Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Crooked Cape Cod needs an FBI Enema

The father of a Little League all-star says his son spent a harrowing seven hours Saturday as the passenger of an off-duty Barnstable police detective who was allegedly drunk.

George Morse, a Falmouth constable, will face a charge that he impersonated a police officer in his attempt to fix a motor vehicle ticket issued to his stepson.

Take the disciplinary action against former Brewster police Officer Joseph Houston, who assaulted and urinated on concertgoers at a Metallica concert in Boston. Even though Houston pleaded guilty to trespassing and assault charges, and has agreed to end legal attempts to get his job back, the executive session minutes — the written record of what was discussed and/or decided by town officials in closed-door meetings — are still classified top secret 14 months later!

I thought unions were for immigrant sweat shop garment workers to be protected against their bosses abuse in 1923, not to give drunks $50,000 to $125,000 to be "lawless" government workers operating under useless elected and appointed Cape Cod political hacks.



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