Saturday, April 30, 2011

Intimidation Ritual Road Show: War games planned at canal

All over the country fake cities and other facilities have been built since 9/11 and earlier to drill and train at to the cost of billions that people are now told the USA doesn't have.


Still, the Intimidation Ritual Road Show insists on going out in good weather and showing off for the masses to teach them not to defend themselves.

The Road Show has reached Cape Cod. Or, as one pundit noted a few weeks ago, did you ever notice they don't have these drills in bad areas ? They have them in pleasant surroundings because the people involved then get motel rooms and free cars and food nearby.

In War games planned at canal, the unenlightened readers are slung the double speak as usual:

Some helicopters, a few soldiers in uniform, perhaps a police officer and firefighter or two.

Remember that tally.

That's what the public may see for three days next week at the east end of the Cape Cod Canal — specifically in the vicinity of Sandwich Marina and the GenOn Canal Generating Plant.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the Massachusetts National Guard and several other agencies, including the U.S. Coast Guard, Sandwich Emergency Management, FBI, FEMA Urban Search and Rescue and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, will be working together in a homeland security exercise, officials said.

That agency tally just skyrocketed, didn't it ? By agency count alone, that's certainly more than:

Some helicopters, a few soldiers in uniform, perhaps a police officer and firefighter or two.

I thought the Geithners that recruited the Dunham / Soetoro / Obama puppets were telling us the USA was broke because they were busy bailing out their friends since the staged economic collapse of fall of 2008 ?

"I don't expect for Tuesday or Wednesday that there will be any helicopter traffic at all, but I can't rule it out," Mauk said. "There may be an aircraft in vicinity of the canal or (power) plant on Thursday, but most people won't notice it."

They won't notice a helicopter or two ?

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

The drills will test the readiness of the various agencies for either manmade or natural disasters that might affect homeland security, Mauk said. When such an incident occurs, the agencies have to be ready to work together, he said.

"It's not an evaluation because it's not being graded," he said. "It's a demonstration of capabilities."

Who are you demonstrating for ? The American people you're intimidating into accepting having their wallets looted ? Osama bin Laden who you already killed and you never issued a warrant over 9/11 for, only for the two embassy bombings in Africa ?

One more time, they feel obligated to over-argue that the drill is big, but it's small.

Despite the number of agencies involved, Mauk expects the scenarios
will be barely noticeable to passers-by. "Even though the exercise
looks large, it's over several days so the impact should be small or
negligible," he said. "Unless someone is right at the boat basin, they
may not see what's going on."

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Why don't you go do some investigations and stop playing cops and robbers ?

Go investigate who Bilderberg Merck kills and maims for hire, like they did to me with a near heart transplant and death for the freaks who wanted my family dead for 1500 years, unless we resigned to work in a bakery or taught school.

Keep supporting the Bilderberg (and others') Germanic and Jewish coup d'etat that overthrew Rome and our families in 476 after multiple illegal attempts through assassination and invasion in 68, 410 and 476. As long as the families won't surrender power and their bank accounts, it does matter.


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