Saturday, April 30, 2011

Massachusetts trains government and industry for life of murdering "collateral damage"

"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi survived a NATO missile strike Saturday that killed his youngest son and three grandchildren and wounded friends and relatives, Libya's spokesman said.

The enraged drug addicted usurper in the White House, educated in Massachusetts' Harvard like his father that Harvard and INS wanted run out of the state in a more respectable era, is responsible.

Massachusetts, and its corporations, colleges and universities, maintain a collectivist, fascist mantra where you will die, if need be, to enrich their pockets and further their research. Witness airport backscatter body scanners, backscatter trucks, chemtrails, HAARP out of Hanscom AFB, and their Nazi medical research programs as will be detailed briefly later.

Having failed at an Egyptian style revolution, Massachusetts- educated Obama has resorted to murdering Libyan leaders' children as collateral damage to their illegal target, the recognized leader of a sovereign country.

Ironically the American people have not only been burdened with this Goth derived usurper, but in June 1964 were burdened with his law breaker father:

How liberated.

“We have, therefore, come to the conclusion that you should terminate your stay in the United States and return to Kenya to carry on your research and the writing of your thesis,” Henry’s letter stated.

Obama's Aunt herself declared:

“This country is owned by almighty God. You people who preach Jesus Christ almighty God and the rest of it, you are here to help people, help the poor, help other countries and help women. That’s what the United States is supposed to do? And you have to give me my right light, every person’s right.”

Now the murderer Bilderberg puppet Barry Soetoro dba Obama can go to "church" in a fraud tomorrow and traffic in some for salvation on his "soul" as Auntie says.

In addition to teaching Obama to kill children, Massachusetts' Harvard trafficked in my near death in 1998 at 24 when they sent two lying Jew doctors, Westlake and Wechsler to harass my mother by landline by misrepresenting their filthy, immoral Zionist selves as having been my doctors, when they weren't.

These "doctors" given information promptly funneled it to Bilderberg Merck. It wasn't enough that they retrieved the only copy of my medical records from the known to Massachusetts government drug addict doctor and government asset who tried to assassinate me. They then handed them to Merck.

They were Zionist Bilderberg spies arrayed against this member of the Ottaviano family that they were trying to murder for their Globalist handlers after I refused to be their puppet in 1994 and 1995. Hairdressers and house wives represent no threat to them, as if it needs to be said. Other descendants and relatives of Mark Antony, Octavian, Octavia and the rest of they Romans they, along with their Goth allies, defiled when they sacked Rome in 410 and destroyed the Mausoleum of Augustus do represent a threat in their paranoid thrust toward complete global control.

Indeed, the Bilderberg, CFR, Council of Rome, Trilateral and certain unmentionable groups above them, upon being rejected by Italy some weeks ago, have strong armed their way into a sham show of unity even as they block how many Italians read this blog, a mosquito on their fascist Goth and Jewish scalps:

Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said NATO needs to intervene because of the "horror" wrought by Gaddafi's regime.

Is it "horror" when you aid and abet killing three children after refusing or feigning refusal to serve the Globalist beast just weeks ago before relenting ? Or does "horror" only matter when there's oil behind it ?

Franco Frattini, you are a traitor to the Roman Empire. You serve a two millennium old Germanic coup. You facilitated the murder of three children when you campaigned for video game safety as U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman did. What a coincidence to hide your demonic soul. In recent weeks and over Libya, your puppet masters castrated Silvio Berlusconi vis a vis Libya in exchange for a sham trial on the charges levied against him.

Italy will host a one-day summit Thursday on Libya, bringing together the main international players in the six-week NATO campaign, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Her "husband" personally signed the order that maimed me.

In the cowardly group murder of Gaddafi's children, we see no change in some 1550 years of their drive of murder, pillage and larceny and treatment of those nearby as collateral damage.

NATO is nothing more than the Third Reich's military remnants hidden in plain view, as much as Merck is the drug and chemical arm, Mercedes is the vehicle arm, etc. Reference other entries here about BMW and the Goebbels and Quandts. World War II ended by negotiation and exchange, not victory.

Millions of veterans were suckered for their entire lives that they "won". Now that they're almost gone, the Globalist Nazi plot begins anew.

World War II featured rich industrialist Germans and Jews playing the poor and middle class and rich in their own groups and all others against each other. The German and Jew dichotomy was a false construct they built to stage their sham war. It was a financial war that the usurpers of Rome engineered to keep the world under control.

They had no fear of a descendant of Rome that they staged an unlawful coup d'etat against... one of their own "anointed" Phi Beta Kappas here in America.

Just how long do you think you have left if they kill leaders' grandchildren with impunity ?

The locations of the couple's UK weekend and their honeymoon - which will be overseas - will not be disclosed in advance.

The couple have asked that their privacy be respected during the coming days, and while on their honeymoon.

That's because their Nazi outlet NATO just killed three children and they no doubt fear for their security at this time. Some military man he is, along with his brother. They hid behind Gurkha body guards as they "served"...

How idiotic it was that when I started this virtual sniping, that some "intelligence" ass felt the urge to edit the Wikipedia entry on Octavian to brand him a coward for lingering at the back of lines in battle. Did George Washington and the wonderful Windsors ? Yes.

Indeed, evidence that the Battle goes on is seen in "American" Goth usurpers in Hermann, Missouri, who are obvious lap dogs to Herzogtum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (the "Windsors"), Bilderberg, and the memory of Prince Bernhard and Adolf Hitler. They continue to fight the Battle of Teutoburg Forest that set Europe back 1550 years.

That Battle on 11 September 9 was the work of the Germanic traitor against Rome that trusted him, Arminius, who set in motion all events since. He caused the destruction of three lawful Roman legions in a way that through their acts against Gaddafi's grandchildren they make clear they will not tolerate against themselves, even if you represent no threat.

So on 24 September 2009, these "Americans" blatantly kicked sand in Roman-allied faces everywhere by erecting an outrageous copy of the statue of Arminius, hero to Hitler. Would Hermann like the rest of us to annihilate 20,000 of them ?

Then why celebrate an illegal Roman annihilation ? Are they insane ? No. They're under the control of another force. Another faction. They're pawns in an ongoing war.

What other September 11 defeats of lawful authority would they like to celebrate next ? There's another September 11 anniversary this year. Maybe Hermann, Missouri can erect a statue of the Globalist German pawn Osama bin Laden.

And how strange it is when they chose a Briton to speak:

Retired British Army Major and amateur archaeologist Tony Clunn, who i n 1987 discovered what is thought to be the battle site near Kalkriese, Germany, where Hermann's troops stopped the expansion of Roman civilization. Clunn is the author of "The Quest for the Lost Roman Legions: Discovering the Varus Battlefield."

Who is really in control when Italy refused to serve the beast weeks ago, only to relent and be invaded by these Germanic and Jewish dominated groups in coming days after they murdered children today ?


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