Friday, January 28, 2011

Making revolution a spectator sport for safety valve purposes

Imp. Caesar divi fil. / Augustus / pontifex maximus / imp. XII cos XI trib pot XIV / Aegypto in potestatem / populi romani redacta / soli donum dedit.

The gripes expressed by the Egyptians are the same ones expressed in the United States under the reign of the unidentified man that helped trigger the revolutions, the Bilderberg puppet Barack Hussein Soetoro who uses the stage name of Obama.

They are the usual protests, high food prices, unemployment, poor services. Do they sound familiar ?

Did you like it when Congress asked Ben Bernanke where the money went in the bailout and his answer was "uh, no" ?

"Uh, no" ?

Turn to 1865. After the War between the States, the North returned once again to the expertise that we pioneered, that is, Bread and Circus.

Panem et Circenses was used to keep the people distracted under the Roman Empire that inspired Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other Great Men. However, in the days of the Great Men, these were not necessary as the country was fairly united against the British and then embroiled in the debates of the day ranging from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution.

Seeing their error after the Civil War, the North concocted a two part process of restraint to channel energies into la la land and dumb the people down vis a vis governing. That is, a permanent quasi military force in the form of permanent professional police to replace the Army after Reconstruction was created.

And, professional sports were created to provide not only gladiatorial style competition for those most athletic men who might present a problem in the future, but that anyone else would be fixated on interstate competitions rather than fomenting rebellion... it was a unifying force of distraction that included baseball and then basketball.

Now we see the protests in Egypt two years into the staged Global Depression planned at Bilderberg 2008, and after Bush and Obama warned Congressmen in the fall of 2008 of impending anarchy here if they didn't simply accept the go-nowhere unproductive bailouts.

As was presented yesterday before it was stated widely, if at all, and confirmed today by the current Drudge headline, the US meddled in knocking over the same puppets it propped up for the last three decades and Wikileaks was the "fuze".

The American Embassy in Cairo helped a young dissident attend a US-sponsored summit for activists in New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police.

On his return to Cairo in December 2008, the activist told US diplomats that an alliance of opposition groups had drawn up a plan to overthrow President Hosni Mubarak and install a democratic government in 2011.

Now based solely on the Twitter activity just shown by Brian Williams on NBC, we can see that Egypt is the top topic and a very busy one at that.

You've been distracted by being handed Panem et Circenses to watch, read and comment about.

You're being taken from news bite to news bite to distract you (when you're not watching TMZ or Extra) from near-zero percent interest rates, absurd security theater, skyrocketing food prices and smaller packages and the destruction of your home's value. While this is going on, the rich keep stealing.

You've been shown what unarmed revolution looks like and it isn't much more pleasant to watch than a hot war civil war.

During the early days of the Civil War, the wealthy went and watched the Battle of Bull Run in their coaches as if it was a theater show.

What did the government just do to you to distract you from your problems ?

Legiones redde.

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