Sunday, July 31, 2011

Scripted Happy Days are Here Again

1. Stoke fear starting with Geithner statement on 16 May 2011

2. Cause worldwide market bounce with Congressional Performance Art summer session by "relieving" manufactured fears of staged danger that world is ending in time for Asian markets to open (on Monday no less)

3. People of the world spend in joyous rapture, economy recovers

Well, maybe not exactly number three. Not even close.


They still have to vote (and revisit it after shelving it for after the election)

The Legal Scholar of the Year award goes to the guy in this interview who forgot why he's on SSI.

Kansas Resident on Debt Deal
Updated: Jul 31, 2011 8:38 PM EDT
Posted by Paul Manger - email

While lawmakers are expected to reach an agreement on a debt deal very soon some Southeast Kansas residents say the issue should not have been pushed until the last minute.

The threat of a debt default has been weighing heavily on the mind of Iola resident Jacob Masters.

He receives Social Security as a main source of income and says he'll be in big trouble if it's no longer available.

"I'm on S.S.I. And if they decided to default on this then I'm going to be homeless, I'm going to go have to join the army or something" says Masters.

How are you on SSI if you are able to serve in the Army... or something ?


Saturday, July 30, 2011

"UFO found on ocean floor ?"

An ocean exploration team led by Swedish researcher Peter Lindberg has found what some are suggesting is a crashed flying saucer.

Where did they get a silly idea like that ?

(these photos have nothing to do with the Swedish team and existed prior to that announcement)


Fixed that danger.

No, not really.


Why America is broke...

Do you really think it was fair that since the Germanic attacks of 2001, the military solicited toiletry and other donations for anything above an E-5 sergeant ?

Do you know their active duty salaries ?

First off, how did they all get a 1.4 percent increase when the government denied there was inflation and gave corporate maimed humans that paid for their education and were killed off within a year of graduating nothing ?

These are the monthly pay for the typical college educated officer in the Army after 16 years of pushing paper, in many cases.

Many of these noble thieves went to school on your dime too and haven't done anything but push papers at a desk since they were 18.

If you had a young lawyer next door, would you bring him a box of toilet paper and tooth brushes, and buy him $3000 of food a year while giving him an $18,000 housing allowance ?

A sergeant after 4 years gets $2448.30... $29,379.60 a year.

Wake up ! Able bodied people don't need to drain this country one more day under the guise of "service".

They serve their own interests in the easiest way possible for them.

Those in the Revolution and Civil War served for irregular pay, when paid at all.


Where do the Moody's criminals think the poor, old and disabled will eat ?

How many days do you think it takes 46 million unfed, penniless poor, old and disabled to become violent, each in their own way ?

What if they were to find out it was all a scripted sham ?

It's easy for the Jewish and Germanic monied families to spew this sort of propaganda.

They'll simply "order" the poor, old and disabled to soup kitchens, charities and churches all of which report they are virtually empty and crushed under the staged economic crash planned and executed by Bilderberg and other Germanics and Jewish families.

And it's convenient because when they can't pay their bills, credit cards and house payments, bankers will simply tack on extra fees, late fees and overdraft fees automatically (on the justification of Moody's downgrades), and rape the public some more for the misdeeds of said cabal.

Oh my that sounds like a "structural bailout" by force... read that "theft" like 2008 when these same groups threatened Congresss with martial law.

That should tell you who the police and military really work for and it's sad that so few joined with good intentions only to be come ultimate slaves and security forces for these dirtbags as well.

Only a shill or a bribed public official or a police officer dependent on their handouts by poor planning would deny it's a cabal.

Plenty of them are intimately familiar with what was done to Rome by those Germanics and Jewish families' ancestors.

It's a 1535 year long coup d'etat that started 1943 years ago.

It's strange that the day to day newspapers and media are owned by the same companies that print the lie and propaganda history books written by government funded professors.


Jane Swift, spare us your drivel tributes to Prof. Clyde McKee. I'm sure 9/11 families agree with me.

Jane Swift and her loser of a boss, capo di tutti capi Paul Cellucci, didn't give a damn when I was maimed and tried to get their help after crooked James Ehrhart the hack Chief-for-life ignored us in 1999. They did nothing to get their police to watch and arrest the (known to the state) cocaine addict doctor who caused the injuries most directly, likely on purpose. Kenneth P. Patterson got rewarded for nearly killing me by being allowed to hide for three years after molesting female patients and is now working in an ER.

To any moron or parents of any financial fraudster, drug addict or drunk on Donahue Road or other streets nearby reading this who wants to make fantasy connections, think again. I'll be happy to show you my empty "record" and Phi Beta Kappa Trinity College transcript.That is if the Brewster Police will give the former to anyone since they routinely refuse FOIA requests to the media and public such as when their cop urinated on people.

And it would be advisable that Brewster start ignoring the bipolar diagnosed CIA / USAID connected nuts next door before they bother myself and my stroke injured mother again on their lies and anti-Italian harassment. Did your neighbor ask you what kind of name yours was when they moved in ? She did. Racist Zionist mentally ill bitch.

Reading this from Jane Swift about Prof. Clyde McKee makes me want to vomit. Prof. McKee lived near my father's relatives in Saybrook and knew who I was, as the others in the Department did. But I'm left reading this after being killed, refused employment for suing Merck and demanding police help me. Now my food money was reduced 70 percent for daring to assert that a Zionist was giving me the business after pocket killing my payments because of my ancestry and the other factors. It is totally repulsive that the Courant and other outlets continue to run to this woman for her input recently. Go crawl back under the rock you hid under after George W. Bush told you not to run after you helped facilitate 9/11.

When Jane Swift came to Trinity from rural Massachusetts, she felt a little overwhelmed. By the end of her sophomore year, the only professor she knew well enough to ask for a reference for a summer job with a Massachusetts legislator was McKee. That fall, he took her aside after his class in Administration and Public Policy, and told her she needed to speak up more — that she had the practical experience the class only knew about from books.

"Professor McKee made it a point to reach out to me," said Swift. "That led me into a career in public service."

Swift, who served as governor of Massachusetts from 2001 to 2003, now teaches at Williams College. McKee contributed to all of her campaigns.

Did he teach you to ignore, Jane ? Ignore terror. Ignore equals in need. Ignore your job.

The Masshole buck passing "ignore".

Maybe there would have been no 9/11 if Jane Swift (who was head of Massport) had gone where she could afford and had never gotten anywhere. It's what Massachusetts did to me.

