Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MacGruber Time Traveler sighting ?

Recently the Mockingbird Media such as al ABCIAda has featured several stories of Time Travelers to distract the masses from planned economic collapse.

A few days ago I said that the USA was nice to have hosted the Scorpions in the 1980s to 1990s thereby proving the Pima Country Sheriff's thesis that the country used to be "nice," although I'm fairly certain that isn't what he meant by America being a nice country once.

In recent days I find myself increasingly troubled by what appears to be the appearance of MacGruber in the video for the Scorpions' Rhythm of Love.

Paging John Titor, we need you at one of the several National Laboratories that strangely have time to look at ham radio operator webpages. Or is it just the Wethersfield connection that disturbs them...

And no, I really do mean all that Roman Empire stuff, unlawful usurper dogs.

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