Thursday, July 28, 2011

Congress stages debt ceiling charade to make you thankful you got a cut rate check

CNN immorally asks:

Can they pay UTC ? Raytheon ? Amdocs ? Lockheed ? The Russians for Soyuz ? The "government" of Afghanistan ?

Liars !

...the two main reasons for this dereliction of duty by America’s pastors and churches are the IRS 501c3 non-profit tax status, which turns the Lord’s church into a government corporation; and the erroneous, fallacious interpretation of Romans chapter 13 that teaches Christians are obligated to submit to government regardless of whether government acts within the confines and jurisdiction of God’s law or not. In reality, the American church today, on the whole, is not even a church. It is a government corporation whose loyalty is offered first to Caesar, not to Christ, and whose message is first politically correct before it is Biblically correct.

You're all "official" liars and your "God" is a false control grid against simpleton fools who are ignorant of history and don't know you usurped Roman religion and replaced it with your own cartoon characters edited over time, and guided by a Jewish cabal.

CNN: The 28 million Americans expecting their payments on Aug. 3 will have to wait and see. Another 27 million people are scheduled to get checks later in the month.

More and more the corporate media thugs are easing into the nonsense, as they talk more and more of what we knew. Indeed, Paul Craig Roberts writing on Infowars said it as well.

They're going to de facto kill your Social Security and other checks for a month or more, and when you do nothing but mouth off and it's safe to come out, they're going to restore it at a cut rate and make you grateful even as they pay police $125,000 while claiming they have no money.

CNN: Missing Social Security payments is no small matter. The checks represent about 41% of the income of the elderly. Many seniors depend on it for 90% or more of their income.

I pick on police salaries because their salaries are the result of the staged terror and mass on-ground murder of 9/11 conducted on the day of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest that stopped Roman expansion against the usurper Germanics.

It was the Germanic and Jewish attack on America by the same families that assassinated my ancestors in Rome to get where they are today. But don't you do it to the Hidden Hand. They're special.

No, not really.

To make themselves "official," they spent 1943 years distracting you by murderous war after war. When the people grew tired after WWII, they devised a Cold War to keep industry going, and small murderous fires to put out like Vietnam. All this was done while paying off what would become unionized police that then uplifted unionized government workers.

So I ask again why there is so much money ready for banker bond holders, foreign bond holders, rich bond holders and the Military Industrial Complex to get their ransom, and supposedly none for the humans ?

Do you think the public will riot so you can mow them down as you do in Iraq and Afghanistan when they don't obey your "lawful" orders ?

"Lawful" ?

Since your handlers are in power by assassinating my family, no order they give can be lawful as Augustus claimed this land for Rome.

You will refuse your orders if they are illegal.

You live once and neither of those cartoons above are going to get you if you refuse to murder, yet again, for the Hidden Hand.

If you fight a cabal know this.

You're not going to burn in a fictional hell. They're illegal usurpers that started their coup d'etat in Europe in 476 after overthrowing Rome, and they caused the fire of the Vestal Virgins to be unlawfully extinguished.

Would they say their ancestors are burning in "hell" at this moment for what they unlawfully did on 11 September 9 ? Or for what they did on 11 September 2001 ?


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