Maybe now Deval Patrick can really decide that those who oppose them are "off their meds" and need mental help. Did his wife ? I don't think anyone made her, as the victim, into a nut now did they ?

Useless lying crooked Massholes.

He didn't ask DTA hack Jason Feinman (another anti-Italian racist Zionist) why he didn't send a recertification form for three weeks of my begging, and allowed the money to run out that my mother needs to feed me with no income and no pension. Or why they're letting me get reduced by 70 percent for no reason when in fact we are worse off with no income since my father dropped dead in front of me... and I'm nuts ?

No, you are "off your meds" for thinking you'll get away with your debt ceiling sham even as Lockheed gets awarded $72 million and Colonel Schiavi gets himself $17.8 million for a so far undescribed, undocumented redundant "intelligence facility". The Colonel, whose men were AWOL on 9/11 as everyone knows from Alex Jones to the Commission itself, is another of Steve Boyson's "good friends" like he says Senator Scott Brown is (since I know in this state I have to prove why I know these people or be declared nuts by the Governor). Then there was Brewster FD getting $354,000 for nine analog FM 450 MHz repeaters at $22,000 a repeater to pay off some crony with a business 3 or 4 times more than they really cost.

I thought you're broke and have no money for SNAP ? Is the public really so clueless and scared by this sham "war" on a Germanic entity that turned on them, that they don't know that companies that take grants and graft will collapse tomorrow without government money ? That's known as corporate welfare.


As always, SPQR is a reference to the fact that until these Germanics and Jewish families toppled mine in Rome, we ruled Europe and served in the top offices.

Try toppling them now, when they break the law and reduce your benefits 70 percent in spite and illegally after causing you a heart transplant you missed.

Here are my ancestors. They commanded the Navy. They didn't get kicked out of the Netherlands on a leaky boat like the Massholes did. You bet I lifted it from Wikipedia with the neuropathy this government and Bilderberg Nazi Merck caused me that makes typing nearly impossible.

The only ones in need of mental help are those politicians deranged enough to think they have a lock and now a right to govern in a republic.

Did we ?

Octavii Rufi
  • Gnaeus Octavius Rufus, quaestor circa 230 BC.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Cn. f., praetor in 205 BC, during the Second Punic War; he obtained Sicily as his province, and captured eighty Carthaginian ships of burden. After the Battle of Zama, Scipio directed him to march on Carthage.
  • Gaius Octavius Cn. f., the younger son of Gnaeus Octavius Rufus, he was a simple eques, who never attempted to rise any higher in the state.
  • Gaius Octavius C. f. Cn. n., tribunus militum in 216 BC, during the Second Punic War. He survived the Battle of Cannae, and in 205 served in Sicily under the praetor Lucius Aemilius Papus.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., commanded the Roman fleet during the war against Perseus, over whom he triumphed. He was consul in 165 BC, and erected the Porticus Octavia. He was assassinated at Laodiceia while on an embassy in 162.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., consul in 128 BC; according to Cicero, he was accustomed to speaking in the courts of justice.
  • Marcus Octavius (Cn. f. Cn. n.), tribunus plebis in 133 BC, he opposed the agrarian law of his colleague, Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
  • Gaius Octavius C. f. C. n., the grandfather of Augustus, possessed considerable property, and lived quietly in his villa at Velitrae. He probably augmented his income by money-lending, for both Antonius and Cassius Parmensis called Augustus the grandson of a money-lender.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Rufus, quaestor in 107 BC; perhaps the same man as the consul of 87.
  • Gnaeus Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., consul in 87 BC, he was a supporter of the Optimates, and placed himself in opposition to his colleague, Lucius Cornelius Cinna, who was driven from the city. Octavius was slain shortly after Cinna's return with Gaius Marius.
  • Marcus Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., tribunus plebis in an uncertain year, brought forward a law raising the price at which corn was sold to the people.
  • Lucius Octavius Cn. f. Cn. n., consul in 75 BC; in the following year he died while proconsul of Cilicia, and was succeeded by Lucius Licinius Lucullus. He is frequently confounded with the jurist Lucius Octavius Balbus.
  • Gnaeus Octavius M. f. Cn. n., consul in 76 BC, and a minor orator; he suffered such severe gout that he was unable to walk.
  • Gaius Octavius C. f. C. n. Rufus, the father of Augustus, was praetor in 61 BC. Subsequently proconsul of Macedonia, he defeated several Thracian tribes, and was saluted imperator by his troops. He died suddenly in 58.
  • Marcus Octavius Cn. f. M. n., aedile in 50 BC, he was a partisan of Pompeius during the Civil War, and commanded the fleet with considerable success. He later served under Marcus Antonius, commanding the middle of the fleet at the Battle of Actium.
  • Octavia C. f. C. n., the elder daughter of the praetor of 61 BC, and half-sister of Augustus; she married Sextus Appuleius.
  • Octavia C. f. C. n., the younger daughter of the praetor of 61 BC, and sister of Augustus; she married first Gaius Claudius Marcellus, consul in 50 BC, and second Marcus Antonius.
  • Gaius Octavius C. f. C. n., the first Roman emperor; he was the nephew of Caesar, in whose will he was adopted; in 27 BC the senate proclaimed him Augustus.
  • Octavius Rufus, a friend of the younger Plinius.
Octavii Ligures
  • Marcus Octavius Ligur, a senator, and tribunus plebis with his brother, Lucius, in 82 BC. Verres compelled him to come to Rome in 74 in order to defend his rights respecting an estate that he had inherited in Sicily, and then charged him the costs of the trial.
  • Lucius Octavius Ligur, tribunus plebis with his brother, Marcus, in 82 BC, he defended his brother's interests in Sicily from Verres during Marcus' absence. Perhaps the same person mentioned in one of Cicero's letters to Atticus.
Octavii Laenates
  • Marcus Octavius Laenas Curtianus, one of the distinguished men who supplicated the judges on behalf of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, in 54 BC.
  • Gaius Octavius Laenas, curator of the aqueducts in Rome from AD 34 to 38, during the reigns of Tiberius and Caligula.
  • Servius Octavius Laenas Pontianus, consul in AD 131.

