Thursday, April 7, 2011

Globalists create cover story after splicing Armenia's main internet cable

A precursor to the staged revolutions by the Globalists in countries whose assets they wish to seize has been the cutting / splicing of their internet cables two years in advance of "revolution." That article is just an example of many hundreds on the 2008 and 2009 "cuts" as is this one.

This time the people doing the work, knew full well that the internet has pieced together that broken cables and internet outages precede revolts that are backed by a corporate sponsored group that educates locals how to stage revolution (for the corporations).

They concocted an absurd cover story, Georgian woman cuts off web access to whole of Armenia.

Entire country loses internet for five hours after woman, 75, slices through cable while scavenging for copper...

In simple terms, the cables are made from:

An elderly Georgian woman was scavenging for copper to sell as scrap when she accidentally sliced through an underground cable and cut off internet services to all of neighbouring Armenia, it emerged on Wednesday.

The woman, 75, had been digging for the metal not far from the capital Tbilisi when her spade damaged the fibre-optic cable on 28 March.

The failure of the story is that the reader is led to believe that the woman couldn't see that there was no copper... and it's only made more implausible when the cable is revealed to have been heavily protected, yet the woman got to it with a spade ! Wow !

As Georgia provides 90% of Armenia's internet, the woman's unwitting sabotage had catastrophic consequences. Web users in the nation of 3.2 million people were left twiddling their thumbs for up to five hours as the country's main internet providers - ArmenTel, FiberNet Communication and GNC-Alfa – were prevented from supplying their normal service. Television pictures showed reporters at a news agency in the capital Yerevan staring glumly at blank screens.

Large parts of Georgia and some areas of Azerbaijan were also affected.

"It was a 75-year-old woman who was digging for copper in the ground so that she could sell it for scrap," said a spokesman for Georgia's interior ministry said yesterday.

Dubbed "the spade-hacker" by local media, the woman – who has not been named – is being investigated on suspicion of damaging property.

How convenient. And not only has she not been named, the media has inserted built-in ridicule to anyone challenging their cover story for the surveillance apparatus. She is the "spade-hacker."

She faces up to three years in prison if charged and convicted.

A spokesman for Georgia's interior ministry said the woman was temporarily released "on account of her old age" but could face more questioning.

Feigning a thorough investigation builds credibility... for the trusting clueless.

The damage was detected by a system monitoring the fibre-optic link from western Europe and a security team was immediately dispatched to the spot, where the woman was arrested. The interior ministry said she had no accomplices.

The cable is owned by the Georgian railway network. It is heavily protected, but landslides or heavy rain may have exposed it to scavengers.

How did a 75 year old woman with her trusty spade manage the area, then ?

Pulling up unused copper cables for scrap is a common means of making money in the former Soviet Union. Some entrepreneurs have even used tractors to wrench out hundreds of metres of cable from the former nuclear testing ground at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan.

But she used a spade ? And she kept going when there was presumably no copper to be had ?


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