Thursday, July 21, 2011

Don't think August 2 will happen yet ? USA owes $55,757 from 1790

If the USA still owes $55,757 from 1790, do you really think they can really "solve" their staged impasse in 12 days ?

Come on guys, the Rothschilds and Solomons are waiting.

You obviously already screwed Roman families like the Ottavianos (Octavii), the Euro usurpers in between, and Silas Deane into comparable or total poverty. Don't make the billionaire Jewish coup plotters and their Germanic co-conspirators suffer the same fate needlessly.

One such category: old debt. When Congress first established a debt limit as part of the World War I-era Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917, the limit applied only to new debt. Ninety-four years later, the government still owes $55,757 from its first bond issue in 1790, which was used to pay off the states' Revolutionary War debt.


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