Friday, April 8, 2011

Is it Thurston Howell's Ashley Blazer ?

042-xx-xxxx, Barry ?

Really ?

And look everyone, it's yet another political coward who can't use their own name as she defends the other one with a stage name, Barry Soetoro dba Barack Obama ! It's "Ashley Blazer" !

Lame. Grow up as your father sends people to be killed for the Globalist agenda using force they stole from Rome by a coup d'etat against my family in 68.

The Facebook missive by Ashley Biden, who is in her late 20s, came after another day of Trump dominating cable news shows with talk about President Barack Obama's birth certificate. It's an online outburst that was unlikely to have been sanctioned by the White House. POLITICO viewed the posts on page, which is under the name Ashley Blazer, her middle name.

Choosing to use Ashley Blazer to deceive people sounds like a stripper or a sale at Old Navy !

I usually refrain from commenting on the Bidens because of what they went through early in life, but their ignorance of what's going on is over the top.

Barry Soetoro is not special ! He has no right to break the law ! He has no right to sit there and go on repeated vacations as his ongoing sham marches on.

I was made to give X many forms of ID from column A and X number from column B in Connecticut... to get a Driver's License ! To go to Trinity College ! To freaking breathe ! Why is everyone in a coma ?

What the hell is wrong with the (now) idiots like Jim Vicevich, Howie Carr and Rush Limbaugh hitting the MUTE button for their corporate handlers when this topic is broached on nearly every show, right before disconnecting them with not another word transmitted ?

The man was proven to have a Connecticut SSN (if not others) and never admitted living in Connecticut ! Jodi Rell, you do-nothing, what was wrong with you ? Why were you another Kool Aid drinker and you looked the other way ?

If the man worked for the CIA, say he did. George H.W. Bush did. Who cares !

Trump's play into the debunked theory that Obama wasn't born in America, along with his more recent claims that he has investigators on the ground in Hawaii poking around, have propelled the "birther" debate into the mainstream media in a way like never before.

Who debunked it, your company ?

Obama has long since released a "certificate of live birth" showing he was born in Hawaii. There were also two birth announcements within a few days of his birth in Hawaiian newspapers.

The birth announcements were posted by the mother's parents to create an evidential trail. Why ?

And that Certificate shows nothing. Why is that being shown and not a real one ? It's simply a form filled out by officials. It can be made to say anything.

What is on the original birth certificate ? That this guy was an early test tube baby ? That he was adopted ?

Still, the so-called 'birthers" — who question whether Obama was born in the U.S. — have insisted that since he hasn't produced a certified birth certificate, he is trying to conceal something.

I don't use any conspiracy-laden code name you Globalists have coined for anyone who demands why, if Connecticut made me show a real birth certificate to even move in that state, that Connecticut answer why this is being tolerated.

I don't even care about that volcanic island of hippies.

I want an answer out of nut- buster Connecticut that has told its residents how high to jump since the 1986 in which "Obama" used his.

Why was a man issued a Connecticut SSN with a fictional address and what are his motives ? It's obviously to obscure a criminal record at minimum, like every other addict tries to do when they give a slightly different name, or slightly different birth date, or gets a new SSN.


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