Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You can choose your Phi Beta Kappas but not your relatives

It's been bothering me for months that Barry Soetoro dba Obama and George W. Bush nudged into a photo of Phi Beta Kappa Presidents.

I knew that was going to cause the accepting to think that both were in Phi Beta Kappa. I knew that in 100 years, even more would see the photo, and say all were members, instead of Bush and Soetoro being the sons of members.

I also knew that the last time I checked, Phi Beta Kappa wasn't hereditary. Or is it ?

We all have crazy family members but unfortunately, you can't pick your family. Not so with Phi Beta Kappa, and like those of us that snip out a girlfriend or relative we no longer have any use for, it was quite easy to correct the intrusion of these two winners into the group photo.


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