Monday, April 11, 2011

Globalist / Bilderberg-run CBS survey creates results they want to hear

In Gas Prices Climbing Toward $5 Per Gallon by Globalist / Bilderberg-run CBS, the article presents yet another meaningless online survey.

Any pollster or political scientist knows that when you want a corrupt survey for some controlling, paying or funding group, you ask the questions in a way you want the people to not only answer, but that you want them to start thinking.

The survey in the article trumpeting the "inevitable" that they decided on in their Bilderberg confab to crush you starts the possible survey question at a price in excess of where we are now !

Think about that. They aren't giving you the option of demanding a lower price by survey.

You will choose a higher price.

They are acclimating the sheep to the price they have chosen:

At What Price Point Would You Change Your Driving Habits?
I won't change my habits, no matter the price

...“What are you going to do?” said Shannon Thompson. “We’ve become so gas-dependent in this country. There are so many SUVs. I mean, I’ve had a hybrid. It worked great. Right now, I’m just going to deal with it.”

I can't because the Bilderberg coup murdered me in 1998, you brainwashed fool.

Fight them, you medicated dolt. Get their hand out of your pocket. What's wrong with you ?


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