Friday, April 15, 2011

The class clown: caveat emptor

Sure he is.

Never trust any of these people. This can all be staged. Note that it's always one member and not 251.

They are safety valves to prevent the sheep from acting.

A US Congressman says he is furious at the treatment of minors by the TSA and has introduced legislation to completely outlaw any form of pat-down on a child by security personnel without the express consent and presence of a parent.

In a letter to TSA head John Pistole this week, Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah described the treatment of six year old Anna Drexel at the hands of a TSA officer in New Orleans as a “shocking violation” of TSA protocol.

"They know, they know, it 's happened to them too. And looky here, they said no, too."

They're just like you, except that they were chosen to run for Congress in colleges, universities and law schools by professors who told them that party was meaningless when they were recommended to work for a Congresswoman and run on the member's retirement.

“This conduct is in clear violation of TSA’s explicit policy not to
conduct thorough pat-downs on children under the age of 13.” Chaffetz

The Congressman also spoke of a recent incident involving his own
children and the TSA, describing how his wife and two daughters were
separated and given enhanced pat downs after refusing to go through
radiation firing naked body scanners when flying to Utah from

“I am so furious with them I can’t even see straight”

So am I. In fact, if I can find 19,999 more of you I'll have three of our Legions back for deployment against the forces of Germanic and Jewish Globalism.

“I am so furious with them I can’t even see straight,” Chaffetz said
Thursday. “They should not be taking minors by themselves for pat

Ah, there it is. He knows very well that TSA did it right in front of the parents. There is the out. There is the "I tried" moment.

It's more feigned "failure" that was staged to be doomed from the start.


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