Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Index fingers and pinkies are running straight out in the media now

Just as author and professor Cornel West said "who are connected to the plutocrats and oligarchs" on MSNBC, he did what you see here with his left hand.

Strange, conscious and uncomfortable.

In a Russia Today segment on Depleted Uranium rounds being used in Libya featured on, we see this rather strange manipulation of the hand by the expert speaking. That's a rather unusual way to point at a screen, don't you think ?

Many, many times that one of these "independent" thinkers let the oligarchs, plutocrats, MIC, Globalists or Bilderberg anti-Roman coup members "have it", their fingers go into that rather manufactured position.

So strange... I wonder what it means vis-a-vis their protestations against "the Man" for the plebs ?

No, not really. I don't actually mean it, either.


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