Friday, April 15, 2011

Is "Kiss my Roman Imperial Ass" arrogant ?

Is "kiss my Phi Beta Kappa ass and get your Kenyan usurper face out of a group photo of Phi Beta Kappa Presidents" 'arrogant' ?

"Displays arrogance and expresses contempt" will get you labeled a terrorist by the agencies of this government that was overthrown by its own coup on April 14, 1861, November 22, 1963 and September 11, 2001.

On the 1963 date the Secret Service that feigned such sadness at their "failure" as recently as last year clearly walk clear of the motorcade, and on 9/11, all those guys driving around Cape Cod with those OTIS AFB parking stickers either failed miserably, or stood down as well.

So bull on this "government".

They already had every person named Ottaviano... or Romanov... or any other family they murdered on their paranoia list after they staged 9/11.

I'd like to know what it is when they have Merck and two lackey doctors, one a Ft. Detrick Army officer, try to kill you.

Is that "arrogant" ?

Kiss my Roman Imperial ass, you $10 an hour pleb eaters.


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