Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shooting victim arrested for asserting right to self defense

At a meeting in Arizona being taped by the Mockingbird Media and packed with low and mid level CFR and Bilderberg usurpers of the Roman Empire, as well as their security forces, a victim of the accused shooter was arrested for asserting his right to self defense.

How's that sound since that's what they are ? It's how they taught me to write but with the subject matter turned on its head.

After all, it was hosted by none other than someone bearing a title of unlawful usurpation against the Roman Empire, Christiane Amanpour. CFR's Amanpour affixes to her name the title given to her by the House of Hanover that is descended from the line that overthrew Rome. That title of unlawful usurpation is Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire or CBE. The "independent and un-connected" Amanpour lived with John F. Kennedy Jr., in University and grew up in Iran as a benefactor of the CIA's bumbling Shah. She's married to former State Department Spokesman and Madeline Albright aid, the CFR's James Rubin.

Can we ever find any of these people who just left a public high school in, say, Connecticut, went to college in Connecticut without financial aid because their schoolteacher father saved (and wasn't then maimed by the government and its contractor Merck) got a high powered job and aren't linked to or married to or friends with some CFR or Bilderberg Name ? Guess not.

No conspiracy here. And by the way, Rubin is Jewish. Again. As is Albright. Again. They ran out of the 260 million other American citizens as candidates so the only qualified candidates for these government jobs were once again, Jewish.

The ABC show was an event that should convince any thinking person who hasn't succumbed to the fraud that certain parts of the shooting were and continue to be staged, such as handing out 14,000 political slogan retraining T shirts that T shirt makers said would take weeks to produce (contributors on WTIC and WXTK let alone other outlets), a Soviet or Nazi style rally to retrain the masses broadcast on the networks to over 30 million people (the 30 million female partners of the 30 million football watchers, no doubt) and now government retraining that if you are maimed through government negligence and are angry, you will be arrested and stuck in a rubber room and not those engaged in gross government negligence.

Toward the end of the taping, Amanpour brought up the issues of gun safety and mental health. One member of the audience who identified with the tea-party movement stood up and said debate over the shooting's political and gun-law implications should be delayed until emotions settle down. Fuller, seated near the front in an area reserved for victims and special guests, appeared increasingly frustrated and agitated.

Fuller then swiveled in his chair, raised his camera and took a photo of the pro-gun speaker, muttering, "You're dead," according to Joel Tranter, who was sitting behind him.

"I told him, 'You need to be respectful. You need to calm down,'" Tranter said. "He said, 'What'd you do, vote for this guy?'"

Why ? Who respected victim Fuller ? What a medicated useless eater.

As police officers approached to escort Fuller outside, he turned and shouted at the audience: "You whores!"

Well now, Fuller got that right. As a Navy veteran and now the victim of a shooting that all the warnings were ignored leading up to, he's had it and knows what nearly got him killed. He knows the rings of control these people have concocted for 1550 years since removing us from lawful power using their Visigoth mercenaries and their capital rooted in usury and taxes. This conspiracy was handed over after it evolved, to the people who control the intelligence community from the shadows

Outside, Fuller was arrested for making threats, said Capt. Byron Gwaltney of the Pima County Sheriff's Department.

Well, that's because they ignored Jared Loughner's acts like running a red light, so they had time to process paperwork for threats made by someone Loughner shot ! Silly Americans, tricks are for police mopes working in front of CFR and Bilderberg members being recorded by ABC cameras.

Fuller's actions could be a response to the trauma he suffered a week ago, said Dr. Laura Nelson, deputy director for the behavioral health sciences division at the Arizona Department of Health.

"Grief after what happened here in Tucson last week is a completely normal reaction, and ... anger is a very common symptom of grief," said Nelson, who had been invited to speak at the forum. "I hope that he'll get the help that he needs to get through this very difficult time."

So a victim is in a rubber room and fortunately at retirement age so it won't matter (and I'm sure he knew that) but the shooter isn't ?

I think the rest of the country hopes the Pima County Sheriff stops arguing with Rush Limbaugh and does better police work in the future.

As always when we discuss right and wrong, let's discuss the overthrow of the House of Ottaviano by rioting against Nero on 9 June 68 or the continued conspiracy that really took off in 476 when what we created was unlawfully overthrown by these people's ancestors and the exile and abject poverty we were driven into by the people who now cannot be criticized by 300 million Americans and the world beyond, let alone removed by election because they rigged the system.

They are illegal usurpers, they are unlawful and they are profiteering thieves.

Legiones redde !

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