  • Octavius Graecinus, one of the generals of Sertorius in Hispania, he distinguished himself in battle against Pompeius in 76 BC. In 72 BC, he joined the conspiracy of Marcus Perperna, by which Sertorius perished.
  • Lucius Octavius, a legate of Pompeius during the war against the pirates, in 67 BC; succeeded Quintus Caecilius Metellus in the command of Crete, and received the submission of the Cretan towns.
  • Lucius Octavius Naso, left his estate to Lucius Flavius, praetor designatus in 59 BC.
  • Lucius Octavius Balbus, an eminent legal scholar and judex in the time of Cicero; in 42 BC he was proscribed and put to death by the triumvirs.
  • Lucius Octavius, detected in adultery by Gaius Memmius, and punished by him.
  • Octavius Marsus, legate of Publius Cornelius Dolabella, who sent him into Syria with one legion in 43 BC. After the town of Laodiceia was betrayed into the hands of Gaius Cassius Longinus, Dolabella and Octavius put an end to their own lives.
  • Marcus Octavius Herennius, originally a flute player, he became engaged in trade, and built a chapel to Hercules near the Porta Trigemina, at the foot of the Aventine Hill, supposedly in gratitude for having been delivered from pirates.
  • Gaius Octavius Lampadio, a grammarian, who divided the poem of Naevius on the First Punic War into seven books.
  • Octavius Fronto, a contemporary of Tiberius, he had been praetor, and in AD 16 spoke in the senate against the great luxury then prevailing.
  • Publius Octavius, a noted epicurean during the reign of Tiberius.
  • Octavius Sagitta, tribunus plebis in AD 58, he murdered his mistress, Pontia Postumia, because she refused to marry him after promising to do so. He was condemned and exiled to an island, but returned to Rome following the death of Nero. In AD 70 the senate again condemned him and reinstated his punishment.
  • Gaius Octavius Vindex, consul suffectus in AD 184.
  • Octavius Horatianus, a name sometimes assigned to the author of the Rerum Medicarum Libri Quatuor, usually attributed to the physician Theodorus Priscianus, who lived at Constantinople during the 4th century.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Patrick Administration refuses to obey law, refers its victims to DMH

Deval Patrick is using Soviet style mind games where those who demand they obey the law and make agencies obey the law are being referred to the Department of Mental Health for investigation and intimidation as the Soviets did.

In one case, a maimed SSI recipient and borderline heart transplant case was refused a rectification form for three weeks. They were simply ignored through three weeks of voice mail.

When the person's SNAP benefits unlawfully expired, the victim made the usual rounds of the state and federal representatives, by mail and in person.

Finally after being told five forms were mailed and receiving none, much to the amusement of the postmaster, the individual asserted them self with the Governor's office. The five times the form was supposedly sent were in response to the Governor's office, the state representative, the US representative, the original and a supposed replacement.

Of course those are lies and all five "Democrats" were in on it.

At that time as warned by Alex Jones and others, the Governor himself (based on reports), apparently decided the physically ill party was instead mentally ill for not bowing to tyranny.

The person was referred to the Department of Mental Health and the victim was contacted by a worker to check on their needs, specifically citing that the Governor had decided the person was obviously "off their meds" due to the expiration of SNAP benefits.

It was at that time that the worker determined the case had been misrepresented to her, and that the person was simply seeking to restore their benefits and at the level before the staged sham, and that the DMH worker had been rendered a pawn in a bigger game.

The reduction ? Seventy percent in a collapsing economy for no legal reason.

Do you feed yourself for $73 a month ? No one here can or does.
Obviously, the Patrick administration is conducting itself as it has, refusing to answer FOIA requests, buying themselves new cars, and now they are using the Soviet tactic that if you question them or demand your rights under law, that you must be mentally ill for not being intimidated or skulking away.

If they make the wrong decisions in the next 96 hours , they're going to have 46 million questioning their law breaking... not to mention riots as deranged hacks on both sides order the poor and unfed to charities with empty warehouses for food.


Debt ceiling is a sham. They either have it or they don't.

How can you proudly announce a $72 million contract with parasite Lockheed when you're telling grandmothers there's no money to pay their bills through SSA next week ?

This is like watching a parent refuse to buy their child a Star Wars figure saying it's too expensive, then ordering them a $40 steak dinner and spending an hour cajoling them that they must eat it because they paid for it.

Even as the US economy teeters on the brink of default, the federal government has handed a $72 million dollar contract to defense contractor Lockheed Martin to install radiation-firing body scanners at 300 more airports across the east and central United States, despite the availability of devices that do not rely on radiation to function.

“Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) has been awarded two regional task orders totalling $72 million to help TSA integrate and deploy new passenger screening and security equipment at airports across the east and central United States,” states the press release.

Is anyone awake out there ?

Why do you all tolerate this ? Even if it doesn't come to pass and it will, why even tolerate the mere words and threats, and the test by these usurpers to see how much you'll take in silence or near-silence ?

Why do masses of suckers make the rounds of useless corporate run talk shows on AM radio thinking what they say matters ? The local FM station WXTK runs a moronic bumper that "your opinion counts, so use it." You'll be telling a former MP who was run off WPRO for racist comments when you do.

How about "you opinion counts so act on it" ? No, they'd never say that. Then their cronies would have to find new jobs and people who aren't married to each other and bureaucrats, military, police and fire would be elected to office in the USA.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Congress stages debt ceiling charade to make you thankful you got a cut rate check

CNN immorally asks:

Can they pay UTC ? Raytheon ? Amdocs ? Lockheed ? The Russians for Soyuz ? The "government" of Afghanistan ?

Liars !

...the two main reasons for this dereliction of duty by America’s pastors and churches are the IRS 501c3 non-profit tax status, which turns the Lord’s church into a government corporation; and the erroneous, fallacious interpretation of Romans chapter 13 that teaches Christians are obligated to submit to government regardless of whether government acts within the confines and jurisdiction of God’s law or not. In reality, the American church today, on the whole, is not even a church. It is a government corporation whose loyalty is offered first to Caesar, not to Christ, and whose message is first politically correct before it is Biblically correct.

You're all "official" liars and your "God" is a false control grid against simpleton fools who are ignorant of history and don't know you usurped Roman religion and replaced it with your own cartoon characters edited over time, and guided by a Jewish cabal.

CNN: The 28 million Americans expecting their payments on Aug. 3 will have to wait and see. Another 27 million people are scheduled to get checks later in the month.

More and more the corporate media thugs are easing into the nonsense, as they talk more and more of what we knew. Indeed, Paul Craig Roberts writing on Infowars said it as well.

