Thursday, April 28, 2011

The weather warfare is out of control. Stop it or be exposed.

The Cape Cod Times carries this strangely worded statement at this hour:

The death toll from severe storms that punished five Southern US states jumped to a staggering 193 today after Alabama canvassed its hard-hit counties for a new tally of lives lost.

Did the South need punishment ?

After all, Falmouth and Wood's Hole "Global Warming" Institute's own John P. Holdren writing in his book Ecoscience and now the usurper Soetoro's "Science Czar" wants you dead for cluttering the planet. Why doesn't he volunteer to go first ? "Czar" derives from "Caesar". How ironic after their attempt to murder me in 1998 after my family ruled Rome until their riots and assassination of Nero. And in case you get a Google Alert too, I'm the Phi Beta Kappa, not your Ford Foundation, Globalist boss with the superimposed long form birth certificate we are being ordered to accept by the Bilderberg media.

I was you before you murdered me.

The chattel is occupying the White House, not typing this.

In 2008, I sat at the Cape Cod Canal as a weather research ship, one of the largest that I've seen there, went through the canal as a large thunderstorm was birthed out of nowhere in front of the PAVE PAWS radar face. This caused the crowd at the Canal to point, and (unwisely) get out of their cars, and "ooo" and "ahh" before localized hell broke loose. The rain was so heavy that as the ship reached the parking area, it was no longer visible 50 feet in front of the cars.

So, Drudge carries these links right now:

Storm death toll rises to 178 in South...
Violent Tornadoes Devastate...
Swarm of twisters on path to break record...
Knock out nuclear units, power lines...

Last week I posted this entry. Why type it again ? That's no real birth certificate, usurper dogs.

Drudge carries the headline 3 DAYS, 241 TORNADOES.

HAARP was masterminded at Hanscom AFB in Massachusetts, bastion of Constitutional ignorance through their vision of a permanent union imparted on them by the present Bilderberg Group's ancestors that played both sides in the War Between the States that began 150 years ago this week.

There's irony after they assassinated the Emperor Nero and burned Rome in an early attempt to destroy Rome and then lied for 1950 years. Independent historians not beholden to Bilderberg and CFR-run publishers know better by the crushing Roman invasion of Judea that followed the crime.

Nero would have had quite a time running around Rome burning it. The Legions wouldn't have then gone to crush Judea in his name. And the best part of all is that the fiddle "Nero played" wasn't invented until the 16th century.

Izaak Elchanan Rothschild was born in 1577.

That didn't stop the Rothschilds from financing both sides of the War Between the States too, and then demanding that the USA pay the debts of the defunct CSA and the USA. All philosophies were "good" to them, as long as they were paid.

Barry Soetoro dba Obama, the natural born enemy of the South on multiple levels, went to Bilderberg with Hillary Clinton in 2008 to bow after blowing off his press detail. Go back to the 80s and we find that:

BIC used journalists as non-official cover (NOC) agents around the world. The firm published weekly and fortnightly newsletters for business executives, including Business International, Business Europe, Business Latin America, and Business Asia.

On February 24, 2009, WMR reported: “For one year, Obama worked as a researcher in BIC’s financial services division where he wrote for two BIC publications, Financing Foreign Operations and Business International Money Report, a weekly newsletter.

“An informed source has told WMR that Obama’s tuition debt at Columbia was paid off by BIC. In addition, WMR has learned that when Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and his adoptive father Lolo Soetoro, the 20-year-old Obama, who was known as ‘Barry Soetoro,’ traveled to Pakistan in 1981 and was hosted by the family of Muhammadmian Soomro, a Pakistani Sindhi who became acting president of Pakistan after the resignation of General Pervez Musharraf on August 18, 2008.

“WMR was told that the Obama/Soetoro trip to Pakistan, ostensibly to go ‘partridge hunting’ with the Soomros, related to unknown CIA business. The covert CIA program to assist the Afghan mujaheddin was already well underway at the time and Pakistan was the major base of operations for the CIA’s support . . . BIC had long been associated with CIA activities since being founded by Eldridge Haynes, a self-professed liberal Democrat. The BIC headquarters was located at the prestigious address of 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in Manhattan.”

The Massachusetts MIC is also the hawker of tyrannical toys like body scanners, advanced mail covers and other high priced corporate welfare after 9/11 that they let happen, one way or the other.

Now, in the hours after the last expose on HAARP on Coast to Coast AM this month, the long running HAARP website was, at this date, obviously removed with nary a word or question except a few tweets and blog entries. (the site has since returned but the magnetometer data in April was scrubbed)

How rude.

An inquiry to Tad Cook, the ARRL propagation writer yielded a blow-off answer, I'm sorry to say. A website that was linked to repeatedly by the ARRL that asked hams to listen for HAARP's signal repeatedly over the years to judge its coverage in return for a QSL is now of little interest ?

Doesn't NCDXF care about its HF beacons suddenly being abandoned by the HAARP staff without a known public utterance ?

At least when the HAARPies were mailing QSLs, they weren't stealing them. Right Ed ? Is that log from 2003-2005 finished yet ?

What made you shit the brick a few days after the November 2006 election, guys ?

I'd have thought you wouldn't screw with the family that ruled Rome when your precious "Christ" construct that you now run the sheep with was put to the cross.

It appears that all traces of ARRL involvement with HAARP were blown off the ARRL site, because a search for K3NS or HAARP or their requests for reception reports seen here still, are not being returned at ARRL's website as this is written.

What are the chances that fresh from attacking Japan as many thousands have speculated and no one has acted on as usual (including those that overwhelmed the HAARP servers right after the Japan earthquake), that the HAARPies now turned their sights on that old pain in Massachusetts' ass, the South ?

After all, these are the same Soetoro shills that have the US military fighting al Qaida in Iraq and Afghanistan and backing it in Libya by NATO's own admission !

That's de facto Civil War.

Did the Soviet-era unidentified usurper from Kenya by way of Indonesia using a Social Security Number for a state he never lived in just take the second step ?


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