Friday, April 1, 2011

Cape Cod Judge mocks state and federal police

In the very large local, state and federal level arrests this week the Cape Cod Times says that because the defendants are in their 40s and 50s, Falmouth District Court Judge Michael Creedon said:

"It's like somebody raided Woodstock"

Is that the idiotic statement from the Judge that the US Postal Inspection Service, FBI and DEA were looking for ?

He's not even funny since he can't do math with that Harvard AB. I can add with my Phi Beta Kappa Trinity BA. If they had been at Woodstock, they'd be infants, since it was in 1969.

I don't think his comments are funny after Dr Kenneth P. Patterson, known to be on cocaine in Dennis and Worcester to all but his patients, maimed me in 1998. Go get the confessions from the Massachusetts medical Board for that, and for fondling disabled and underage female patients in which he also blamed cocaine. That bastard along with Bilderberg Merck and Dr Paul Sklarew, an Army Ft Detrick shill, ruined my life, my health, and contributed to my mother's stroke and my father dropping dead at 62 from the stress.

They caused cardiomyopathy, neuropathy, vasculitis and near a bleed out requiring blood transfusions. My heart was 185 percent its normal size; I nearly had a heart attack and a heart transplant. If I had stayed in bed, I'd be dead and the doctors said the only reason I lived was because I was a fit 25 year old.

The Wall Street Journal screwed me on December 5, 1998 by regurgitating Merck's lies to sooth stockholders.

Once the lie was in print, I was handed a life of poverty after graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Trinity College in Hartford. My father dropped dead, and my mother had a stroke. I can't get an interview in Bilderberg owned stores that hire drug addicts, space cadets and high school kids.

Merck is a Bilderberg member, as are the Germanic and Jew families now manifested as the Rothschilds, Bourbons, "Windsors" and Hapsburgs that assassinated my Julio-Claudian ancestors to eventually take over the world.

So a true "useless eater" Judge with no way to email or write him on his free government website to horn his credentials thinks he's a comic.

He's a criminal and we now know what level of punishment he'll mete out. He should be removed from that case at once if he thinks it's funny because I'll bet he is a user himself, or the father of one like Governor Dannel Malloy.

As Ben Bernanke offshores trillions of dollars, Americans have no Cost of Living adjustment despite high inflation two years running because of that unidentified usurper using a stage name in the White House. He admits to drug use too, in his book.

The law is the law.

To bring it back to the Judge, he needs to grow up instead of making a mockery of cases brought to him that involve state and federal police, the real kind.

Drug users kill. They kill in their cars, on their jobs, when they buy their trash and when the government uses them as co-opted assets to try to kill and wet work people like me.

Act in self defense if you see one coming, since if you wait for the system, a crooked Judge won't do it for you.


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