Friday, July 29, 2011

Patrick Administration refuses to obey law, refers its victims to DMH

Deval Patrick is using Soviet style mind games where those who demand they obey the law and make agencies obey the law are being referred to the Department of Mental Health for investigation and intimidation as the Soviets did.

In one case, a maimed SSI recipient and borderline heart transplant case was refused a rectification form for three weeks. They were simply ignored through three weeks of voice mail.

When the person's SNAP benefits unlawfully expired, the victim made the usual rounds of the state and federal representatives, by mail and in person.

Finally after being told five forms were mailed and receiving none, much to the amusement of the postmaster, the individual asserted them self with the Governor's office. The five times the form was supposedly sent were in response to the Governor's office, the state representative, the US representative, the original and a supposed replacement.

Of course those are lies and all five "Democrats" were in on it.

At that time as warned by Alex Jones and others, the Governor himself (based on reports), apparently decided the physically ill party was instead mentally ill for not bowing to tyranny.

The person was referred to the Department of Mental Health and the victim was contacted by a worker to check on their needs, specifically citing that the Governor had decided the person was obviously "off their meds" due to the expiration of SNAP benefits.

It was at that time that the worker determined the case had been misrepresented to her, and that the person was simply seeking to restore their benefits and at the level before the staged sham, and that the DMH worker had been rendered a pawn in a bigger game.

The reduction ? Seventy percent in a collapsing economy for no legal reason.

Do you feed yourself for $73 a month ? No one here can or does.
Obviously, the Patrick administration is conducting itself as it has, refusing to answer FOIA requests, buying themselves new cars, and now they are using the Soviet tactic that if you question them or demand your rights under law, that you must be mentally ill for not being intimidated or skulking away.

If they make the wrong decisions in the next 96 hours , they're going to have 46 million questioning their law breaking... not to mention riots as deranged hacks on both sides order the poor and unfed to charities with empty warehouses for food.


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