Goebbels. While the Goebbels committed suicide in 1945 after poisoning their own children, Harald -- who was not with them -- survived...

The German weekly Der Spiegel speculated that the broadcaster may have been afraid of the powerful Quandt family, which owns 46.6 percent of BMW and large portions of numerous other firms, including Altana.

Now, Wikileaks was hosted on Amazon servers that In-Q-Tel has an investment in, until Joe Lieberman staged a Kosher Revolt that the tools of the Jasmine Revolt should be kept apart. Amazon will protest that it was self serve and that they didn't know. So why not go set up your own leak site and see how long yours lasts compared to Wikleaks' ? Better yet ask Cass Sunstein to help you out.

In-Q-Tel is one of the CIA's investment arms. From its one percent of released information that reported not much of anything other than enough to anger Arabs and Muslims, we see uprisings in Yemen, Tunisia and Egypt... under the Muslim Brotherhood.

Wikileaks released novel classified shockers like Ben Franklin and Silas Deane being spies, that diplomats are expelled in a tit for tat that falls under the Latin persona non grata, and other critical state secrets. No, they didn't really mention Ben and Silas (who had his life ruined by the Massachusetts Adams family after financing the Revolution out of pocket). Still, the fact that they tried to sell the masses the "classified" theme that diplomats spy even as the leaks muttered about the current puppets of the USA as being strangely classified made the entire endeavor suspect before the revolution in Tunisia.

While talking to a retiree of the CIA who since declared "we are at war" and stopped speaking to me, I said the Muslim Brotherhood was still very active and here we have it:

I'm hesitant to say there are CIA connections to the Nazis because the ill informed have their knees jerk most vigorously and take it the wrong way, but there are too many connections to be legal or moral.

In fact one was none other than Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani who was a contender to be Pope until the present papal faction headed by the Hitler Youth member knocked him over. Cardinal Ottaviani had been present at the signing of the still-effective Reichskonkordat that "protected" the Vatican from Hitler:

His Holiness Pope Pius XI and the President of the German Reich, moved by a common desire to consolidate and promote the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the German Reich, wish to permanently regulate the relations between the Catholic Church and the state for the whole territory of the German Reich in a way acceptable to both parties.

Ask why after the Reich was "destroyed," and Germany spent half a century as East and West and then was reunified, that the Reichskonkordat remains in effect.

The Cardinal Carabiniere worked with Martin S. Quigley of the OSS that latter transitioned to the CIA, including attempting to effect a Japanese surrender through Catholic Japanese channels.

The (real) Nazis aren't dead. Witness NASA. The Paperclip scientists made a joke of carrying on their traditions even as they worked for the USA. I'm sure most thinking people know that based on the 66 year manhunt for those that were useless to the USA, were too blatant in their crimes or couldn't be coopted. If you know that, then you know the story about Prince Bernhard and his SS card, and the Bilderberg Group. If you've been reading here or researching history you know there's a submarine of German industrialists that was sunk off Cape Cod in the last months of WWII that was heading to meet with "ex" Nazi Bernhard and others at the Chatham Bars Inn. Might it have become the Chatham Bars Group ? After word reached the "royal" family (not really since they all knocked over lawful Roman authority to get there), they fled to Canada on 26 August 1944 as seen in the Cape Cod Times.

"I will not talk about anything political and cannot take questions," said "Princess" Juliana. Isn't that always the way with the usurpers of the Roman Empire to this day, harmless knaves that they are, flapping away their gums at Bilderberg ?

If you go back from here, one can trace the Visigoth sham all the way back to 476 when after the Germans cunningly installed part-German emperors on the Roman seat, they routed them in months, exiled them and finally murdered them after they were "disappeared". The coup d'etat ended Roman rule and completed what they started through treachery in the Teutoburg Forest on... 11 September 9. The loss of the XVII, XVIII and XIX Legions totaling 18,000 and more men tormented Ottaviano the rest of his life; he knew the end-game.

Between 1936 and 1939, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Al-Hajj Amin al-Husseini fought the British during Hitler's rise and then worked as a Nazi ally. In fact, given his views on the economic war conducted against poor Jews and pay-off by Hitler, he was a de facto Nazi.

