Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Economist apology for Bilderberg

As the meeting day rapidly approaches in say May or June, I'm anxiously checking my mail for an invitation to Bilderberg. I'm apparently the only person from the Ottaviano family with an interest and possibly suitable degrees and rank at the tops of the departments to rule the Roman world. That is the case in these days; in the Empire, there was no college Ponzi scheme. I'd be interested in comparing my record out of middle class poverty with the Hanover children that usurped my family through the major events in 9, 410 and 476.

No, I'm not joking.

In fact what I receive is a renewal notice for Foreign Affairs every time I visit the CFR website. Want to talk about cookies ? For years, in seven days tops after going to the site I see a renewal reminder.

Why would I renew what my professors told me I was going to have free before they wet worked me through Merck in October 1998 ?

This week The Economist, connected to said groups and with the typical Bilderberg leader like Merck and Royal Ahold have (that's Stop and Shop for you New Englanders) ran a neat apology for their bosses. Basically it's the kid in school who beat the crap out of you for 6 months crying that you stop hitting him the first time you punch him. Are you thinking Ralphie and Scut Farkus in A Christmas Story ?

Bilderberg's first attempt at this incarnation of the Weishauputian conspiracy I previously mentioned actually began right here on Cape Cod during the end of WWII. Unfortunately for them the scheduled appearance of German industrialists at the Chatham Bars Inn toward the end of the war was spoiled when the U-boat mysteriously sunk.

Uh oh.

It starts off in 2011 thus:

"YOU can do nothing against a conspiracy theory,” sighs Etienne Davignon. He sits in a lofty office with a stupendous view over Brussels, puffing his pipe. He is an aristocrat, a former vice-president of the European Commission and a man who has sat on several corporate boards, but that is not why some people consider him too powerful. He presides over the Bilderberg group, an evil conspiracy bent on world domination. At least, that is what numerous websites allege; also that it has ties to al-Qaeda, is hiding the cure for cancer and wishes to merge the United States with Mexico.

Mockery from the first. Was it conspiracy when the Senate that then welcomed these Visigoths into their midst first murdered Julius Caesar, with each Senator taking a stab ? It was only by the grace of the god(s) that Octavian was able to regain control after his defeat of Mark Anthony at Actium. But the Germanic assaults started anew. It was manifested on 11 September 9 when the Germans, having befriended certain Romans, turned and annihilated the 18,000 men of Legions XVII, XVIII and XIX of our lawful Roman army.

This set in motion the sham that winds through 1550 years and ends at Bilderberg mocking you as they ignore us.

Native Americans who have 2000 year histories were given casinos.

We were given borderline poverty as punishment and worked in bakeries, school and other lowly jobs even as the example of the House of Hanover, the Popes and the others have massive wealth collected from your ancestors.... and mine.

Think about it even if you don't care. They're after what you've built next, and that's why it matters.

The Economist continues its apology for this trans-generational Germanic conspiracy by saying that conspiracy defined is in fact not conspiracy as long as the meetings are attended by fake Germanic aristocrats and men who set their product prices and policies to you at whatever they wish in collusion. That makes it right:

In reality, Bilderberg is an annual conference for a few dozen of the world’s most influential people. Last year Bill Gates and Larry Summers hobnobbed with the chairman of Deutsche Bank, the boss of Shell, the head of the World Food Programme and the prime minister of Spain. One or two journalists are invited each year, on condition that they abstain from writing about it. (Full disclosure: the editor of The Economist sometimes attends.)

Because the meetings are off the record, they are catnip to conspiracy theorists.

Not only does the declaration of their own influence over those that aren't their own define conspiracy, but when US officials attend they are violating the Logan Act. None are ever indicted for breaking the law. The Germanic conspiracy started in the Teutoburg Forest when Rome was unlawfully attacked.

In the modern era, Bilderberg founder Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was also a card carrying Nazi whose family (the House of Lippe) is from Prussia. His title before marriage was Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld.
He went from a loyal SS member to Dutch resistance by way of I.G. Farben ? His friend Hitler used Teutoburg as a rallying point for Germans even as Hitler used MI6's own Mussolini as his shill. Yes, Mussolini's work as a newspaper reporter was funded by Britain's MI6. Do you think it stopped there ? And in the same spirit why was the first "Bilderberg" meeting in Chatham going to feature still "hostile" German industrialists ?

But the attraction for participants is obvious. They can speak candidly, says Mr Davignon, without worrying how their words might play in tomorrow’s headlines. So they find out what other influential people really think. Big ideas are debated frankly. Mr Davignon credits the meetings for helping to lay the groundwork for creating the euro. He recalls strong disagreement over Iraq: some participants favoured the invasion in 2003, some opposed it and some wanted it done differently. Last year the debate was about Europe’s fiscal problems, and whether the euro would survive.

In the 2008 Bilderberg meeting these usurpers of Rome planned whether to have a long drawn out recession or a brief violent shock that they feared (or hoped) would lead to armed insurrection.

Note the abject arrogance that follows:

The world is a complicated place, with oceans of new information sloshing around. To run a multinational organisation, it helps if you have a rough idea of what is going on.

