Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I got a deadly maiming, not a wedding.

Muslims Against Crusades – who burned poppies on Armistice Day – were told they could not demonstrate outside Westminster Abbey during the service and have cut off contact with Scotland Yard.

But the group said it would protest as planned on Friday and is planning a news conference on Wednesday.

The group's website calls for a Muslim uprising on the day and warns Princes William and Harry to "watch your backs".

The far-right English Defence League has vowed to stop any MAC demonstration.

A second group with Middle East links has recently asked police for permission to protest on the day and is in talks with senior officers.

Poor babies.

They think they can stage an unlawful coup d'etat against the Roman Empire in multiple stages starting with the assassination of Julius Caesar to bring themselves to power, but others can't do it to them after they stuck their big German, Jewish-financed noses into every country around the world.

There's a laugh.

Why do their police continue to pretend that they aren't breaking the law by guarding an unlawful coup that came to power in 476 ? Oaths are worthless in the face of payola, that's why.

What goes around comes around.

Watch the truth about the usurpers of Rome, the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha "Windsors" and their cousins across Europe here.


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