Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Outlaw State of Massachusetts, testbed for tyranny

Writing on the WXTK site that provides a safety valve for the murdering and maiming usurpers in power, another government employed parasite ham radio operator turned reporter (and or his staff since they write without attribution like cowards) authored this drivel for his corporate handlers:

TRURO - Acting on information gathered by officers of the Truro Police Department over the past several months, a search warrant was executed Friday evening at 2 Lambrou Lane, North Truro. The basis of the issuance of the search warrant involved Gil Potts (51) of 2 Lambrou Lane. Mr. Potts had in his possession numerous firearms without being properly licensed. As a result of the warrant, 5 shotguns, 3 rifles, and 2 handguns were confiscated along with ammunition. Mr. Potts has been cooperative with the investigation. Mr. Potts moved to the area within the past year and confusion over licensing requirements may be the cause of his licensing problems. Officers from the Provincetown and Wellfleet Police Departments assisted in the warrant execution.

"Properly licensed ?" Says who ? The Visigoths that slaughtered three Roman Legions to establish a 1550 year conspiracy of war, murder and pillage currently headed by Etienne Davignon under the name of law and government ?

I don't care who that man that was searched is, what his background is or anything else. He could be a upstanding citizen who is under the mistaken notion we have a Constitution that supersedes all laws despite what the conspirators are telling you.

The Constitution of the United States that gave these parasites their banana republic jobs after their Germanic usurper ancestors unlawfully overthrew my family in Rome for their own power and larceny states:

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It is not up for debate. We are not in your New World Order. We have a written Constitution and nowhere in it does it say "maybe" or "224 years hence".

Ronald Reagan said:

We are especially not going to tolerate these attacks from outlaw states run by the strangest collection of misfits, Looney Tunes and squalid criminals since the advent of the Third Reich

The government is run by self serving career, murdering, maiming traitors who kill people like me with impunity as they turn public attention to staged events like Egypt so that you don't do it to them.

And anyone who doubts me can have my file and an obituary to prove it.

Legiones redde !

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