Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dowd is printed in the New York Times so it must be true...

Maureen Dowd writing in the New York Times continues the non-stop 1943 year long weekly assault on Nero by repeating the standard, Jewish-authorized corporate history:

From Caligula to Nero to Qaddafi, dictators are often not just cruel and evil, but lunatics. It’s very rare to find a rational dictator. Absolute power deranges them and gives them delusions and fantasies. So we shouldn’t be surprised by news reports suggesting the Führer was batty beyond even Mel Brooks’s satire.

Nero bashing is a Jewish establishment propaganda tool and a post World War II bore to establish a drama narrative linking Hitler with Rome. Rome was toppled by the same Germans running you today, and since 476.

The real Nero, and not a New York Times run corporate lie is seen in Tacitus' Annals 15.39 that states:

Nero at this time was at Antium, and did not return to Rome until the fire approached his house, which he had built to connect the palace with the gardens of Maecenas. It could not, however, be stopped from devouring the palace, the house, and everything around it. However, to relieve the people, driven out homeless as they were, he threw open to them the Campus Martius and the public buildings of Agrippa, and even his own gardens, and raised temporary structures to receive the destitute multitude. Supplies of food were brought up from Ostia and the neighbouring towns, and the price of corn was reduced to three sesterces a peck. These acts, though popular, produced no effect, since a rumour had gone forth everywhere that, at the very time when the city was in flames, the emperor appeared on a private stage and sang of the destruction of Troy, comparing present misfortunes with the calamities of antiquity.

Nero didn't start a fire. He didn't play an instrument not invented until the Rothschilds appeared in the 16th century. He didn't function as a tyrant by providing shelter to thousands in his own facilities.

You are Jewish funded Christian puppet liars in support of a Zionist agenda that's killed and maimed millions and it's time you are called out after 1943 years of your hidden hand of terror.

And all her mockery of German planning is a joke, when:

NATO is a Nazi descendant.

Merck is the bank of the Schutzstaffel ie, the SS.

What became Bilderberg tried to meet after Operation Valkyrie at the Chatham Bars Inn on Cape Cod. But don't look to the New York Times to report any truth on a meeting they send representatives to attend.

Bilderberg features the Germanic families of Europe that overthrew the lawful Roman Empire, assassinated lawful Roman rulers and now demand that you not do it to them.

And anyone who isn't in a coma knows about Operation Paperclip that moved thousands of Germans here that gave birth to thousands more ideologues in your midst. Dowd's mockery of German plans is humorous only is the examples she chose that may be farce, but aren't representative of the truth. By choosing those she attempts to disassemble the truth.

Nero did execute Christians. They were breaking the law. It's not hard to understand and hardly rises to gassing Americans' lungs (with all their fake laws and rights) with Geoengineering chemical spraying, or bailing out banks while you threaten to not issue Social Security checks in August.

Tacitus was the Emperor Domitian's historian and Tacitus' historiography is biased to who his patron was and against the Julio-Claudians... all of them.

From William Smith's A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology written in 1873 before the unfortunate matters of WWII and the subsequent guilt conditioning of the planet in favor of Jews, and speaking of the fire (let alone the fiddle that wasn't invented until the 16th century) we see:

The origin of the dreadful conflagration at Rome (A. D. 64) is uncertain. It is hardly credible that the city was fired by Nero's order, though Dion and Suetonius both attest the fact, but these writers are always ready to believe a scandalous tale. Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 15.38) leaves the matter doubtful. The fire originated in that part of the circus which is contiguous to the Caelian and Palatine hills, and of the fourteen regiones of Rome three were totally destroyed, and in seven others only a few halfburnt houses remained. A prodigious quantity of property and valuable works of art were burnt, and many lives were lost. The emperor set about rebuilding the city on an improved plan, with wider streets, though it is doubtful if the salubrity of Rome was improved by widening the streets and making the houses lower, for there was less protection against the heat.

We can see the stories of Suetonius, born after Nero died and writing decades later.

Yet there were some who for a long time decorated his tomb with spring and summer flowers, and now produced his statues on the rostra in the fringed toga, and now his edicts, as if he were still alive and would shortly return and deal destruction to his enemies. Nay more, Vologaesus, king of the Parthians, when he sent envoys to the senate to renew his alliance, earnestly begged this too, that honour be paid to the memory of Nero. In fact, twenty years later, when I was a young man, a person of obscure origin appeared, who gave out that he was Nero, and the name was still in such favour with the Parthians that they supported him vigorously and surrendered him with great reluctance.

That's not the part that the media chants, and they fall apart when again compared to just this one source written before the Politically Correct era:

In his youth Nero was instructed in all the liberal knowledge of the time except philosophy; and he was turned from the study of the old Roman orators by his master Seneca. Accordingly, he applied himself to poetry, and Suetonius says that his verses were not made for him, as some suppose, for the biographer had seen and examined some of Nero's writing-tablets and small books, in which the writing was in his own hand, with many erasures and cancellings and interlineations. He had also skill in painting and modelling. Though profuse and fond of pomp and splendour, Nero had apparently some taste. The Apollo Belvedere and the Fighting Gladiator, as it is called, by Agasias, were found in the ruins of a villa at Antium, which is conjectured to have belonged to Nero. (See Thiersch, Ueber die Epochen der Bildenden Kunst, &c. p. 312, 2d ed.)

So, where I am going with this ?

The post-WWII Jewish-spun corporate publishing house and editor invented and biased Nero propaganda is outrageous. A week doesn't go by without them re-assassinating Nero. The only people who today chant the biased Nero tale are Christians of a certain ilk, and Jews. And mostly, they're Christians.

Linking Hitler, Gaddafi and Nero is bloody propaganda for suckers to obey and to allow the Military Industrial Complex to start wars without restraint for their profit.


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