Monday, April 4, 2011

A Dangerous Brewster Second Grader ?

When Brewster school teachers can't get a nine year old under control and say the kid is "threatening" and throwing a desk, and get the police to do their job, it says more about the highly paid teachers than it does about the kid.

He's nine. What would you do if he was 16 ? Request a NATO led airstrike ?

Stop trying to use the uptight catch phrases you use on the summer home owners in you neighborhood when they arrive at 8 PM on a summer night and you hear in them in their driveway and get the cops because they dared speak outside.

I mean come on people.

Are you completely incompetent ? Why don't we just mail you the paycheck and you can sit home and watch the she-trolls on the View tell you want to think about the man who has done nothing but give trillions to foreign banks and is back campaigning already ?


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