Monday, April 11, 2011

They're so bored with neighbor lies they send Animal Control

My favorite Brewster statements are:

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"We're not doing that. I don't think we're doing that. Are we doing that ? Do you think we're doing that ?"


"Parked ? Parked where ?"

which is a variant of the 1983 vintage

"Beach, what beach, there's a beach, we have a beach ?" and other such Brewster town employee answers.

Every time my mother makes our plans on the internet and gives the time of the plans, the Brewster Animal Control Officer (who at $53,137.99 in 2008 is afraid of snakes and most reptiles by her admission) appears parked on Lake Shore Drive near us.

She faces Great Field Road, and in this way can see us drive by. She sits in her truck. She is in front of nothing.

She, and the Department, have some explaining to do since this has been going on for quite a while on the lies of the CIA connected USAID eaters near us, and their unlawful intercepts of private emails which constitutes wire fraud and a felony.


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