So here we are back in 2011 watching the Nazi allied and funded Muslim Brotherhood entering street fights against long time rulers who were US "allies". Is that who you want overthrowing US puppets ? Who do you think they're going to be replaced with ? In the guise of fledgling democracies, they'll be replaced with even more pliable Harvard, Yale and Georgetown educated puppets who will surrender to the Globalist banks. They'll hand over oil rights, and in turn the banks will extend credit to the masses to sell more plastic, thereby opening up vast reserves of westernized customers where they were restrained before.

The low internet infiltration alone shows the lack of a market for plastic at this time.

The Globalists hope that will change. So who are the Globalists ?

It's the 1929 riots all over again.

Semper idem.

Romans, Nazis are among you now

Did you ever hear of the Muslim Brotherhood ? Your grandparents did in WWII. You will, soon.

Merck nearly murdered me in 1998. No, I didn't start writing stuff like this until a year ago after I had seen enough and my father "dropped dead" after two mystery fighters flew over our house. I decided I didn't give a damn about these fools that ruined me. So here we go again with our lessons in owls and carols from roosters.

After World War II, the Schutzstaffel (SS) deposited its money in the bank known as Merck. If you were a Goebbels relative your money was hidden in BMW, etc:

In addition to allegedly exploiting Nazi prisoners, the Quandts also had personal ties to the Nazi regime. Günther Quandts first wife, Magda Ritschel, remarried Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's future propaganda minister, in 1931, two years after her divorce from the business giant. Magda brought her son, Harald Quandt, into the marriage and he lived together with her and Goebbels. While the Goebbels committed suicide in 1945 after poisoning their own children, Harald -- who was not with them -- survived...

The German weekly Der Spiegel speculated that the broadcaster may have been afraid of the powerful Quandt family, which owns 46.6 percent of BMW and large portions of numerous other firms, including Altana.

Now, Wikileaks was hosted on Amazon servers that In-Q-Tel has an investment in, until Joe Lieberman staged a Kosher Revolt that the tools of the Jasmine Revolt should be kept apart. Amazon will protest that it was self serve and that they didn't know. So why not go set up your own leak site and see how long yours lasts compared to Wikleaks' ? Better yet ask Cass Sunstein to help you out.

In-Q-Tel is one of the CIA's investment arms. From its one percent of released information that reported not much of anything other than enough to anger Arabs and Muslims, we see uprisings in Yemen, Tunisia and Egypt... under the Muslim Brotherhood.

Wikileaks released novel classified shockers like Ben Franklin and Silas Deane being spies, that diplomats are expelled in a tit for tat that falls under the Latin persona non grata, and other critical state secrets. No, they didn't really mention Ben and Silas (who had his life ruined by the Massachusetts Adams family after financing the Revolution out of pocket). Still, the fact that they tried to sell the masses the "classified" theme that diplomats spy even as the leaks muttered about the current puppets of the USA as being strangely classified made the entire endeavor suspect before the revolution in Tunisia.

While talking to a retiree of the CIA who since declared "we are at war" and stopped speaking to me, I said the Muslim Brotherhood was still very active and here we have it:

I'm hesitant to say there are CIA connections to the Nazis because the ill informed have their knees jerk most vigorously and take it the wrong way, but there are too many connections to be legal or moral.

In fact one was none other than Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani who was a contender to be Pope until the present papal faction headed by the Hitler Youth member knocked him over. Cardinal Ottaviani had been present at the signing of the still-effective Reichskonkordat that "protected" the Vatican from Hitler:

His Holiness Pope Pius XI and the President of the German Reich, moved by a common desire to consolidate and promote the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the German Reich, wish to permanently regulate the relations between the Catholic Church and the state for the whole territory of the German Reich in a way acceptable to both parties.

Ask why after the Reich was "destroyed," and Germany spent half a century as East and West and then was reunified, that the Reichskonkordat remains in effect.

The Cardinal Carabiniere worked with Martin S. Quigley of the OSS that latter transitioned to the CIA, including attempting to effect a Japanese surrender through Catholic Japanese channels.

