Friday, April 22, 2011

Trigger happy Kenyan / Indonesian usurper wants your shotguns

Writing in the New American, Raven Clabough notes that the Globalist mad bomber now staging a ground invasion of their artificial construct of "Libya" doesn't want you to own a butter knife.

"Libya" is the Roman province of Creta et Cyrenaica, a fact slipped by the enemy factions at CBS and acknowledged by our own as shown here on 27 March 2011. 17

The unidentified usurper's ATF is going to start by banning shotguns with attachments for... flashlights.

Yes, flashlights.

Flashlights so that you can see and don't shoot a police officer coming to your house when your alarm goes off.

Did I get the attention of the police unions with that one ?

Keep serving the Germanic-Jewish Globalist coup that took hold in 476 as their corporate security forces. You're bullet catches to them.

Once again, statistically few Jews and Germanics are Globalists, but nearly all Globalists are Jews and Germanics descended from the people who overthrew my family in Rome.

Only by calling out the coup for what they are and why they attacked can they be annihilated as 20,000 men of our Legions were on September 11.

This is no time for the neutered language of political correctness, especially when targeting trillionaire tyrants...


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