Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Be polite to Congress. Don't ask questions.

Be polite to Congress. Don't ask questions. You'll just get angry and then you'll get in trouble:

A California man accused of threatening to kill Seattle Congressman Jim McDermott has been arrested and charged in federal court.

Now, not only is it rude, it is wrong. However there is more to it. In the last several days they have made it clear that they want you out of politics. Don't debate them or question them. That's the message. They rule. You eat. Could that be the attitude that got members to the point of being yelled at and more, that they now don't like ?

And can judges ever just sentence these people since 9/11 and spare us the Globalist superiority complex propaganda ? Everyone is not a "terrorist". Do they think they have a lock on truth or a college education and so must regurgitate thoughts for the chicks in the nest ? I understand they have a lock on jewelry and gold coins hidden in books that they took as payment, though...

In sentencing Wilson, U.S. District Court Judge John C. Coughenour described the Eastern Washington man's actions as terrorism and Wilson, by extension, as a terrorist.

"The very foundation of our system of laws and government, and the promise of democracy is that political change is accomplished through reasoned debate, through persuasion, and through voting," Coughenour said, reading from a text prepared by law clerk Colin George. "And we have a word for people who try to effect political change through violence and threats of violence.

Since this isn't a democracy except to the propaganda -inept in government, first note that it's a republic.

Here's the foundation of federal "terrorism-free" power financed by the Rothschilds. It's the truth in one photograph by Gardner from Antietam, when the state of Massachusetts imposed its will on the rest of the country and made a voluntary union into an involuntary one, wiping out 23,000 combined on both sides. Some people after 9/11 thought that was the biggest casualty day in American history or Pearl Harbor, but no. It was another day that the government attacked itself, on 17 September 1862. September is a rough month for these people, isn't it. I wonder why ?

Back in 2011, the judge continues that "terrorism is not an ethnicity. Terrorism is not a color. Terrorism is replacing peaceful political participation with violence."

That's right and if his ancestors stayed home in 9, 410 and 476, I'd be sitting in Rome right now if not for those terrorists and 1550 years of their profiteer lies.

How dare they lecture the thinking world every time one of them opens their mouths.

We live in a world that made an automatic nut of saying what Kings and Emperors you are related to and descended from... unless you're a modern co-opted leader. Then you release the obligatory soon after election family narrative full of extravagant claims with no tree, that always ends at Charlemagne whether Clinton, Bush or Obama. Kindly show us not only an original birth certificate, but all your relatives named Martel. The stunt is intended to win over people like me, who they believe will then say "22nd cousin, I didn't vote for you, but now I love you man" !

Nope. Prove it with a last name.

Could it be that without that keystone in place, the bridge to today collapses and the illegality of the last 1550 years comes to the surface ? The illegitimacy of every "royal" is revealed as nothing more than a bunch of Visigoth barbarians conspiring with the Chosen people.

Remember 11 September 9 in the Teutoburg forest, and ask why the date and events repeated on 11 September 2001...

Quintili Vare, legiones redde !

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