Monday, January 17, 2011

Roman Imperial usurper Vatican also wants your guns

The Vatican which has "cleansed" itself of all the child molestors now has time for gun owners.

The Church is participating in a 1550 year sham where they divided power spiritual and temporal with the Globalist Germans and Jewish people running the sham who destroyed the Roman Empire for their own power and wealth, and your enslavement.

The Vatican is beholden to these two groups as proven by the "magic" ability of the still current Reichskonkordat with Germany to keep the Nazis at bay in WWII, among others.

Now they want your guns in defiance of the United States Constitution even as they carry them for their own defense against those who would challenge them based on the Roman laws that came before their heinous crimes:

The Catholic Church's position on gun control is not easy to find; there are dozens of speeches and talks and a few documents that call for much tighter regulation of the global arms trade, but what about private gun ownership?

The answer is resoundingly clear: Firearms in the hands of civilians should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated.

But you won't find that statement in a headline or a document subheading. It's almost hidden in a footnote in a document on crime by the U.S. bishops' conference and it's mentioned in passing in dozens of official Vatican texts on the global arms trade.

The most direct statement comes in the bishops' "Responsibility, Rehabilitation and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice" from November 2000.

This resurrection occurs as these unlawful usurpers of Roman authority masquerade as entirely good men, and many really are. The interlocking politicos (through descent from outside usurper families) at the top are the devil they intimate fighting.

They destroyed Rome under force of arms and repeatedly conducted mass murder of their flocks by fielding armies throughout the last 1550 years.

Do they forget every war before the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 ? Do they feign the abject ignorance that they showed in the face of learned men like Suleiman on orders of their Jewish handlers and financiers ?

On the world stage, the Vatican has been pushing for decades for limitations not just on conventional weapons of warfare, such as tanks and missiles, but also for stricter limitations on the illegal and legal sale, trade and use of small firearms and weapons, said Tommaso Di Ruzza, the expert on disarmament and arms control at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

Di Ruzza told Catholic News Service that the Vatican is one of just a handful of states that would like to see small arms and weapons included in the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, which would better regulate the flow of conventional arms.

The Vatican did nothing less than insert itself into the role held by the Vestal Virgins and Roman state religion for consumption of the ignorant, starting with Sol Invictus and Christmas, and ending at pine tree versus Christmas tree...

Now is the time to lay bare their usurpation although it's readily known in academia though if you're not of the family that has been blown from the annals of history it bears little significance.

Pontifex Maximus was the title of the Emperor of Rome for his use as high priest of Roman state religion. The title is now usurped through its use across many Vatican buildings both inside and out. A favorite Christmas annual mass camera angle, including a month ago, is to fixate on the myriad engravings of PONT.MAX. carved into the stone near the ceiling of St Peter's Basilica.

When the Germans and their Jewish financiers finished off lawful Roman authority in 476, they immediately moved to split the power in two with themselves and their heirs to this day taking the temporal power. The Church claimed, in direct continuation of Rome, the title used by the Emperor. That is, Pontifex Maximus.

How did we go from the Emperors being Pontifex Maximus to the Pope ? Because the new Vatican made the rules after the Emperors were cajoled into converting in the direct substitution fraud that replaced a thousand years of Roman religion with Catholicism.

Even the last Vestal Virgin alive converted !

The Pope is therefore nothing less than an unlawful usurper propped up by Visigoth invaders of the Rome he now haunts, as have been all his predecessors both accepted and antipopes. They are nothing more than the rubber stamp upon the unlawful authority that has held temporal power and wealth since 476.

But once a nation has a functioning army, police force and court system, "do I still serve the common good with my gun or do I put it at even greater danger?" and promote a lawless kind of "street justice where if you steal my car, I shoot you," he asked.

Ah, so only the usurpers of the Roman Empire will have guns in the future because they know what's best for you children; you will have no defense against their benevolent dictatorship.

More slavery and control is emerging from those that wouldn't follow the laws established by the descendants of the most well known Ottaviano (Octavian). Caesar Augustus .

In a direct sense, the Vatican's late fixation on weapons is a farce in an era where a man of "peace" is defended not under heavy defense, but both defense in the form of say, the Popemobile, and security forces with machine guns. Thus, he is in another way a fraud and a sham when this task can be accomplished with sprays, tasers, and other defensive measures.

Would the world wake up if his guards shot and killed someone ? Would they see that it's wrong ? He is as much a two face as the priest nodding and grinning during the descriptions of the take down of the recent Arizona shooter. Priests need to be as poker faced as the Supreme Court at the State of the Union (even if they don't believe it for a minute), not nodding gleefully. I was disgusted when I saw the collar on that smiling man's neck at the Meeting broadcast this past Sunday on ABC.

The priest, if not a typical hyopcrite, should have compassion for all sides. He clearly didn't.

And as Pope Benedict wrote in his message to the disarmament conference, no reduction or elimination of arms can happen without eliminating violence at its root.

Every person "is called to disarm his own heart and be a peacemaker everywhere," the pope said.

The present Pope is no more than a sour faced "former" Hitler Youth member, and like those brought here during Operation Paperclip by a ham radio operator I knew in the next town said, they didn't change. He told me had he known what he was involved with he would have crashed the plane. Unfortunately that wouldn't have ended their 1550 year plan of domination.

How ironic that when planning your visit to the usurper Vatican, you'll be travelling on the Metro, Ottaviano / San Pietro.

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