Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Should the Phi Beta Kappa descendant of the Octavii be half-dead, refused work and on food stamps ?

After writing the previous entry, it's clear I was harassed out of my benefits by a son of a bitch playing a spite game with me and my penniless, pension less (they murdered my father on 31 May 2008), stroke injured mother.

Does Jason Feinman also work for this coup d'etat ? Maybe. He acts like it.

Phi Beta Kappa ? Rome ? I'm not blowing my own horn.

I'm showing that I worked my ass off too, only to have the United States of America let me be maimed on 31 October 1998 when they knew in advance it would occur, as did the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Bilderberg / Council on Foreign Relations member Merck.

Half dead ? in 1998 this government and its handlers murdered me for their Globalist agenda using Merck and a drug addict doctor they knew about but we didn't, as the tool.

  • Cardiomyopathy... They caused cardiomyopathy, and enlarged my heart to 85 percent of normal
  • Heart transplant... I was one percent off from the emergency transplant list
  • Blood transfusions...They nearly caused me to bleed out, and caused me to lose nearly a pound an hour
  • Neuropathy...They caused me to lose the feeling in my right leg and both arms including my hands; I couldn't feed myself because I couldn't hold a utensil
  • Vasculitis... They caused my veins to become so narrow I needed infant needles
  • Propaganda... They created a cover story in the Wall Street Journal on 5 December 1998, the day that Phi Beta Kappa was formed by the Weishaupt faction, to signal my near murder

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