They're going to de facto kill your Social Security and other checks for a month or more, and when you do nothing but mouth off and it's safe to come out, they're going to restore it at a cut rate and make you grateful even as they pay police $125,000 while claiming they have no money.

CNN: Missing Social Security payments is no small matter. The checks represent about 41% of the income of the elderly. Many seniors depend on it for 90% or more of their income.

I pick on police salaries because their salaries are the result of the staged terror and mass on-ground murder of 9/11 conducted on the day of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest that stopped Roman expansion against the usurper Germanics.

It was the Germanic and Jewish attack on America by the same families that assassinated my ancestors in Rome to get where they are today. But don't you do it to the Hidden Hand. They're special.

No, not really.

To make themselves "official," they spent 1943 years distracting you by murderous war after war. When the people grew tired after WWII, they devised a Cold War to keep industry going, and small murderous fires to put out like Vietnam. All this was done while paying off what would become unionized police that then uplifted unionized government workers.

So I ask again why there is so much money ready for banker bond holders, foreign bond holders, rich bond holders and the Military Industrial Complex to get their ransom, and supposedly none for the humans ?

Do you think the public will riot so you can mow them down as you do in Iraq and Afghanistan when they don't obey your "lawful" orders ?

"Lawful" ?

Since your handlers are in power by assassinating my family, no order they give can be lawful as Augustus claimed this land for Rome.

You will refuse your orders if they are illegal.

You live once and neither of those cartoons above are going to get you if you refuse to murder, yet again, for the Hidden Hand.

If you fight a cabal know this.

You're not going to burn in a fictional hell. They're illegal usurpers that started their coup d'etat in Europe in 476 after overthrowing Rome, and they caused the fire of the Vestal Virgins to be unlawfully extinguished.

Would they say their ancestors are burning in "hell" at this moment for what they unlawfully did on 11 September 9 ? Or for what they did on 11 September 2001 ?


Default was coming for a long, long time. It's staged.

Class rebel Ron Paul notes:

"Default is coming. The only argument that's going on now is how to default, not send the checks out or just print the money. In all countries our size, they always print the money," Paul said.

"They're going to raise the debt limit, and then they're going to print the money, and then they'll default by inflation, and that's much more dangerous than facing up to the facts of what's happening today."

That was decided long before the 2 May 2011 published threat of Geithner I identified as the rest of the people out of office ignored...

The public just refuses to understand there is no party. At all. They are all intermarried, date, and work for for each other as needed.

The "Tea Party" was co-opted long before it became a threat to the establishment.

It's an unlawful coup.


A Congress of Useless Eaters and Stage Actors... as their mutual handlers' puppets try to intimidate those they maimed

Nancy Pelosi is afraid that if you don't let them all do what they want and let them govern as a Forbes blogger wrote, that she won't be able to continue to aggrandize her nothingness with a security detachment. Strangely that's what many Democrats have done since entering or advancing to higher office. Since they're bumbling Globalist puppets, they need to make themselves look important with armed gangs.

When they're not doing that they're using government transport like they're all petty "Presidents" and handing grants to the police, fire and military intelligentsia to cover up their wrongdoing as they lie and tell you they have no money for your grandmother next week.

We can be sure that's what she means when she declares:

Surely no American has benefited by their acts, or those of the other staged "party".

I won't be using the rest of Kristol's propaganda because it makes me nauseous in light of those like George Will that speak with two faces.

In fact the Patrick Administration attempted to intimidate me this week rather than correct the illegal and immoral derailment of what I have coming under law, such as what George Will the millionaire Trinity College ABC "Republican" receives for his son.

The regime is so afraid of what I say and document, considering the small number of readers I have, that when I use my own blog to source what I've written before I find articles missing such as when Forbes bloggers told you to let them govern.

The difference is this government maimed me and harassed me. They didn't lik that in 1999 I figured out that Merck had gotten GCHQ in the UK to watch me. They let Bilderberg / Globalist / Nazi Merck steal my medical records, deny me a copy and waive them in my lawyers' faces while declaring "we don't know where we got them."

They still have them.

You don't scare me.

Not only did the Octavii rule Rome for 600 years, before you nearly murdered me in 1998, you approached me to be a Congressman in 1995 and had me under surveillance in Trinity College, and earlier based on my recollections.

Care to tell the public what you really use the Johns Hopkins tests for ? Or the rest of them ?

Several lawyers, a rather revolutionary surgeon, and two Congressman. A film editor. A corporate officer or two. We'll say two Congressman because no Octavius in this branch of this family will ever be anything more than your master. We're not your puppets. We don't shut up for you or your puppet masters of a reported 8 to 20 families of Jews and Germans.

You don't decide that anyone that ruled Rome is to be one of 435 like a stinking consolation prize to "keep your enemies closer".

And why didn't you back up your empty offers after with proof and aid ? What a joke when you had them (in 7th and 8th grade) say and then beg and plead for a transfer to Phillips, Kingswood ? In Trinity, it was a proposed transfer to Yale. They were empty, hollow offers. Who was going to pay ? My schoolteacher father ? Aid is only for people darker than us. I forgot.

Some "republic", where you pick who is going to win from when they are in 3rd grade. I saw them enter before the duet and leave after. That's what you're dealing with. And I don't care what this sounds like to anyone else because it's an open letter for you murdering me, as always. My uncle knows it. My mother knows it.

The truth scares you to death with your theatrics of doom for August 2nd.

You showed your hand yesterday. Keep reading. It'll get better.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My, what a sudden, round storm over Wisconsin and Illinois.

It's very easy to find what I mean.

It's even more fun to watch the animation of it blowing up over a "magical" hour.

I thought you're out of money ?

Or global lying ? Some of us know you use hams' APRS stations for the data.

How scientific.


Welcome to the party. You're all late.

With some politicians talking of economic Armageddon, Americans coast to coast were suddenly focusing on debt and deficit matters that most would have dismissed as arcane until recently. Some lawmakers' offices were inundated with phone calls and emails, many urging some kind of deal to avert the possibility of calamity.

I started discussing this on May 2nd and I was late too. On May 16, I wrote what follows:

Government engaging in staged "mistakes" that they hope will cause riots.

They didn't get their martial law worthy response in the fall of 2008 and are trying again.

The Obama administration will begin to tap federal retiree programs to help fund operations after the government lost its ability Monday to borrow more money from the public, adding urgency to efforts in Washington to fashion a compromise over the debt.