The (real) Nazis aren't dead. Witness NASA. The Paperclip scientists made a joke of carrying on their traditions even as they worked for the USA. I'm sure most thinking people know that based on the 66 year manhunt for those that were useless to the USA, were too blatant in their crimes or couldn't be coopted. If you know that, then you know the story about Prince Bernhard and his SS card, and the Bilderberg Group. If you've been reading here or researching history you know there's a submarine of German industrialists that was sunk off Cape Cod in the last months of WWII that was heading to meet with "ex" Nazi Bernhard and others at the Chatham Bars Inn. Might it have become the Chatham Bars Group ? After word reached the "royal" family (not really since they all knocked over lawful Roman authority to get there), they fled to Canada on 26 August 1944 as seen in the Cape Cod Times.

"I will not talk about anything political and cannot take questions," said "Princess" Juliana. Isn't that always the way with the usurpers of the Roman Empire to this day, harmless knaves that they are, flapping away their gums at Bilderberg ?

If you go back from here, one can trace the Visigoth sham all the way back to 476 when after the Germans cunningly installed part-German emperors on the Roman seat, they routed them in months, exiled them and finally murdered them after they were "disappeared". The coup d'etat ended Roman rule and completed what they started through treachery in the Teutoburg Forest on... 11 September 9. The loss of the XVII, XVIII and XIX Legions totaling 18,000 and more men tormented Ottaviano the rest of his life; he knew the end-game.

Between 1936 and 1939, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Al-Hajj Amin al-Husseini fought the British during Hitler's rise and then worked as a Nazi ally. In fact, given his views on the economic war conducted against poor Jews and pay-off by Hitler, he was a de facto Nazi.

So here we are back in 2011 watching the Nazi allied and funded Muslim Brotherhood entering street fights against long time rulers who were US "allies". Is that who you want overthrowing US puppets ? Who do you think they're going to be replaced with ? In the guise of fledgling democracies, they'll be replaced with even more pliable Harvard, Yale and Georgetown educated puppets who will surrender to the Globalist banks. They'll hand over oil rights, and in turn the banks will extend credit to the masses to sell more plastic, thereby opening up vast reserves of westernized customers where they were restrained before.

The low internet infiltration alone shows the lack of a market for plastic at this time.

The Globalists hope that will change. So who are the Globalists ?

It's the 1929 riots all over again.

Semper idem.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Red Crutch point and reinforcement

A few days ago I wrote about the Red Crutch on Cape Cod which typically provides a snow storm activity for bored seniors to go to during severe weather when they can't make a day out of a doctor visit and lunch out. Yes, someday they'll help people who need it but mostly they do this.

A fire in Connecticut resulted in exactly what I would expect the Red Cross to do in a snow storm.

In Connecticut they helped eight likely struggling people. On Cape Cod they helped one very wealthy person in a million dollar house ! After a little "I'm OK, you're OK" she couldn't get a room and her insurance company ?

Eh ?

A structure fire on Acton Street in Hartford displaced two families of four. Paul Shipman, spokesperson for the American Red Cross, said that the organization is providing temporary housing for them and will assist in replacing clothing, food and household items.

There's the Red Cross and then there's the Red Crutch. The latter is used by takers.

Red Crutch point and reinforcement

A few days ago I wrote about the Red Crutch on Cape Cod which typically provides a snow storm activity for bored seniors to go to during severe weather when they can't make a day out of a doctor visit and lunch out. Yes, someday they'll help people who need it but mostly they do this.

A fire in Connecticut resulted in exactly what I would expect the Red Cross to do in a snow storm.

In Connecticut they helped eight likely struggling people. On Cape Cod they helped one very wealthy person in a million dollar house ! After a little "I'm OK, you're OK" she couldn't get a room and her insurance company ?

Eh ?

A structure fire on Acton Street in Hartford displaced two families of four. Paul Shipman, spokesperson for the American Red Cross, said that the organization is providing temporary housing for them and will assist in replacing clothing, food and household items.

There's the Red Cross and then there's the Red Crutch. The latter is used by takers.

Why are we going backwards ? MPs cut BBC

We had a wired world until 1903 and now we are going backwards so that we can be slaves to companies for fees and surveillance for nosy security forces to have infinite and indefinite busy work. The BBC and any future US cuts should be seen that way.

