Sunday, July 31, 2011

They still have to vote (and revisit it after shelving it for after the election)

The Legal Scholar of the Year award goes to the guy in this interview who forgot why he's on SSI.

Kansas Resident on Debt Deal
Updated: Jul 31, 2011 8:38 PM EDT
Posted by Paul Manger - email

While lawmakers are expected to reach an agreement on a debt deal very soon some Southeast Kansas residents say the issue should not have been pushed until the last minute.

The threat of a debt default has been weighing heavily on the mind of Iola resident Jacob Masters.

He receives Social Security as a main source of income and says he'll be in big trouble if it's no longer available.

"I'm on S.S.I. And if they decided to default on this then I'm going to be homeless, I'm going to go have to join the army or something" says Masters.

How are you on SSI if you are able to serve in the Army... or something ?


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