Monday, July 18, 2011

Georgia Tech Professor scams public with "discovery". Is there a grant for that ?

Nikola Tesla long ago "invented" the wireless transmission of electricity.

When he did, Hartford's JP Morgan (who funded him and Trinity College) asked where Tesla was going to put the electric meter to charge users.

That was the end of it except for a few recent wireless battery chargers and experiments, until its recent "discovery," a fraud on the historical narrative. That's no doubt being perpetrated by investors who now want to use it as a gimmick, and eventually to cut the infrastructure and maintenance costs of copper, poles and employees.

Nobody ? You are lying.

Not only can we run lame consumer plastic and charge batteries, we can transmit it all wirelessly. It's just that for a century, the Germanic and Jewish cabal's barons didn't want it that way.

Now some shill will retort it's bull as they like to do with many Tesla inventions like the one that brought down the World Trade Center (sic.), but that's just the narrative they want you to believe that they also sell the books to promote.

On 22 September 1940, the New York Times "lied" and published Death Ray for Planes:

Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July, 10 tells the writer that he stands ready to divulge to the United States government the secret of his "teleforce," of which he said," airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles, so that an invisible 'Chinese Wall of Defense' would be built around the country against any enemy attack by an enemy air force, no matter how large.

This "teleforce" is based on an entirely new principle of physics, that "no one has ever dreamed about," different from the principles embodied in the in his inventions relating to the transmission of electrical power from a distance, for which he has received a number of basic patents. This new type of force Mr. Tesla said, would operate through a beam one- hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in diameter, and could be generated from special plant that would cost no more then $2,000,000 and would take only about three months to construct.

A dozen such plants, located at strategic points along the coast, according to Mr. Tesla, would be enough to defend the country against all aerial attack. The beam would melt any engine, whether diesel or gasoline driven, and would also ignite the explosives aboard any bomber. No possible defense against it could be devised, he asserts, as the beam would be all-penetrating.

Financially supported by J. Pierpont Morgan, Tesla built the Wardenclyffe laboratory and its famous transmitting tower in Shoreham, Long Island between 1901 and 1905. This huge landmark was 187 feet high, capped by a 68-foot copper dome which housed the magnifying transmitter. It was planned to be the first broadcast system, transmitting both signals and power without wires to any point on the globe. The huge magnifying transmitter, discharging high frequency electricity, would turn the earth into a gigantic dynamo which would project its electricity in unlimited amounts anywhere in the world.

Tesla's concept of wireless electricity was used to power ocean liners, destroy warships, run industry and transportation and send communications instantaneously all over the globe. To stimulate the public's imagination, Tesla suggested that this wireless power could even be used for interplanetary communication. If Tesla were confident to reach Mars, how much less difficult to reach Paris. Many newspapers and periodicals interviewed Tesla and described his new system for supplying wireless power to run all of the earth's industry.

Because of a dispute between Morgan and Tesla as to the final use of the tower. Morgan withdrew his funds. The financier's classic comment was, "If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter?"

The erected, but incomplete tower was demolished in 1917 for wartime security reasons. The site where the Wardenclyffe tower stood still exists with its 100 feet deep foundation still intact. Tesla's laboratory designed by Stanford White in 1901 is today still in good condition and is graced with a bicentennial plaque.

We can be sure that this "discovery" was the result of, and will lead to... grants !

Yes the USA is "broke" but the grant money to corporations and their academic puppets continues to flow like the liquor in the opening scenes of Das Boot.


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