Staff have been informed that up to 650 jobs will be lost from a workforce of 2,400 over the next three years.

The Macedonian, Albanian and Serbian services will be axed, as will English for the Caribbean and Portuguese for Africa, in a bid to save £46m a year.

The BBC estimates audiences will fall by more than 30 million, from 180 million to 150 million a week.

Internet radio is wired and it doesn't work that well to begin with when you really look at it. In 1993 the reason I was chosen as a Teaching Assistant at Trinity College was that I wrote a hypertext app for the Mac that was an interface to listen to radio over the internet. The professor tried to get investors but they declined citing a lack of infrastructure.

The service, which started broadcasting in 1932, currently costs £272m a year and has an audience of 241 million worldwide across radio, television and online... Instead there will be more focus on online, mobile and TV content distribution in these languages.

There still isn't any infrastructure compared to point to point wireless. Anyone thinking the internet will be there in an emergency is clueless. Did your cell, your local police and fire trunk radio system or the internet work nicely after 9/11 ? Or Katrina ? They were all stepping on each other and out of bandwidth and switches.

There's a reason brilliant men like Tesla and Marconi went wireless. They were brilliant. They knew the telegraph was limited. The telegraph lines could be broken or a solar storm could wreck havoc with no recourse to other frequencies because it sent was over a wire. The telegraph could be tied up when an operator fell asleep at his key or left the circuit connected. Today's politicians can't even read what they sign into law.

Internet radio is what you use for an hour here or there. Yet you're being steered to it as surely as they sought to make you use NTP for the time (even as there are no household NTP clocks) by "studying" away WWV and WWVB.

There are too many internet radio standards. Even WTIC-FM uses MP3 while WTIC-AM, as far as I know, now requires Realplayer, Winamp or the browser based player. The latter now goes to sleep in an absurd bandwidth neurosis if you don't interact and / or have it as the topmost browser window ! The on air ads aren't enough for the handlers. We can be sure Clear Channel is now demanding that you keep the player up so that you see the screen ads besides ! Thus, they're hitting on the internet listener even more than the radio listener.

Internet radio as touted by the ax swingers at the BBC is all well and good when you're in front of your computer on the fringes of stations or listening to an AM, FM or shortwave station out of its coverage area. Are you really going to put an internet radio in your kitchen or crank the volume up on your stereo ? How about the bathroom ?

Therefore the next goal is to sell you a standard-less piece of plastic that'll be as without a future as the last decade's still perfectly useful DVD player soon enough.

Internet radio is, in the end, a gimmick to get you to buy different gadgets that'll be defunct in a decade and indeed are from when they ship. A review of the manuals of the Grace Digital, Sangean, Cobra, and Logitech receivers (all their current models and some in stores yet) show that there is no way to enter a URL !

What there is however, is the need to use Pandora to create a station or Reciva. You become a slave to an intermediary.

Can you say drug pushers ?

They're going to hook you then charge you and if you don't, they'll thank you for the donation to their handlers when you bought your now useless radio. Ever notice that 95 percent of the internet radios don't have an over the air tuner ? If they do have a tuner it's a cripple ware FM tuner. They don't want you having an out when they eventually try to charge you.

That's what they've done with Hulu, by now restricting most of the seasons that were free for two years are on Hulu Plus. Even then they were funded by ads. Don't be fooled. The ads covered their severs just fine or they wouldn't have created Hulu. Now they want you to pay for ads like the old MTV bait and switch when ads were put into the rotation. The shows on Hulu were transmitted over the air for free to you when new. Now all those devices that have Hulu embedded are no more than a hook, or so they hope. And once Pandora is secure financially and with a broad listener base they'll give you 5 minutes of songs free a month.

Do you think Pandora in your car will be cute ? Fee. Ipod radio app ? Fee. They're not free ! You're paying for service ! Fees are more slavery shifting the burden onto you so that money from transmitter and staff maintenance can be shifted to the listener. That means more money for Congress and the House of Commons to pee into the wind. After that, they'll hold hearings to ask why no one is listening to radio (as if they didn't know), in a standardized dance that started with plummeting CD and DVD sales.