Stage two of the planned economic collapse is under way, with the long-dead Bin Laden and the Adobe file birth certificate sham used as circus and planned in part at Bilderberg 2008.

The maneuver buys Geithner only a few months of time. If Congress does not vote by Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit, Geithner says the government is likely to default on some of its obligations, which he says would cause enormous economic harm and the suspension of government services, including the disbursal of Social Security funds.

Have you seen Greece or Iceland lately ?

So Tim... are you thugs going to drag more Congressmen into a meeting and threaten them with martial law to get your way this time, too (video below) ?

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Ok.) said yesterday that it was Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson who personally told Congressmen that there would be martial law in America if they did not pass the bailout of the banks as demanded by the Bush Administration. On Oct. 2, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) said on the House floor that "Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day, another couple of thousand the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no."

Now, Senator Inhofe, speaking on KFAQ radio station in Tulsa, has confirmed who it was that issued this threat. The interview host Pat Campbell asked Infhofe, "Somebody in D.C. was feeding you guys quite a story prior to the bailout, a story that if we didn't do this we were going to see something on the scale of the depression, there were people talking about martial law being instituted, civil unrest. Who was feeding you guys this stuff?"

Inhofe replied, "That's Henry Paulson. We had a conference call early on, it was on a Friday I think--a week and half before the vote on Oct. 1. So it would have been ... the 19th of September, we had a conference call. In this conference call and I guess there's no reason for me not to repeat what he said, but he said, he painted this picture you just described. He said, This is serious. This is the most serious thing that we faced."

Their ancestors illegally overthrew Rome in 476. They tried on 11 September 9 by illegally destroying three Roman Legions totaling 30,000 soldiers under the leadership of the man who created modern Europe, Gaio Giulio Cesare Ottaviano Augusto (Augustus Caesar).

They attempted it again in 68 by assassinating (sic.) Nero. In 475 through 480 they murdered Julius Nepos, replacing him with their own German puppet Romulus Augustus before kidnapping and killing him, and seating their own German arses on the thrones of Europe while pretending all Roman leadership was dead for 1943 years as they occupied inherited thrones they concocted, including those of Greece and Russia.

After 1943 years of pillage and murder and assassination, they're out to finish the plan. They started as Germanic tribes, and have morphed through history leading to the Nazis, Bilderberg and Globalists...

You really do think those Germanics transported in Operation Paperclip are loyal, don't you ? Do you really believe that attack occurred on the day that Hitler lived, breathed and built the Reich on by accident, the day Rome was stopped by the Germanic traitor Arminius ?

Behold their modern "masterpiece".


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Is that who you are ?

Seven days left.



Sunday, July 24, 2011

"Knights Templar" ?

The accused Norway operative that was captured is described as wanting to cause a group using the name of the Knights Templar to drive Muslims out of Europe by 2083, and with them the usurper governments descended from the 476 Germanic coup against lawful Roman rulers.

Unfortunately they'd be replaced with more post-476 illegal usurpers in his world.

Why does this look like a discrediting attempt on Knights Templar by useful idiots in the media ? Because it is. Even if you don't like Templars, you must admit that the media and "law" threw mud at them good enough for the average reader. All groups bearing that name will now be blamed for one man.

Indeed in 2008, reading Knights Templar heirs in legal battle with the Pope, one could ask why the heirs of the ruling families of Rome usurped by the Vatican in the 476 dismantling of the Empire by Germanic force of arms and assassination aren't suing both.

"Heirs" ? Please. Roman "history" forums are replete with useful idiots to the Germanics and the Jewish families that finance them saying we're all dead. If that fails, they describe idiotic stories about families they know nothing about.

So, these presumable Templar gold diggers, even if authentic, are part of the

Association of the Sovereign Order of the Temple of Christ, whose members claim to be descended from the legendary crusaders, have filed a lawsuit against Benedict XVI calling for him to recognise the seizure of assets worth 100 billion euros (£79 billion).

They claim that when the order was dissolved by his predecessor Pope Clement V in 1307, more than 9,000 properties as well as countless pastures, mills and other commercial ventures belonging to the knights were appropriated by the church.

But their motive is not to reclaim damages only to restore the "good name" of the Knights Templar.

Well certain groups operating in Norway took care of that. What a fascinating coincidence given all that loot that the usurper Pope holds. What a confused story we now have mixed with real tragedy. The usurper MIC that kills and maims at will can hold endless investigation into these organizations now because of one man.

"We are not trying to cause the economic collapse of the Roman Catholic Church, but to illustrate to the court the magnitude of the plot against our Order," said a statement issued by the self-proclaimed modern day knights.

The Templars was a powerful secretive group of warrior monks founded by French knight Hugues de Payens after the First Crusade of 1099 to protect pilgrims en route to Jerusalem.

They amassed enormous wealth and helped to finance wars waged by European monarchs, but spectacularly fell from grace after the Muslims reconquered the Holy Land in 1244 and rumours surfaced of their heretic practices...

The legal move by the Spanish group comes follows the unprecedented step by the Vatican towards the rehabilitation of the group when last October it released copies of parchments recording the trials of the Knights between 1307 and 1312.

The papers lay hidden for more than three centuries having been "misfiled" within papal archives until they were discovered by an academic in 2001.

I'd worry more about the Roman Empire and the families that built it and were oppressed for 1943 years, including one you maimed on purpose in 1998, if I were you.

That money is ours. You never commissioned a statue of Octavian or Antony.

We did.

You gave the Jews' "property" back after the Germanics decimated them.

They didn't rule Europe for a thousand years. Romans did.


The Fog of Lies

Webster Tarpley notes that NATO was displeased with Norway:

A Motive: Norway Had Decided to Stop Bombing Libya August 1

The targets of the Norwegian terror attacks are all expressly political, including government offices and a summer youth camp of the ruling Labor Party, and thus point in the direction of politics. The government of Norway is currently a coalition composed of the Labor Party, the Socialist Left Party, and the Center Party. Norway has traditionally attempted to cultivate a pro-Arab foreign policy, as seen in its sponsorship of the Oslo peace accords between Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in the mid-1990s. The current government has announced its intention of granting diplomatic recognition to a Palestinian state in the near future. When the destabilization of Libya began last February, the Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre of the Labor Party warned Norway’s partners in the NATO alliance against getting involved.