Thus, they have made it clear that you are too stupid to understand the affairs of the world, let alone govern. Let them govern in peace. You can't hope to understand such matters. You won't even have a "rough" idea. Please roll over and go back to sleep, and stop making a scene, useless eaters. This is of course a similar tactic being used to take down Silvio Berlusconi for speaking out of turn.

It also helps to be on first-name terms with other globocrats. So the cosmopolitan elite—international financiers, bureaucrats, charity bosses and thinkers—constantly meet and talk. They flock to elite gatherings such as the World Economic Forum at Davos, the Trilateral Commission and the Boao meeting in China. They form clubs. Ethnic Indian entrepreneurs around the world join TiE (The Indus Enterprise). Movers and shakers in New York and Washington join the Council on Foreign Relations, where they can listen to the president of Turkey one week and the chief executive of Intel the next. The world’s richest man, Carlos Slim, a Mexican telecoms tycoon, hosts an annual gathering of Latin American billionaires who cultivate each other while ostensibly discussing regional poverty.

If they are the elite and their own publication is telling them that, what does that make you ? After all, only movers and shakers are invited. If you get maimed by them, then out you go with the revolutionary trash. That'll get my mail notched some more by some stupid do-nothing Globalist security force Postal Inspectors in Providence. Mail covers, anyone ? Busy work means job security for them, so what do they care about right and wrong. Like most of the species they only know the history from the day they were born, and nothing matters in the longue duree.

As for those Latino leaders or whatever they're going by this week, they are cultivating each other's coca plants. And how did people who never spoke Latin and were subjects of my ancestors declare themselves to be Latin for the last 30 years anyway ?

Some American organisations, such as foreign-policy think-tanks, are also well placed to exert global influence. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, for example, has established itself as one of the most globally trusted talking-shops, with offices in Beijing, Beirut, Brussels and Moscow, as well as Washington—though it has yet to fulfil the vision of its founder, Andrew Carnegie, who wanted it to abolish war. The key to wielding influence, says Jessica Mathews, Carnegie’s president, is “very simple. You hire the best people.”

The fact is that her cabal hires obsequious lackeys. I was the top of the History, Political Science and International Relations departments at Trinity, and told to go to Yale but thanks to the usurpers that removed us from power unlawfully we've been broke for 1550 years. So do tell how it is that once I was maimed and fought back with Merck in secret and got nowhere, that now I'm on a black list ? I can't get a job at a cash register where they hire untested high school kids after they nearly murdered me as proven by three medical school and several hospitals and a hundred doctors.

Her bosses wet work people who aren't going to be their lackeys.

They scattered the entire family of dozens of souls in the Mausoleum of Augustus to the wind to obliterate us from history. Don't you dare tag their institutions with spray paint, though.

And the most offensive lie of all follows:

Globocrats failed to avert the crisis, but they rallied once it struck. Rich-country governments acted in concert to prop up banks with taxpayers’ money.

The abject arrogance of that statement is surreal. They staged this depression. This article reads like a taunt to see how many people are reading this antiquated rag. Do you really think TV stations used to lose their video or that they were checking to estimate how many active viewers they had ?

In America the response was led by a well-connected trio: Hank Paulson, George Bush junior’s treasury secretary and a former boss of Goldman Sachs; Tim Geithner, Barack Obama’s treasury secretary and a former boss of the New York Federal Reserve, as well as a veteran of the IMF, the Council on Foreign Relations and Kissinger Associates; and Ben Bernanke, of Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton and the Bush White House, who is now chairman of the Federal Reserve. The bail-outs were unpopular everywhere, but may have prevented the world’s banking system from imploding.

The Jewish cabal just always happens to always be the most qualified to riot against government and then to run the new order's government after they overthrow the old order. How many billions of people are there in the world and all we see are the same intermarried Jewish names all the time. The Economist just acknowledged, in sunlight, that they know what's best for you and that you are to trust their motives... and their claimed results. Similarly, ask yourself why these supposedly separate parties cooperated !

They didn't cooperate because they were helping you; anyone knows that. They are actually the same "party". They are pretenders. They are sharing power. The candidates who aren't going to "win" the office don't actually campaign. You don't think that Dole and McCain were campaigning, do you ? What about Foley in Connecticut ? Foley who ? They feign the appearance of campaigning to confuse the stupid. They are as much a fraud as Linda McMahon's World Wrestling Fraud-eration.

Governments are now trying to craft rules to prevent a recurrence. Lots of people have offered advice. Among the weightier contributions was a report from the Group of Thirty (G30), an informal collection of past and present central-bank governors. The Volcker Report, advocating a central clearing mechanism for derivatives trading and curbs on proprietary trading by banks, helped shape America’s Dodd-Frank financial-reform bill. The G30 is influential because it consists of people with experience of putting policies into practice, says Stuart Mackintosh, its director. So when it makes recommendations, they can be turned into action, he adds.

We had to destroy the economy to save you. We had to stage this collapse and wipe out your wealth to enact more laws that have more loopholes for us, so that you'll be protected, you silly child. And at the helm of the repair truck are the very people who ran the world for the last 65 years and now their proteges. And they are mostly steered by a certain nationality that financed both sides of every war for a thousand years.

I smell smoke rising from the Teutoburg Forest.

Does anyone smell the Reichstag burning ?

Legiones redde !

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