Monday, January 3, 2011

National Traffic Systemic Atrophy

We received a well-meaning but clueless ditty from the EMA ARRL Section.

In it, Phil Temples K9HI says:

Recently, a well-known and respected amateur remarked over the air, “I used to check into the traffic nets, but it’s just no fun anymore.” He went on to name a number of reasons why he no longer participates. One of the pressing needs for Eastern MA (and all sections, for that matter) is to create a resurgence of activity in the National Traffic System. For the sake of ARES and emergency communications preparedness alone, it’s urgent that we strengthen our traffic networks at the local and section levels. That means the following: (1) training more new hams in how to prepare, relay, and deliver formal, written message traffic; (2) more net check-ins; (3)more message origination; and (4) sending more liaisons to region nets, among other activities.

Oh come on. The man being spoken of no doubt decided he wasn't going to go get CEUs from ARRL to do what he's done since before they were born, because some paper pusher bureaucrat pothead somewhere who should have been fired after 9/11 decided he should have his Schutzstaffel stamped papers.

It's strange that no one needed any of this money making nonsense to face down the Soviet threat for their father's profit and power as they now feign to defend against the construct known as al CIAdoh.

Add in a few hundred new no code hams who twirl pens when you try to give an ARES requested talk on traffic handling because they worked for some town or state agency. They aren't about to listen to the likes of any Phi Beta Kappa relatives of any kings or Roman Emperors tell them what to do, even as they regale us with what stupid leaky boat they used to get to America as religious rejects who stole land from Native Americans here as they stole from us in Europe.

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