But soon after this, Norway gave in to US pressure and agreed to participate in NATO’s bombing of Libya for an initial period of three months, sending six planes which have carried out an estimated 10% of all the bombing raids mounted by the Atlantic alliance. However, as the end of its three-month commitment had passed, Norway had reduced its contingent to four planes during the month of July, and had announced on June 10 that it was planning to withdraw altogether from the NATO bombing coalition no later than August 1.

The Norwegian decision to drop out of the NATO attack coalition was associated with a similar move by the Netherlands, which was announced on that same day of June 10. The Dutch had decided to maintain their contingent of six planes, but will no longer take part in bombing attacks on ground targets. Henceforth, the Dutch are willing only to help enforce the no-fly zone through air interdiction. There was therefore the potential that Norway’s example could trigger a general tendency by the smaller NATO states to quit the bombing coalition, in which their collective presence is highly significant.

That reminds me of when "Italy's" sham government of anti-Roman socialist usurpers decided that they wanted the bombing stopped; Hillary Clinton went bananas in front of the camera during a lapse of total control of events. She then reappeared steeled from a sham meeting held there.

Tarpley is likely on target, for NATO is a Nazi product.

A few days ago in Reichskommissariat Norwegen I noted the many early contradictions in the media reports about what the purported operative in Norway was being characterized as.

That is to say, at once a right-winger and yet an anti-Nazi.

Does this explain the rather odd response of the Norwegian Prime Minister of addressing operatives in the plural, when the world is told it was one man ?

"I have a message for those who attacked us, this is a message from all of Norway, you are not going to destroy us, you are not going to destroy our democracy..

"Nobody is going to bomb us into silence, nobody is going to shoot us into silence.

"Tomorrow we will show the world that the Norwegian democracy grows in strength when it matters..

"We must never stop standing up for our values. We must show that the Norwegian society can stand up to these testing times. We must show humanity, but not naivety."

That doesn't sound like he was addressing one farmer, now does it ?

Breivik outlines his UK links, claiming he met eight other extremists from across Europe in London in 2002 to "re-form" the Knights Templar Europe – a group whose purpose was "to seize political and military control of western European countries and implement a cultural conservative political agenda".

Oh, he probably met eight war mongers who egged him on, but they weren't who the Guardian says they were.

Only 9 more shopping days until August 2nd.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Speaker Boehner says: “Don’t worry. I’ll be strong”

Uncle Tonoose says:

"strong like bull, smart like streetcar"

Just 9 more shopping days until 2 August.


Mostly not sunny

Today: Mostly sunny, with a high near 88. South wind between 7 and 11 mph ?

So far the sky is white, not blue.

UPDATE: It ended up wet then white again, even with the sun.

How can you say the USA is broke and keep those planes spraying that crap aloft ?


Friday, July 22, 2011

Just 11 more shopping days until 2 August 2011

It's OK to tear up now, Speaker Boehner.

These are difficult times.

Also, I don't remember that when Soetoro dba Obama stormed out that it was reported as an "instant crisis".

Talk about instant crises, the Declaration of Independence was signed on 2 August 1776.

That was 225 years ago.

Don't even bother saying "that was July 4th".

I know what I'm talking about.


Reichskommissariat Norwegen

It's strange that all those attacks keep occurring in places where Nazis, especially the SS, have trod.

And they're always blamed on their allies, the Muslim Arab citizenry.

So strange.

Now begins the conflicting disinformation. The only "fog of war" is the one they create on purpose. In fact, consider that "the Flash" in Norway did more than McVeigh "did", by comparison. He engaged in an almost movie-like one man operation, causing severe damage and then doing it again.

Norwegian media reports describe Breivik as a right-wing extremist opposed to both Islam and multi-culturalism, and speculate that his farming business would have access to fertilizer that could be used to construct explosives.

How are you at once right-wing and yet for the ostensible anti-Nazi resistance of Max Manus and Churchill, when the left has spent 70 years defining Nazis as right-wing ? Either Nazis aren't right-wing or someone has some explaining to do.

Then there's this:

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said:

"Nobody is going to bomb us into silence, nobody is going to shoot us into silence.

"Tomorrow we will show the world that the Norwegian democracy grows in strength when it matters..

"We must never stop standing up for our values. We must show that the Norwegian society can stand up to these testing times. We must show humanity, but not naivety."

Those are very strong and out of place words spoken for a 32 year old Norwegian geofarmer acting alone. Either the Prime Minister was woefully misinformed or he also jumped to the Muslim conclusion.

Why ?

After all, the attack was really by a crack shot, fast moving, master bomb building, right wing, anti-Nazi who was re-fighting World War II by attacking the left wing Norwegian Labour Party.

"Building what ?"


"$17.6 million for an intelligence facility" at has-been Otis AFB

What's that mean ?

What kind of "intelligence facility" is it that people are being short changed over, stolen from and taxed over ?

Is it for more RQ-170 stealth UAVs that by the time they're on top of the camel riders or Toyota pickup trucks, the radar-less target knows they're there anyway ?

I thought the USA is broke and has no money for food, medical care and to pay bills for the retired, old, poor, disabled and people they and their MIC maimed ?

Indeed, it still owes $55,757 from the 1790 refinancing of the "Revolution".

What kind of reporting is this that the Cape Cod Times produces ? Over and over they publish articles that are a virtual press release from these people, as if they're the only ones trained in this field or the only ones smart enough to understand what they do on Cape Cod.

Two construction projects are already under way — costing a total of $17.6 million for an intelligence facility and another $7 million for a new headquarters that Schiavi says will function as the unit's operations and training building. Construction on the headquarters is just beginning, but the new intelligence facility could be completed by the end of the year, he said.

In all, the 102nd Intelligence Wing employs 1,100 full-time and traditional Guardsmen, Schiavi said, which is about the same number that worked in support of the fighter wing at the Upper Cape base.

Yes and what is it that you do, you unthinking shills for Israel ?

He's a man that when I was sitting in his driveway, his friend instructed me not to mention 9/11 ? Would it have been OK if I asked why he didn't kill the Nazi bastards who staged it, and maimed me in 1998 ?

To shut them up, they promoted that same key players in the inept (some say criminal stand down) response on 9/11, the anniversary of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest that halted my ancestors' expansion into the territory of the Germanics harassing them.


Fair with Sprayze 87 °F (31 °C)

Thank gods.

For a minute I thought we were being short changed on the chemical spray trails.

They appeared in the last hour.

Phew. I was worried we'd be able to breathe without interference by a bunch of Globalists who can't stop touching.

