Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spraying jets attenuate radio signals as they reflect others for Massachusetts-based Hanscom MIC science experiment

The band is open, the band is closed.

Several local hams find themselves unable to reach repeaters 5 to 20 miles air miles away, yet fail to link the jets painting the sky with aluminum, barium and strontium powder with their woes.

As local signals are attenuated, the distant ones become stronger.

And any disinformation agent / shill that says "do you know the coverage you'd need ?"

They have it.

And any disinformation agent / shill that says "do you know the chemicals you'd need ?"

They have it.

The shills haven't emptied many shaving cream or whipped cream cans to see how much is in that little can when they use that defense with the observing public.

Is it normal that a man running 100w on 2m into a yagi on a tower can't reach fairly decent repeaters that close ?

No !

Is it normal that government "ignorers" are pretending that they don't have to answer for you breathing their powder spray ?

No !

Would you go inhale out of a plastic bag with talcum powder in it ?

No !

Any foreign powder, and any substance beyond what we evolved with is corporate garbage.

Aren't you guys into outreach like Ed Kennedy, K3NS, was ?

Or do you just steal your paycheck and choke and gag people ?

Ever since Edward Teller said the atmosphere might ignite if the Manhattan Project bombs were detonated, the science madmen think they have free reign to kill and maim because anyone sounding an alarm is paranoid.

The word paranoid gives liars and conspirators plausible denial.

In the staged collapsing economy, Evergreen, Raytheon, BAE (soiling the name of Marconi that they absorbed), et al are all doing fine because they're "private" firms. How is a private firm one that would collapse if its government contracts were withdrawn ?

Even if retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge Ted Gunderson were to be a disinformation agent, he's identified the problem and let the air out of its tires for all to see because of external pressure as surely as did Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.


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