Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egypt must be free from Globalist usurpers or Egypt must be Roman

Who died and decided the Nobel laureate and Globalist puppet Mohamed ElBaradei would replace the puppet Mubarak ?

Why, 1550 years of Weishauputian conspirators, of course.

The wife of Hosni Mubarak is half-Welsh. Wales was Roman until the eve of the Visigoth revolt in 410. Revolts, revolts, revolts. All conducted at the "same time" in the longue duree, establishing a pattern of conspiracy. Wales today is still held by a German.

There are more Germanic Visigoth connections to more usurpers in more countries that legally are still Roman. To say otherwise is for the Germanic usurpers to admit that they are in unlawful revolt for 1550 years even though they're all you ever knew from the day you were born. No one told them that they could take over Roman territory. They seized control under force of arms by abducting and murdering two Roman Emperors as they took the seat for themselves in 476.

That's an unlawful coup d'etat. Why are they still in power, killing your children in fake wars, destroying your wealth and taking it for themselves through accounting tricks and theft ?

It's akin to the Chinese bonds sold by some that were never forgiven by the banks that issued them. The Chinese Communists just stopped paying them after the Revolution that now brings you your plastic and makes American business people millionaires and billionaires. When they are sold as more than "history," the sellers get arrested and jailed. Do it when Bush was President and the Chinese knocked a spy plane out of the sky to prove the point that they weren't going to pay their lawful debts.

The Foreign Office would not confirm last night whether Mrs Mubarak and her sons Gamal and Alaa had British passports.

The family, who have relatives in Britain, are regular visitors and Gamal, 47, once lived and worked in London, initially for Bank of America before, in 1996, he set up his own investment vehicle, Medinvest Associates.

That's rather interesting because it's been in all the media that Gamal was being groomed to run Egypt in an inherited scheme.

Bank of America executives actually think that power should be inherited ? Obviously time working in an international corporation in 150 countries didn't temper his elite attitude.

I have a superior attitude, too. Get your sorry asses out of Roman territory and let them rule themselves without your corporatist globalist handlers interfering by sending any more pleasant old men like Mohamed ElBaradei.

It's interesting that the USA gives "Native Americans" casinos on 2000 year old verbal traditions because they then take a cut to fund their pork and graft. Mohegans and Pequots don't have their last name carved into stone all over Europe including on the obelisk Augustus erected to Rome from which Egyptian hieroglyphics speak back to the Hitler Youth Pope every time he speaks.

Imp. Caesar divi fil. / Augustus / pontifex maximus / imp. XII cos XI trib pot XIV / Aegypto in potestatem / populi romani redacta / soli donum dedit.

The emperor, Caesar, son of the deified Julius Caesar, August, pontifex maximus, proclaimed imperator for the twelfth time, consul for the eleventh time, holding tribunician power for the fourteenth time, having subdued Egypt to the power of the Roman people, gave this gift to the sun.

Egypt is legally Rome. The Germanic conspirators murdered Julius Caesar expecting a puppet in Mark Anthony or Octavian and they got a nasty delay in their plan for world domination instead when Cassius and Brutus took headers into the ditch of history.

So back in 2011, tell me, "government officials" and "world leaders" that overthew lawful Roman authority, where does the statute of limitations start and end based on the Native American that your syndicate issues casino rights to based on the 2000 year old spoken word ?

The statute is unlimited on murder in all countries.

Answer for the XVII, XVIII and XIX Legions and the Emperors you assassinated, oh Bilderberg, CFR, Davos, Trilateral and Club of Rome outlaws. And don't pretend you didn't. You enjoy the trillions of dollars in wealth every day from what your ancestors did to Rome.

It's obviously the belief of the usurpers that history and legal claim starts where the "Bilderberg" power starts in 476. The mere use of the brainwashing rendered unto students for 1550 years that the Roman government is "ancient" is a sham. Who defines ancient but themselves ?

Have you ever heard of an "Ancient Native American" ? Don't be fooled by "ancient artifacts" or "mounds" or "cities." The use of the term as relates to Native Americans are their artifacts. When they speak of Rome, they speak of people as if we disappeared. The "Dark" or "Middle" Ages are an artificial construct that furthers that purpose. It provides a nice break with their coup d'etat where the present crop of "aristocrats" collecting European government pensions originated.

They broke the law in 476. They are usurpers. As this is written they selectively enforce Roman law that suits their purposes of enslaving mankind, continuously from that year, while ignoring the political processes they have seized through unlawful force using Germanic armies.

Egypt can't seriously be auguring to get rid of the Mubaraks for a UN IAEA official, educated at NYU Law School.

She'd be exchanging one worn out Globalist puppet for a fresh one.

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