It reminds me of the low flow shower heads they sent out about 1979 or so. I learned at a young age who the incompetents were.


I'd rather sweat than die of respiratory maiming.

Where are all those "regularly scheduled" jet flights that don't appear on Flight Tracker, anyway ?

Where are all those "regularly scheduled" jet flights leaving all those puffy smoky trails that are sprayed parallel and checker boarded ? The ones that are turned on and off depending on where they are in the sky, that they lie and say are caused by different "air pockets" and not a release in a cabin ?

Does it seem strange that the sky is blue when it's infernal out, yet the same people tell you about "haze" and "pollution" when it's far cooler ?

It's as simple as question the regime, get punished with what you'll have if they don't spray.

Congratulations America, you're in the control period, otherwise known as the control group in science.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Don't think August 2 will happen yet ? USA owes $55,757 from 1790

If the USA still owes $55,757 from 1790, do you really think they can really "solve" their staged impasse in 12 days ?

Come on guys, the Rothschilds and Solomons are waiting.

You obviously already screwed Roman families like the Ottavianos (Octavii), the Euro usurpers in between, and Silas Deane into comparable or total poverty. Don't make the billionaire Jewish coup plotters and their Germanic co-conspirators suffer the same fate needlessly.

One such category: old debt. When Congress first established a debt limit as part of the World War I-era Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917, the limit applied only to new debt. Ninety-four years later, the government still owes $55,757 from its first bond issue in 1790, which was used to pay off the states' Revolutionary War debt.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Social Security Online Emergency Message: “We’re sorry but we don’t know.”

It's not too secure an Emergency Message when you can find it by searching Google.

I hope they buy a burn bag.


Social Security Online
Emergency Message

Identification Number EM-11051
Effective Date: 07/14/2011
Intended Audience: All RCs/ARCs/ADs/FOs/PSCs/TSCs
Originating Office: DCO OPSOS
Title: Instructions for Handling Inquiries on Payment of Social Security Benefits and Supplemental Security Income Checks if the United States Debt Ceiling Limit is Not Raised
Type: EM - Emergency Messages
Program: Title II (RSI); Title XVI (SSI); Disability
Link To Reference:
Retention Date: January 14, 2012

This message instructs you how to respond to inquiries about payment of Social Security benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments if the United States does not raise the federal debt ceiling.

Responding to inquiries from the public

If an individual inquires about payment of Social Security or SSI checks due to concerns about the federal debt ceiling, provide the following response:

“We’re sorry but we don’t know.”

Responding to media inquiries

If representatives of the media inquire about payment of Social Security or SSI checks based on the federal debt ceiling issue, please refer them to your regional communications staff.

Direct all program–related and technical questions to your RO support staff or PSC OA staff. RO support staff or PSC OA staff may refer questions or problems to their Central Office contacts.
EM-11051 - Instructions for Handling Inquiries on Payment of Social Security Benefits and Supplemental Security Income Checks if the United States Debt Ceiling Limit is Not Raised - 07/14/2011

Not good enough, NWS. It's Geoengineering, not "haze".

Fog is not sprayed by jets. Haze is not sprayed by jets. Neither are at 35,000 feet.

So while NWS has made a lame attempt to explain the Etch a Sketch Solar Shield experiment, they fell short after no doubt being criticized.


Thursday: Widespread haze between 9am and 11am, then Widespread haze after 2pm. Patchy fog before 11am. Otherwise, mostly cloudy, then gradually becoming sunny, with a high near 79. Breezy, with a southwest wind between 15 and 23 mph.

Thursday Night: Widespread haze before 8pm. Patchy fog before 7pm, then Patchy fog after 8pm. Otherwise, mostly cloudy, with a low around 71. Breezy, with a west wind between 16 and 22 mph.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Don't raise funds. Steal them.

Anyone ever seen a $22,000 conventional analog 450 MHz repeater ? How about buying nine of them.

That's a repeater, duplexer, antenna, power supply, battery, coax... all on an existing tower... or water tank.

Or four $1000 computers to program radios ? Computers that can be used as Blu Ray home theaters are $550 at Dell. Wait until they find they need a serial port too.

How about $12,000 to pay $70 to each person learning how to key a mic they use every day for two hours of "learning" ? Turn on radio. Key radio. Turn off radio. Go eat pizza donated by local restaurant sucker "patriot".

Do you think over 170 people need pagers at $400 each ?

Then there's nine, is it, $700 base radios ? Base radios ? Say, when does a mobile turn into a base radio ? When you stick a $500 mobile into a matching power supply and tack on $200 each.

Merry Christmas. Other places that are far, far more important use hams. Dennis, Harwich, Brewster, and Orleans are afraid of them because they don't want to be watched as they watch others and might be reported.

For something.


NSTAR refuses to address domestic terror attacks through their Smart Meters

UPDATE: Driving an NSTAR truck up and down the street in a shaman ritual to drive out the spirits in the grid without getting out of the truck, and on occasion checking the voltage three hours later doesn't solve it any more today than it has for a year.

NSTAR liars deny they are Smart Meters even though the instruction manuals say they are.

The doctor here, who went to Harvard, must also be "lying" because he doesn't work for a power company, the meter builder or the government that gave them millions to buy them.

NSTAR staff who could care less have been causing damaging surges for the last several years that most people don't even know are occurring. They do in Maine, though.

Now that the Maine Public Utilities Commission has ruled that it is “unreasonable” for Central Maine Power to force every customer to accept a wireless meter, and that it is “in the public interest” for customers to opt-out, here’s a candid look at the information you won’t find in CMP’s promotional materials.

It’s information you need to decide whether the purported benefits of a smart meter outweigh the documented risks to health, safety, privacy and cybersecurity.

Here’s why people, communities and governments around the world are rejecting smart meters:...
  • Radiofrequency interference causing malfunctioning of wireless equipment such as Wi-Fi and Netflix
  • Radiofrequency interference causing malfunctioning of medical equipment such as pacemakers and wireless insulin pumps
  • Radiofrequency spikes causing appliances to break
  • Health effects like migraines, nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms, heart palpitations and sleeplessness caused by intense bursts of radiofrequency radiation that has just been classified as a “possible carcinogen” by the World Health Organization — in the same category as lead, engine exhaust and DDT
  • Cybersecurity breaches
  • Excessive billing
  • Interception of personal identity information
  • Electrical fires

Smart Meters have caused Wi-Fi, Netflix, security systems, appliances, and other equipment to malfunction and break. Interference with electronic devices (home office printers, fax machines, scanners, computers, television and cable settings, etc.) has been reported after smart meter installation.

