Saturday, April 30, 2011

More mockery of citizens as government wastes money: Lake Erie lights same as those over Cape Cod Bay

Until we became bored (how many nights are you going to watch UAVs change shifts) we were aware of these multicolor lights now reported over the Great Lakes in WJW's Eastlake Resident Claims to Have Captured Video of UFO.

They were over Cape Cod Bay from at least 2003 to 2006, including the same interactions with cars and people pulling into the parking lots as reported in this truth story wrapped in mockery.

You should have seen how the reacted to Morse Code. That would get you a nice close fly-by...

Note that no agency in Ohio will comment on the craft watching boat and shore traffic.

Cars pulling in here would cause the multicolored light to spin toward shore, as in aiming a FLIR.

Headlights shined in their direction would cause them to go dark until the craft relented and turned their "floods" back on and swung away.

Well, of course, that's not exactly how they said it.

Guess who ?

They're not stars and they're not planes, per se.

At about 25 seconds you'll see the close up of the multicolor spinning light.


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