In the long run the nefarious goal is to restrict your access to information and channel what you do get through their hired guns communications cable taps, splice rooms at Verizon, AT and T and satellite stations. They want to add what you're listening to and watching to the John Poindexter TIA database that doesn't exist because they renamed it, to add to what medicines you take and all the rest.

A new law that went into effect Jan. 1 requires people to show their driver's license or another type of identification before a pharmacist can dispense prescriptions ranging from addictive opiates to some medicines for diarrhea. Their purchases will be recorded in a massive database that will include their names, addresses, and the kinds and amount of pills they take.

(Go watch and prosecute a drug addict doctor like the one that nearly murdered me for a change instead of giving them medical board probation so they can then go and rape female patients.)

So do you like wires now ? Wireless internet and internet radio isn't, not even in your car. You're chained to an IP network. You're chained to a very nearby cell site or router.

It's as false a paradigm as the replacement of the Roman Empire with Globalism. Was not Rome global ? Rome wasn't making these stooges' ancestors wealthy, though. So it was replaced with a 1550 year process to install each other as world "leaders". In the course of this misadventure, it earns politicians and bureaucrats millions individually and trillions in aggregate in their careers as pusher stooges for industry. They are shown some whiz bang Technicolor plastic toy and tell their staff to develop their end to profit from it.

Buy an HD radio. It's fee free. It tells you the song name. As I look around there is a clear push for internet radio in cars too now; that's just to hook you forever. HD radio is a CD quality "secret".

Legiones redde !

Why are we going backwards ? MPs cut BBC

We had a wired world until 1903 and now we are going backwards so that we can be slaves to companies for fees and surveillance for nosy security forces to have infinite and indefinite busy work. The BBC and any future US cuts should be seen that way.

Staff have been informed that up to 650 jobs will be lost from a workforce of 2,400 over the next three years.

The Macedonian, Albanian and Serbian services will be axed, as will English for the Caribbean and Portuguese for Africa, in a bid to save £46m a year.

The BBC estimates audiences will fall by more than 30 million, from 180 million to 150 million a week.

Internet radio is wired and it doesn't work that well to begin with when you really look at it. In 1993 the reason I was chosen as a Teaching Assistant at Trinity College was that I wrote a hypertext app for the Mac that was an interface to listen to radio over the internet. The professor tried to get investors but they declined citing a lack of infrastructure.

The service, which started broadcasting in 1932, currently costs £272m a year and has an audience of 241 million worldwide across radio, television and online... Instead there will be more focus on online, mobile and TV content distribution in these languages.

There still isn't any infrastructure compared to point to point wireless. Anyone thinking the internet will be there in an emergency is clueless. Did your cell, your local police and fire trunk radio system or the internet work nicely after 9/11 ? Or Katrina ? They were all stepping on each other and out of bandwidth and switches.

There's a reason brilliant men like Tesla and Marconi went wireless. They were brilliant. They knew the telegraph was limited. The telegraph lines could be broken or a solar storm could wreck havoc with no recourse to other frequencies because it sent was over a wire. The telegraph could be tied up when an operator fell asleep at his key or left the circuit connected. Today's politicians can't even read what they sign into law.

Internet radio is what you use for an hour here or there. Yet you're being steered to it as surely as they sought to make you use NTP for the time (even as there are no household NTP clocks) by "studying" away WWV and WWVB.

There are too many internet radio standards. Even WTIC-FM uses MP3 while WTIC-AM, as far as I know, now requires Realplayer, Winamp or the browser based player. The latter now goes to sleep in an absurd bandwidth neurosis if you don't interact and / or have it as the topmost browser window ! The on air ads aren't enough for the handlers. We can be sure Clear Channel is now demanding that you keep the player up so that you see the screen ads besides ! Thus, they're hitting on the internet listener even more than the radio listener.

Internet radio as touted by the ax swingers at the BBC is all well and good when you're in front of your computer on the fringes of stations or listening to an AM, FM or shortwave station out of its coverage area. Are you really going to put an internet radio in your kitchen or crank the volume up on your stereo ? How about the bathroom ?

Therefore the next goal is to sell you a standard-less piece of plastic that'll be as without a future as the last decade's still perfectly useful DVD player soon enough.