Appliances and devices that are electrically connected in the home (plugged into home electrical wiring) can experience radiofrequency bursts of high enough intensity to cause malfunction and/or damage.

CMP has received more than 100 complaints about interference, and has hired a subcontractor to deal with these problems. However, the company has failed to follow the PUC’s order to prominently feature in its opt-out communications the phone number customers can call for help in dealing with these interference problems.



Experts find smart meters subject to security breaches, hacking

Top analysts say smart meters represent a “worst-case scenario” in terms of security and cyber attacks

Smart meter software company found guilty of data theft

Wireless communications are far less secure than wired communications

Concerns about the security of the US electrical grid have received widespread media coverage (Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2009). Smart meters present a new vulnerability to intentional sabotage as well as to inadvertent access to private information, since the network is wireless and it adds direct linkage to home computers and personal data.

The wireless network proposed to enable smart grid and smart meter technology is a full-saturation, full-coverage blanket of RF/MW radiation into every home and business that can increase the points of entry to malicious software (malware), to electrical service disruption or disconnection, and to terrorist attack on the electrical and communications grid throughout the US (, March 4, 2010).

CNN launched a “Cyber Shockwave” program on February 20, 2011, that detailed national concerns over the security of the Internet and of wireless communications, which makes us vulnerable to loss of the electrical grid, Internet and wireless communications across the country. Banking, transportation and the electrical grid had the biggest vulnerabilities.

If you've experienced this nonsense since getting these foreign made pieces of garbage it's worth reading the real article because there are many links.

But of course they're all lies because they don't work for the power company, the meter builder or the government that gave them grant money to buy and install the meters in Military Industrial Complex foreign-made Massachusetts right ?

I want to see Thomas May and people like Justin Riehl / Reihl (however it's being spelled this week since NSTAR papers spell it both ways) have their heads planted squarely where it is now after the merger with Northeast Utilities. Riehl / Reihl would seem to be more of a lying spook of a network security "engineer" who never admitted it, does nothing to get paid and thinks all customers are stupid as his bumbles his way through blocking what's going on.

When May ignores customers in Connecticut once he is CEO of Northeast Utilities, he won't last a year with his present attitude of lying, damaging and possibly even injuring customers.

NSTAR meets the definition of domestic terrorists given by the US government. They are knowingly attacking people, homes, businesses and infrastructure with financing by a foreign power with the aim of enforcing their own agenda.


Monday, July 18, 2011

It takes 45 minutes to close the gate between India and Pakistan. Here's why.

Maybe after the Dominionists see this one, they'll make new plans.

Once again, thank you so much, Britain...


Posse Comitatus

18 U.S.C. § 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus

Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

10 U.S.C. § 375. Restriction on direct participation by military personnel

The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to ensure that any activity (including the provision of any equipment or facility or the assignment or detail of any personnel) under this chapter does not include or permit direct participation by a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.


Georgia Tech Professor scams public with "discovery". Is there a grant for that ?

Nikola Tesla long ago "invented" the wireless transmission of electricity.

When he did, Hartford's JP Morgan (who funded him and Trinity College) asked where Tesla was going to put the electric meter to charge users.

That was the end of it except for a few recent wireless battery chargers and experiments, until its recent "discovery," a fraud on the historical narrative. That's no doubt being perpetrated by investors who now want to use it as a gimmick, and eventually to cut the infrastructure and maintenance costs of copper, poles and employees.

Nobody ? You are lying.

Not only can we run lame consumer plastic and charge batteries, we can transmit it all wirelessly. It's just that for a century, the Germanic and Jewish cabal's barons didn't want it that way.

Now some shill will retort it's bull as they like to do with many Tesla inventions like the one that brought down the World Trade Center (sic.), but that's just the narrative they want you to believe that they also sell the books to promote.

On 22 September 1940, the New York Times "lied" and published Death Ray for Planes:

Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July, 10 tells the writer that he stands ready to divulge to the United States government the secret of his "teleforce," of which he said," airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles, so that an invisible 'Chinese Wall of Defense' would be built around the country against any enemy attack by an enemy air force, no matter how large.

This "teleforce" is based on an entirely new principle of physics, that "no one has ever dreamed about," different from the principles embodied in the in his inventions relating to the transmission of electrical power from a distance, for which he has received a number of basic patents. This new type of force Mr. Tesla said, would operate through a beam one- hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in diameter, and could be generated from special plant that would cost no more then $2,000,000 and would take only about three months to construct.

A dozen such plants, located at strategic points along the coast, according to Mr. Tesla, would be enough to defend the country against all aerial attack. The beam would melt any engine, whether diesel or gasoline driven, and would also ignite the explosives aboard any bomber. No possible defense against it could be devised, he asserts, as the beam would be all-penetrating.

Financially supported by J. Pierpont Morgan, Tesla built the Wardenclyffe laboratory and its famous transmitting tower in Shoreham, Long Island between 1901 and 1905. This huge landmark was 187 feet high, capped by a 68-foot copper dome which housed the magnifying transmitter. It was planned to be the first broadcast system, transmitting both signals and power without wires to any point on the globe. The huge magnifying transmitter, discharging high frequency electricity, would turn the earth into a gigantic dynamo which would project its electricity in unlimited amounts anywhere in the world.

Tesla's concept of wireless electricity was used to power ocean liners, destroy warships, run industry and transportation and send communications instantaneously all over the globe. To stimulate the public's imagination, Tesla suggested that this wireless power could even be used for interplanetary communication. If Tesla were confident to reach Mars, how much less difficult to reach Paris. Many newspapers and periodicals interviewed Tesla and described his new system for supplying wireless power to run all of the earth's industry.

Because of a dispute between Morgan and Tesla as to the final use of the tower. Morgan withdrew his funds. The financier's classic comment was, "If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter?"

The erected, but incomplete tower was demolished in 1917 for wartime security reasons. The site where the Wardenclyffe tower stood still exists with its 100 feet deep foundation still intact. Tesla's laboratory designed by Stanford White in 1901 is today still in good condition and is graced with a bicentennial plaque.

We can be sure that this "discovery" was the result of, and will lead to... grants !

Yes the USA is "broke" but the grant money to corporations and their academic puppets continues to flow like the liquor in the opening scenes of Das Boot.