Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Did they have gas pumps in Kenya back then ?

President Obama, speaking to Al Sharpton's organization, says he is not "out of touch."

"I remember that," Obama added.

"I'm just going to be honest with you. There's not much we can do next week or two weeks from now," Obama said earlier today about gas prices.

Resign !

Take Tim with you and stop consulting with his father.

You're in office illegally and it does matter.

What do I expect from another self admitted cocaine addict like the one that ended my life who had the nerve to run for President and tells his staff to ignore emails ranging from pro to con...

Hey, wonder if he got any hot tips from Titcomb when he was there ?

Hookers, drugs, golf... all they need is to stage some staff murders to look like suicides and crash a plane into a hill in Bosnia.

All are anti-Roman Bilderberg coup members.


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