Saturday, July 30, 2011

Where do the Moody's criminals think the poor, old and disabled will eat ?

How many days do you think it takes 46 million unfed, penniless poor, old and disabled to become violent, each in their own way ?

What if they were to find out it was all a scripted sham ?

It's easy for the Jewish and Germanic monied families to spew this sort of propaganda.

They'll simply "order" the poor, old and disabled to soup kitchens, charities and churches all of which report they are virtually empty and crushed under the staged economic crash planned and executed by Bilderberg and other Germanics and Jewish families.

And it's convenient because when they can't pay their bills, credit cards and house payments, bankers will simply tack on extra fees, late fees and overdraft fees automatically (on the justification of Moody's downgrades), and rape the public some more for the misdeeds of said cabal.

Oh my that sounds like a "structural bailout" by force... read that "theft" like 2008 when these same groups threatened Congresss with martial law.

That should tell you who the police and military really work for and it's sad that so few joined with good intentions only to be come ultimate slaves and security forces for these dirtbags as well.

Only a shill or a bribed public official or a police officer dependent on their handouts by poor planning would deny it's a cabal.

Plenty of them are intimately familiar with what was done to Rome by those Germanics and Jewish families' ancestors.

It's a 1535 year long coup d'etat that started 1943 years ago.

It's strange that the day to day newspapers and media are owned by the same companies that print the lie and propaganda history books written by government funded professors.


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