Thursday, April 7, 2011

Change the Locks.

Freshman GOP Senator Mike Lee (Utah) says President Obama's inability to get a budget passed last year may have been "deliberate."

"May" ? You're almost there. Get a pair and say exactly what he did. He also planned his staged vacation as part of it. He pretends he has no worries in his staged existence. He's leaving on yet another taxpayer funded vacation to indicate that he's clear of responsibility and that 535 of you are guilty of breaking the government's budget.

Repeated high cost vacations are all he's noted for, other than a fake Connecticut numbered Social Security Number.

"It was either irresponsible on one hand or deliberate and malicious on the other with intention to bring about a sequence of events that would culminate inevitably in a government shutdown," Senator Mike Lee said on the Senate floor today.

The person who exposes this fraud will have more power than the people who control you all now.


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