Friday, January 21, 2011

NSTAR liars allow government hackers to probe system, damage property in last several months

We had repeated surges here over the last several months where all the back up power supplies would come on at once to correct the voltage and then hang, and then shut off.

After much complaining and frank accusations that it was CIA, INFRAGUARD and GAO BS from me, it magically stopped with no explanation and no denial.

Repeated visits by NSTAR got us nowhere. Everything is working fine.

Then in another one of those Bushism that"there are no coincidences," this appeared this week.

It is a report from the GAO whose spooks have previously been tasked with harassing innocent Americans at home and work in the name of corporate fascist security so that corporations don't have to use their money for security. They use your taxes instead and derive the benefits. They simply deploy unsecured garbage, mostly foreign made and coded and then sock it to you.

Notice your new electrical meter lately ? These sons of bitches think that damaging your property is a legitimate adjunct to their security research as they caused me. See you in small claims court. All of you. That includes the spooks too.

Page 14 of ELECTRICITY GRID MODERNIZATION: Progress Being Made on Cybersecurity Guidelines, but Key Challenges Remain to be Addressed says:

In addition to these potential vulnerabilities, we and others have also reported that smart grid and related systems have known cyber vulnerabilities. For example, cybersecurity experts have demonstrated that certain smart meters can be successfully attacked, and the impact of such attacks includes the ability to disrupt the electricity grid. In addition, we reported in 2007 that certain smart systems—commonly referred to as control systems—used in industrial settings such as electric generation have cyber security vulnerabilities that, if exploited, could result in serious damages and disruption.6 Further, in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security, in cooperation with a DOE national laboratory, ran a test that demonstrated that a vulnerability, commonly referred to as “Aurora,” had the potential to allow unauthorized users to remotely control, misuse, and cause damage to a small commercial electric generator. Moreover, in 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency reported that malicious activities against IT systems and networks have caused disruption of electric power capabilities in multiple regions overseas, including a case that resulted in a multi city power outage.7

This is only a drill ?

So too will be the lawsuit over the brand new power supply that you fried in December.

Legiones redde !

It'd be better than this...

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