Internet radio is, in the end, a gimmick to get you to buy different gadgets that'll be defunct in a decade and indeed are from when they ship. A review of the manuals of the Grace Digital, Sangean, Cobra, and Logitech receivers (all their current models and some in stores yet) show that there is no way to enter a URL !

What there is however, is the need to use Pandora to create a station or Reciva. You become a slave to an intermediary.

Can you say drug pushers ?

They're going to hook you then charge you and if you don't, they'll thank you for the donation to their handlers when you bought your now useless radio. Ever notice that 95 percent of the internet radios don't have an over the air tuner ? If they do have a tuner it's a cripple ware FM tuner. They don't want you having an out when they eventually try to charge you.

That's what they've done with Hulu, by now restricting most of the seasons that were free for two years are on Hulu Plus. Even then they were funded by ads. Don't be fooled. The ads covered their severs just fine or they wouldn't have created Hulu. Now they want you to pay for ads like the old MTV bait and switch when ads were put into the rotation. The shows on Hulu were transmitted over the air for free to you when new. Now all those devices that have Hulu embedded are no more than a hook, or so they hope. And once Pandora is secure financially and with a broad listener base they'll give you 5 minutes of songs free a month.

Do you think Pandora in your car will be cute ? Fee. Ipod radio app ? Fee. They're not free ! You're paying for service ! Fees are more slavery shifting the burden onto you so that money from transmitter and staff maintenance can be shifted to the listener. That means more money for Congress and the House of Commons to pee into the wind. After that, they'll hold hearings to ask why no one is listening to radio (as if they didn't know), in a standardized dance that started with plummeting CD and DVD sales.

In the long run the nefarious goal is to restrict your access to information and channel what you do get through their hired guns communications cable taps, splice rooms at Verizon, AT and T and satellite stations. They want to add what you're listening to and watching to the John Poindexter TIA database that doesn't exist because they renamed it, to add to what medicines you take and all the rest.

A new law that went into effect Jan. 1 requires people to show their driver's license or another type of identification before a pharmacist can dispense prescriptions ranging from addictive opiates to some medicines for diarrhea. Their purchases will be recorded in a massive database that will include their names, addresses, and the kinds and amount of pills they take.

(Go watch and prosecute a drug addict doctor like the one that nearly murdered me for a change instead of giving them medical board probation so they can then go and rape female patients.)

So do you like wires now ? Wireless internet and internet radio isn't, not even in your car. You're chained to an IP network. You're chained to a very nearby cell site or router.

It's as false a paradigm as the replacement of the Roman Empire with Globalism. Was not Rome global ? Rome wasn't making these stooges' ancestors wealthy, though. So it was replaced with a 1550 year process to install each other as world "leaders". In the course of this misadventure, it earns politicians and bureaucrats millions individually and trillions in aggregate in their careers as pusher stooges for industry. They are shown some whiz bang Technicolor plastic toy and tell their staff to develop their end to profit from it.

Buy an HD radio. It's fee free. It tells you the song name. As I look around there is a clear push for internet radio in cars too now; that's just to hook you forever. HD radio is a CD quality "secret".

Legiones redde !

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Unidentified man using assumed name occupying office of President gives annual content-free pep rally

The unidentified African man at the front of the House Chamber is once again conducting another non-specific State of the Union as have his corporatist predecessors since 1964. This trick of telling you what they decide you want to hear amid stupid jokes was in place by the Nixon presidency. The last to give specifics as I see them was John F. Kennedy. I wonder why ?

Rattling off corporations spending tax dollars doesn't help us determine the State of the Union. Holding virtual hands with families that make $200,000 a year and think they're poor when at least 43 million make no money each year is a sham. Millions have been damned as persona non grata by corporations into oblivion using MITRE / MIT software like Unicru and insurance records that are illegally accessed in violation of HIPAA.

This is a government that wants you to let them govern. If you were so smart you'd be there. It's all about creating more websites, and showing you smiling faces holding hands in unity. Let's defeat enemies and build coalitions and have a moral example. The only time they give specifics is when they recite where they are going to send the military next to open credit accounts for Globalist banks. Darfur; North Korea.

It's like watching the episode of Cheers where the candidate running against Woody says he's concerned about the issues that affect "you"... the issues that affect you the most, and he never says what they are. Or when Frasier tells Woody:

"just say the word 'change' about a hundred times!"

