Thursday, January 13, 2011

Solar Cycle Prediction

NASA relies on grants. Scientists rely on grants. They are no different than people throughout history beholden to patronage from the Emperor, Pope or King. So for any scientist to admit that he knows there will be a low sunspot maximum early on is counterproductive to buying a new car. It would also make further "news" boring, and grant counterproductive.

Still it was obvious to any one who knows and has any analytical intellect that the Cycle is low and late and wasn't going to improve. In fact, enjoy Global Cooling. Fewer sunspots mean less energy reaching the earth and less heat energy. Let's solve that waste of time right now because I don't get grant money for satellite launches and housing and I can speak the simple truth.

Current prediction for the next sunspot cycle maximum gives a smoothed sunspot number maximum of about 59 in June/July of 2013. We are currently two years into Cycle 24 and the predicted size continues to fall.

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