Friday, January 21, 2011

Roman Imperial usurper Vatican attempting to overthrow Berlusconi

As Silvio Berlusconi gets skewered because he wouldn't play patty cakes with the Bilderberg control grid and because he staged crimes against humanity like yelling out greetings to "President" Obama and the "Queen" of England, the Vatican is now chomping at the bit to perform their function as clean up crew for the temporal Weishauputian power descended from the Visigoth criminals.

These events were set in motion the day that 18,000 soldiers of our 17th, 18th and 19th Legions of Rome were destroyed in the Teutoburg Forest by treachery.

That date was 11 September 9.

The United States attacked itself on 11 September 2001.

The newspaper of the Italian bishops' conference has already called the scandal "hurtful and upsetting" and said it had damaged Italy's international reputation.

Yes, nothing will damage Italy's reputation so much as Berlusconi acting like a fraternity brother, not even Italy tolerating Mussolini, or allying with Hitler instead of putting him down like the Visigoth Jewish industrialist backed dog that he was as he murdered the poor for the rich.

As discussed earlier, the Roman Empire was gutted by German incursions financed by capital flowing from a certain ethnicity and power was split with that other debtor to that same group, the Vatican. The Vatican took the spiritual power by usurping titles such as Pontifex Maximus held by the lawful Emperors they helped depose and murder, thus setting the stage for the course they followed for the next 1550 years or so.

The Church, having solved all its own problems (if you believe that, then you believe that Building What fell on its own) has time to declare right and wrong in the case of Berlusconi. At least he likes women.

Premier Silvio Berlusconi came under increasing criticism Friday from the Catholic Church over his dalliances with young women, with the pope saying officials must offer good moral examples and Italian bishops planning to discuss the scandal.

Yes, in the last 1550 years between murdering each other, between the political mayhem of a Papal election, the holy wars, the mistresses, the illegitimate children (right up until a famous Connecticut murder case in the 1980s) and the child abuse, bishops are well poised to lecture from their stolen seats of virtual power. They broke the law to get where they are, both during the reign of the Julio-Claudians / Ottavianos and now.

Pope Benedict XVI didn't mention the scandal or Berlusconi by name. But during an audience with Rome's police chief and police officers, he said public officials must "rediscover their spiritual and moral roots."

In that case I assume the "Pope" will be evacuating the Vatican immediately since he is trespassing on the property of imperial Rome ! You see, they want you to rediscover, but just don't rediscover too much or go too far back. The process of rediscovery always ends at the events that gave them their usurpers' powers.

"The singular vocation that the city of Rome requires today of you, who are public officials, is to offer a good example of the positive and useful interaction between a healthy lay status and the Christian faith," Benedict said, echoing more direct comments about the scandal a day earlier by his No. 2.

There we have it no sooner than three days after I said it. These crooks split the spiritual and temporal after they overthrew Rome and installed a bunch of Visigoths they could control and profit from through war, intrigue and their allied pursuits in its place.

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