Monday, January 24, 2011

Learn your Italian to Latin and your Latin to Italian

History and political science are fields where people with other degrees think they can venture. I often see lawyer historians and doctor historians. When degrees are issued that say what you are, I don't see why a lesser would think they are any more than a hobbyist.

Still, learn your history and don't be a shill for the conspirators who spent 1550 years teaching little girls that they're "aristocrats" but that we're ancient history.

You can't have two World Orders kicking around now can you ?

Gaio Giulio Cesare Ottaviano Augusto
Gaius Iulius Cæsar Octavianus Augustus

It's funny how certain ethnicities will date women, but then their mothers order them who they're going to marry. And a doctor with a real MD once told me all shrinks are nuts, let alone the wanna bes trying to discover themselves by muddling through that lesser field.

Yawn. There are no coincidences.

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