Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Let them throw rocks."

Etienne Davignon, head of the Bilderberg Group that is the (public) successor of all others that unlawfully usurped Roman power might have well conned the people with that statement as the implied Marie Antoinette's "let them eat cake" in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions.

Tonight there is still more evidence the Rose Revolt is a staged sham to release pressure in Egypt and to actually maintain the familiar puppet regime by wearing out the protesters. Some might say police withdrawal is the police refusing to serve. I would say it might remove the target of the protesters who will grow bored, and return home after making a mess in Cairo.

There are now multiple articles circulating on the internet such as the Huffington Post's Anonymous Internet Users Team Up To Provide Communication Tools For Egyptian People.

The Huffington Post ? Run by the former wife of Bush family friend Michael Huffington ? I hear hissing and see steam rising from the pressure safety valve already.

That's not the point of this post, though.

The article says:

"Internet not working, police cars burning," sent out one Egyptian. "Today marks a great day for Egypt," sent out another.

These messages weren't coming from mobile phones or computers, but from an amateur radio sending out Morse Code somewhere amidst the chaos in Egypt.

The Egyptian government's efforts to limit communications within the country has triggered a wave of activism from an international group of free speech activists on the Internet called Telecomix.

Organizing using chat rooms, wikis, and collaborative writing tools, this largely anonymous group has worked to inform Egyptians about their communications options while receiving incoming messages from them. Telecomix has previously worked on free speech efforts in Tunisia, Iran, China and other countries who have tried to censor or block parts of the Internet.

Well now. Apparently no one at the Huffington Post has heard of Radio Direction Finding, and if they have they know you haven't.

If the continued transmissions on CW (Morse Code) coming out of Egypt aren't a sign that they are coming from a staged, planted source or that they are being ignored by the government and are staged in that way by being ignored, there never was one.

Egypt's recognized government can no doubt find the source within its own borders, let alone every other government in the world. They aren't looking. They don't care because they are fully in control of the "Rose Revolt" for their globalist handlers.

At first, they sent out Wikileaks cables to these numbers, but then they determined the Egyptians didn't need additional motivation. Instead, they were interested in information on how to communicate with each other and the outside world. The activists thus began providing instructions for using dial-up modems and amateur radios, known as Ham radios, which the Egyptian people could use to communicate.

The group says it's also worked on receiving and decoding amateur radio messages, sent on frequencies recommended by the group of activists. While these groups have only been able to receive a small amount of messages of a short length with an unknown source, the Egyptian people's use of amateur radio to transmit messages represents an interesting utilization of old-fashioned technology to circumvent government restrictions.

That's because most of the members are really hams and other radio operators employed by the US State Department, CIA and NSA. After 11 September 2001, these same people profited handsomely from the deaths of people I knew as evidenced by their sudden transitions from small homes to Mount Vernon style palaces using government graft in the form of grants and cash payola as friends and family handed them contract work.

Indeed, where we read Wikileaks, we read Amazon. Where we read Amazon, we read In Q Tel. Where we read In Q Tel we read CIA. Where we read CIA we read the holders of the Visigothic conspiracy of 1550 years that destroyed our lawful Empire starting on 11 September 9 in the Teutoburg Forest when the ancestors of Weishaupt et al unlawfully ambushed and destroyed 18,000 of of our Legionaries. They now scheme not to be destroyed by the forces they unleash.

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