You don't say.

In 1911, William Howard Taft delivered to Congress a detailed report on the United States activities of the last year... in four parts over four days. That's known as putting in effort, not submitting sound bites for the Mockingbird Media to process.

The present lawyers, who for the most part have never practiced a day in their lives, have no clue that the Constitution says what follows, even though they just read it.

Article II - The Executive Branch...

Section 3 - State of the Union, Convening Congress

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

The present officers of the United States of America treat you like you're a moron listening to a speech with less actual content than Joseph Goebbels' works.

Third Annual Message
December 5, 1911
[On the Anti-Trust Statute.] To the Senate and House of Representatives:

[On Foreign Relations.]
THE WHITE HOUSE, December 7, 1911
To the Senate and House of Representatives:

The relations of the United States with other countries have continued during the past twelve months upon a basis of the usual good will and friendly intercourse...



THE WHITE HOUSE, December 20, 1911.
To the Senate and House of Representatives:

[On the financial condition of the treasury, needed banking and currency reform, and departmental questions.]

THE WHITE HOUSE, December 21, 1911.
To the Senate and House of Representatives:

The financial condition of the Government, as shown at the close of the last fiscal year, June 30, 1911, was very satisfactory. The ordinary receipts into the general fund, excluding postal revenues, amounted to $701,372,374.99, and the disbursements from the general fund for current expenses and capital outlays, excluding postal and Panama Canal disbursements, including the interest on the public debt, amounted to $654,137,907-89, leaving a surplus Of $47,234,377.10.

The postal revenue receipts amounted to $237,879,823,60, while the payments made for the postal service from the postal revenues amounted to $237,660,705.48, which left a surplus of postal receipts over disbursements Of $219,118.12, the first time in 27 years in which a surplus occurred.

The interest-bearing debt of the United States June 30, 1911, amounted to $915,353,igo. The debt on which interest had ceased amounted to $1,879,830.26, and the debt bearing no interest, including greenbacks, national bank notes to be redeemed, and fractional currency, amounted to $386,751,917-43, or a total of interest and noninterest bearing debt amounting to $1,303,984,937.69.

The actual disbursements, exclusive of those for the Panama Canal and for the postal service for the year ending June 30, 1911, were $654,137,997.89. The actual disbursements for the year ending June 30, 1910, exclusive of the Panama Canal and the postal service disbursements, were $659,705,391.08, making a decrease Of $5,567,393.19 in yearly expenditures in the year 1911 under that of 1910. For the year ending June 30, 1912, the estimated receipts, exclusive of the postal revenues, are $666,000,000, while the total estimates, exclusive of those for the Panama Canal and the postal expenditures payable from the postal revenues, amount to $645,842,799.34. This is a decrease in the 1912 estimates from that of the 1911 estimates of $1,534,367-22.

For the year ending June 30, 1913, the estimated receipts, exclusive of the postal revenues, are $667,000,000, while the total estimated appropriations, exclusive of the Panama Canal and postal disbursements payable from postal revenues, will amount to $637,920,803.35. This is a decrease in the 1913 estimates from that of the 1912 estimates of $7,921,995.99.

As to the postal revenues, the expansion of the business in that department, the normal increase in the Post Office and the extension of the service, will increase the outlay to the SUM Of $260,938,463 ; but as the department was self-sustaining this year the Postmaster General is assured that next year the receipts will at least equal the expenditures, and probably exceed them by more than the surplus of this year. It is fair and equitable, therefore, in determining the economy with which the Government has been run, to exclude the transactions of a department like the Post Office Department, which relies for its support upon its receipts. In calculations heretofore made for comparison of economy in each year, it has been the proper custom only to include in the statement the deficit in the Post Office Department which was paid out of the Treasury.

Removal of clerks of Federal courts.
French spoliation awards.

The unidentified African man speaking at the front of the House Chamber operating under an assumed last name spoke of science fairs instead, and the usual go nowhere drivel of his handlers. They have decided for you that you are too stupid to care about actual facts and that government has become so complicated (through their own doing) that we have to talk abut Miss Waters wiping away tears in school.

Legiones redde !